Chapter 7 - With Friends Like These...

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I was just in time to see the professor in shock. I surveyed the old piano room only to find the Heather piano.... gone.

The old piano room was full of cleaning stuffs and it was clean. Really clean. maybe they're going to use this room into an office of some sort.

"Where is the piano? " Surveyed professor Zimilan.

"It should" I sadly replied.

"Oh great." Paolo whined. "Now what?"

I can't believe it. Even the piano is gone.

"Arrgh , Tony. I don't know how it is for you but... I really wanna see you free from that ghost burden... well, thing." Paolo said.

"Thanks. I appreciate that. I'd love to but-"

"oh well," Professor Zimilan sighed "I think we just need to bring  a piano here in this room pronto. Could someone contact the logistics team of this school?"

"We, we don't know their contact, professor. We just got here." I said.

"Right." Paolo added.

"Arggh." The professor grunted. "Where could they have taken that damn Heather!?" The professor just started to look outside and think.

"Can't we just play it in an organ back home, Tony?" Paolo suggested.

"That would be a good idea..." The professor intefered "... If it will work."

"What do you mean 'if it will work' ? I think we just need to play that song and voila, buhbye ghostly ....whatever it is!" Paolo said.

The professor turned to us again " No, it should be here, in this exact room. Not anywhere, but here. " he looked again at the window "And I'm not even sure about playing it in an organ..."

"But even so," the prof added "...we still have a long run, we still have three books , I mean, verses to find. This verse would just unlock something that would help Mr. Villanueva get free from this ... thing, but it's not enought to be the sole solution at this point."

"Yes, Paolo. The professor is right." I agreed.

"I hope, you'd understand me as Antonio understood, Paolo." Professor Zimilan said as he went near us again.

I can see Paolo clenching fists ... and his head steaming like a locomotive gearing up for travel.

"Where.... did you get this information, huh Professor?" He said.

"I-I have resources." The professor stammered." They aren't entirely true but....I just know that you need to play at this exact room." The professor answered the doubts of Paolo.

"What? Can't just Antonio play that somewhere he wants?" Paolo reassured.

"Because.. that's not how it works! How many times would I have to tell you that!?" Professor Zimilan strongly suggested.

I can't believe it. I think I could end everything ... the ghost stuff, everything, right here... right now, I'm imagining everything that has happened , from my first fateful encounter to that ghost... down to my last...the feeling, the coldness... the visions....

"How could you be so sure, Prof!? You haven't even tried it yourself!"

Could ... could it mean that ... will I experience another night with that... ghost?

"I haven't tried it because it never happened to me in the first place!"

Yeah, she's beautiful and all, but everytime I see her, my knees get weak, my head spins around like crazy... my body hurts from extreme cold... I pass out often...

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