Chapter 17: Merging Thoughts

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Dear Diary,

                I know you're not seeing the things that I've done today but I sure hope that you did ! We finally finished practicing three pieces for the emperor's visit in our lovely academy here, in the Kingdom district. The pieces were just the plays that we did when we were in Windy City, and we added 'The Man Who Never Found Love' , you know, the cover that I did when we were in Windy City as well. The one that we posted in JamZam. Oh diary, if you could only see me now.

                Of course there was tragedies and heartbreaks on the way, Paolo breaking up with such a famous and beautiful girl. Oh, I guess Paolo would have to live with it now, wouldn't he? I just can't get it. Why can't he just apologize to Yuki or something? I guess he would rather spend the days of his life with regret, huh? I just , really really feel bad for him but I hope he gets it. Things turn out for the best , anyway, so let's see what he'll do with this one.

                And of course, Allan and Jenny was really happy together when we ate ice cream again.Heh, I never really expected this  since Jenny threw a mic stand over Allan earlier and Allan just gushed blood out his forehead, haha. Pretty painful to look at you know. Hmm, I never really knew what Allan and Jenny has but I'm pretty sure its something that childhood friends can only understand. The thing that I saw today.

                Pretty much, we're ready. Two days to go before the final event. We received a message directly from the school just to be sure.

                One thing still bothers me though, she's still not appearing. Could it be that she really, was gone? That ghost that really must have never bothered me... Now , I'm freaking missing her. what could have--

"I'm never gone, Antonio."

I dropped my pen in panick.

She's .... She's

"Allan!?? Paolo!!! Je-"

"Shh..." She reappeared at my left, dominating me with her black stare. Her eyes are as... as black as the night.

"They can't hear you. You're in my dimension."

She's right, I'm back. Everything's gray again. I can see my diary but I can't touch it. I tried to grab it but instead, it turned to dust the moment my fingers touched the paper.

Panick sets in once more as she leaned in closer. "Did you miss me, my prince?"

I stumbled down the floor, falling , left shoulder first, but still looking at the ghost. "What do you want!?"

"My name, prince. MY NAME!!!" Her face turned to pinkish red,  her tears falling as I hear her sob. Her tears turn into red as it fell down the floor.

"I HATE THIS PLACE!!! I WANT TO GO BACK WITH YOU, ANTONIO!!!" the tears spread out the floor, changing the floor's color from grey to red. Her eyes focused at me.

"I - I don't understand!?" I freakingly replied. "I don't know wh-what.."

She floated two feet from the air as the whole room turned to red. She let out a deafening cry that instantly made me cover my ears with my hands as I curled up to ease the pain my ears are having right now. It's like 5 microphones got static all at the same time.

She shrieked even further, but I can see her float down and her face lighten again.

She fell to her knees.Putting her hands to her face, as if covering her eyes.

Her body movements strongly suggest that she's ... still sobbing.

"How could you forget me, Antonio?"

"I'm .... I'm sorry." That's all I could say, since I'm still shaking. "I... I don't"

"We had a bond." She's still in that position. "We had one."

She looked at me, placing her hands down her lap. Her tears ,still falling. "Do you remember that?"

Bond. That's Daromelanian tongue for "engagement", a thing that you do before marrying someone here. You can't wed I'f you're not bonded , or so they say.

"No, I'm sorry." I said.

"Aswang...aswang tricked me!" She immediately put her hand to her face a gain to cover her tears.

"As...aswang?" I just dazzedly replied.

"I... I thought he could be trusted.. I said.." She removed her hands again, "I said I want to spend forever ... with you..."

"He... He promised forever...He promised immortality, for the both of us..." She continued, "for a price. ".

"Price?" I asked.

"He told me ... that I will forget my name in the process."

She looked away. "When I forgot my name, I , I...."

"It's okay, since I can ask it when I get back home. Instead, they ... forgot it too."

Woah, weird.

She disappeared... and reappeared next to me, grabbing my arm. "Only you, my love. Only you remembered it. You said it to me loud and clear."

"But when you did," She disappeared. "You went away, and never came back."

"You went away with my name. Everyone started to call me just the princess back then since... They don't know what happened to my name..."

She reappeared next to the window. "They searched everywhere for my name, but all they can see is a weird combination of letters that... that... they... can't ..."

"They can't?" I asked again.

"They.. can't understand." She answered. "I tried to starve, but I can't die, since... Im immortal. yes, I am now, since Aswang gave it to me."

she reappeared next to me again. "But I never thought I'll be spending an eternity without you. He said, he said, only..."

"Only my name would get things back the way it was."

God. Freaking Aswang.

"The way it was?" I said.

"I, I don't know either for sure." She replied confusedly. "I don't really know what  he meant."

"I'm sorry. I still don't know your name." I apologized.

"Can... can I ..." she disappeared.

"Can you... what?" I darted back.

"Can I see things the way you see them?" She reappeared at my back. I'm eager to turn back but I .. I somehow don't want to.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Can I ... be part of your dimension?" She replied with a question.

"I , I don't know how!" I scratched my head.

"I ... I can appear in your room now, can I? I think... I can... I can appear in the old room as... well." She said.

"But, but how? How will I know if you'll appear?" I said.

"Just... play anything... anything ." She replied. "And I'll appear."

"And then? After you appear? what will happen?" I turned to face her.

She's gone.

Appear, In my dimension? What's she talking about? Could it have something to do with the professor?

I'm stupid. Of course it is. I need professor's help. I hope we, we can make her join me here. But I don't know how, or why. Especially why.

"Hey!" I demanded her presence once again. "Where are you!"

"Tony! Everything all right?" Paolo knocked at my door, but it opened anyway.

"Uhh... yeah." I just said, I just stared at my unfinished diary entry.

"She came back, didn't she?" He asked.

"Well... yeah... but... don't worry." I looked at the window.

"I finally got a clue... to finally solve this nightmare of mine." I let out a proud grin.

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