Chapter 6 - Different Plane

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“Oh hey Antonio!” Jenny said happily as she saw us near the cafeteria. They were seating in the six seater table just beside the window. The cafeteria looks like a futuristic place, unlike the rest of the academy. It’s shining white walls and circular columns , everything is white really, to the chairs and the tables and the uniforms of the food boys and cashiers.It’s sparkling clean too. looks like it has an automatic cleaning system that gives a great look to the whiteness of the place. It has this awesome aromatic smell combined with the smell of steak and meat dishes. yum yum.

Jenny has just started to eat a gigantic three-scooped ice cream that she always wants to eat when she visits here. I can see Allan and Paolo coming from the cashier’s counter with their food. Allan’s holding up a tray with a gigantic burger and Paolo, well , already started to eat a very large hotdog sandwich.

“Oh.. I see you started without me. “ I just said in , sigh, disbelief.

Paolo stopped eating for a moment “Well, this bypass hotdog can’t wait for anyone, dude. “ He said.

“Yeah, we waited for you for like , ten minutes. “ Allan added.

“Well, “ Jenny added “if Paolo didn’t screamed like a kid, we could have waited longer.”

“Hey!” Paolo darted to Jenny. “ i was just really …. hungry .”

I bowed in disbelief “ Oh you guys…”

“hey, “ Angela snapped me in my moment of disappointment, “Let’s go grab something to eat. i’m kinda hungry too. “

I just followed her.

“hey, get back here soon.” Jenny said.

I just waved my hand as a reply.

as we went near the counter, I saw the lineup of the greatest dishes in all of Daromelania. All the best meats are lined up here .. and for a fair price! And the fact that I can get them for free this time makes my hunger grow every second. Err, I think I’m gonna order that burger fries combo that dad has always talked about. 

“I’ll take this, please” Angela politely requested the ice cream special from the attendant. The attendant then proceeded to take three heaping scoops of double dutch, daromelanian’s special , which is butterscotch with cheese, and finally topped with dark chocolate.

Yum, I want some ice cream too but, I need to take care of my voice. I’m not a Jenny though. Jenny can sing any note perfectly even if she’s eaten three gallons of ice cream just before singing onstage - and still be in perfect shape! Darn , I wanna have those qualities. ..

“I’ll take the special bun meal please. “ I said. That’s the name of the famous burger only found in the academy. it’s a giant burger filled with extraordinary wild boar meat and lots of coleslaw and tomato sauce. It has cheese toppings that can only be found in some parts in the Daromel region. And the smell beats all the other meals in the room. It made me rush back to my table, but I forgot - I’m mad at my bandmates. Not for leaving me alone earlier, but from leaving me at the moments when I need company. I’m getting haunted by a ghost for The Superior’s Sake! And it’s not just an ordinary ghost, it’s the type of ghost that can strap on to me forever! Yet they seemed that they didn’t care!

“Hey,” Angela snapped “What’s on your mind? You seem to be… sad. “ She noticed.

“I , I’m just concerned about the ghost…  “ I replied.

She just smiled.

“You too?” I confronted her.

She sighed. “Why don’t we take a different table? It seems that you don’t want to be with them for now. “ She suggested.

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