Chapter 19- Into The Clubs(Psychology Club)

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mehehehe, I looked silent earlier so that he wouldn't know what's coming. I'll make the pan hit his head this time. JUST YOU WAIT ALLAN!!!!

"Hey Jenny," Oh, Paolo snapped me out of my imagination. "You're thinking aloud again."

Oh, is it? I'm sorry. "What's it to you!?"

"Not me. Them." He pointed to the people that's staring at me.

Oh my, I'm so sorry. "What's it to them!?"

Paolo laughed. "Heh, sometimes, you don't have to hide what you really want to say."

Oh my, did he noticed? "What are you talking about? that's what I wanna say!"

He bopped my shoulder with his. "Oh Jenny. If only Allan can see you right now."


"Hey, don't boil up. Your club is up."


"Alright." I replied calmly. But that Allan will really , really pay. Allan's been a real douche to me this week. I don't know why. Him meeting other girls... flirting! I thought he said that he's gonna work hard to earn my trust back!? Is this how he will earn it? no, no, no!

I looked to the classroom at my right, where Paolo entered. He looked back.

"I'll see you at the music club later."

I just nodded.

Alright. Jenny, compose yourself together. You don't know these people yet , so you need to become discreet and go. with. your. head. down...

As I entered the room... I had a strange feeling. That feeling when I'm on.. stage. The feeling that ...

people are looking at me.

Sigh, they are. I'm the vocalist, I forgot. They all remember the vocalist. Can't hide in thin air. I wish I can though.

Some of the guys are approaching me with papers and pens readied.

"Can I have your autograph?"

"You can sit beside me?"

"Oh my you're such a cutie in person!"

"Autograph please!"

"Guys ... please.." I replied calmly while giving myself a sigh. "One at a time."

Then , everyone just fell silent but their papers are still presented to me. I feel so honored. Wow, the perks of being a vocalist sure is pretty.

Oh, fine. I'll give them what they want. But I'll go first with the girls. Ohh, theres one on my left. I signed it with my pen and gave her a thank you.

but as I sign the second paper, a professor came in . Oh my I think that's not a professor.

That's a dude. And he's .. he has this model-like body and he's tall... and that handsome clean , white face...

His nose was also just attractively pointed and his blue eyes.His bright blue eyes... This guy has definitely got my attention!Oh!

and I caught his. "Oh, Miss Jenny. It's a pleasure for us for you to join our club."

"No, no.The pleasure is all mine." I said,

He approached me with his hand extended. "I'm Trevor."

Oh, too straightforward, but okay. "Nice to meet you. "

Oh my, he's still clinging with my hand.

"It's good to finally greet you in person. My sister is really fond of you."

"Oh, that's good. " I smiled. Pleaase let go of my hand... please let go of your warm, manly hands... or not.

But he did. Aww that was ... :(

then , he went to the platform again as we found our seats. I sat next to two girls, who are just smiling at me ... oh I know what you're thinking deep inside you bitches.

"And for the rest of you, I am Trevor Garamonde. And this is jackass."

Besides fro mthe girls that's also busy chekcing him out, he's the only one who laughed after he said that. But he made me giggle too. :)

"I'm sorry. I was just kidding. Welcome to our psychology club."

Garamonde? What? Allan's a Garamonde... or was it Paolo? Oh, I'm confused!

"I am the acting president of the club since the leader is in current medication, but she'll be alright."

"Okay, I see..." He started a roll call. We are all twenty three in the room.

"Alright! fifteen girls and eight guys. This is great. Now, since I don't have any particular ice breakers with me, why don't we just start with introducing ourselves? When I call you, you say your name , then the reason why you chose this club."

"You miss, there on the left." He pointed at the girl to his right. "We'll start off with you."

"Oh, right. " She agreed and she turned around. She had full cheeks and brown hair. Must be a middle nation fella. "I am Daphne, and I joined the club because..."

She cleared her throat. Maybe she got nervous of all the twenty-two other people that's staring at her. "I joined because I want to learn more about my brain."

"And that you will get, Daphne." He winked at her. Oh, he's a bit of a playboy, huh. Just like... Grr...

"Hey, Jenny, why don't you introduce yourself?" He snapped my anger by calling at me.Somehow, I feel relieved with his presence. Oh.. what is with me?

"Sure.. Uhm.." I stood up from my seat. "Hello, I am Jenny. And as you may already know." I giggled. "yeah, so I joined this club because... I wanna know much more about person's behaviors and... stuff."

"You know, you already have a head start." He winked at me. "You're already a girl."

Ohh this playboy... He just reminds me of Allan.. Grr...

"But " He wondered. He wonders like Tony... That is so.. cute...

"I was actually thinking of joining the music club. I was playing at my house and I wanted to enhance my skills ... " He frowned. "Too bad there isn't ."

Okay, that went out of context.what's that supposed to mean?

"Or are my information wrong, Jenny?" He winked again. Damn he likes to wink.

"Well, we are starting the club , yes." I confirmed. Well, we need members.

As I announced , all the guys just said "Join me in!" or "Teach me!" or "I wanna sign up!"

I guess we don't need members. "There will be a screening though. "

They just frowned. There, I broke their egos.

Except for Trevor, who just laughed at it. "I'll be looking forward to that."

This guy's pretty cocky. "You think you got what it takes?" I winked.

"Oh , I got just more, miss Jenny." as expected , he winked back.

Hmm.. this Trevor guy... this Trevor guy caught my eye. Let's see what he's made of.

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