Chapter 10 - In Her Realm

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“Wake up.” a calm voice welcomed me back to my senses. I’ve decided to sleep right after Jenny left because were waiting for her to appear but, with no luck. And I’m very sleepy. I never thought that the night would be this cold though. I still can’t open my eyes because of my drowsiness. I just groaned in reply.

“Wake up.” The voice grew stronger. I was thinking that I’m hearing Jenny’s voice but as she repeats those words, it seems that I’m wrong.

I opened my eyes, expecting to see everyone waking me up for dinner.

But I was way too wrong.

Im still in my room but I’m all alone. And the worst part is…

Everything’s gray. Every color I see is a pitch shade of gray.

“Jenny, Paolo! Allan! “ I tried to call out to the others. “Where are you!”

“Shhh.” The female voice went back, whispering in my ears.

She’s behind me isn’t she.

I can feel her cold body from behind. I can feel her oh so scary presence that makes me unable to move because of fear, that feeling that I have when I’m dreaming about being chased by ghosts or monsters or killers … I can feel it again, right now. I feel so helpless and I just looked down … only to see her arms from behind, wrapping around my waist.And then, and then….

I felt that cold feeling coming from her body soon become warmth. The fear had also faded away with the cold as she gripped  me ever so tightly. Her hug was so welcoming, a part of me told that I missed these kinds of moments. When someone really actually cared about me , like my mom cared about me back then. I felt it again this time.

Ugh.. why do I need to experience mixed feelings of fear and comfort on this ghost?

She rested her head ever so softly onto my back and leaned to me more. It’s almost as if she was hugging back someone that she really missed for so long.

Somehow I felt her loneliness, being replaced with joy with this hug. I can feel it because that’s what I also feel, my loneliness being replaced with happiness.

She let out a sigh. her voice was so comforting. Every second that she’s holding me makes me feel so secured. I think I am being  enchanted right now. All I could do now is to give in because I’ve got nothing else to do but to stay.

She then started to speak softly and sweetly.

“I’ve missed you … so much … my .. prince…”

“What?” I replied. “Me? Prince?”

“You, you don’t remember?” She loosened her grip.

She then proceeded to tighten again her grip. This time it kinda hurts. It’s still warm and cuddly , but it hurts. “My prince…. it’s me…. we’re …. we’re…”

I finally regained control over myself again. “We’re what?”

She totally loosened her grip. “You… you don’t remember anything, do you?”

I turned around to face her . She looks so… majestic, as always. “Wha…what do you mean? I’ve always been like… this. “

She backed away. “No… you are not…”

“What? then please, who am I then, if I’m not Antonio.”

“You are Antonio. Prince Antonio….” She looked me straight in the eye.

“Oh, no no no. I’m not a prince . I’m just a regular guy.” I shrugged off.

“Yes , you are. “ She looked sideways. “He even removed you memories. This is not … amusing…”

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