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whenever i read a modern school fanfic i always like to know the lesson time table so this is it

8:45-8:55 am ~ registration
9:00 - 9:55 ~ period one
10:00 - 10:55 ~period two
10:55 - 11:20 ~ break
11:25 – 12:15 ~ period three
12:20 – 13:20~ period four
13:20 – 13:50 ~ first lunch
13:50 – 14:15 ~ second lunch

14:20 – 14: 40 ~ registration and or assembly
14:45 – 15: 40 ~ period five
145:40 ~ end of school

The school is split into different buildings, each holding there own subject, the letter telling you which building and the number telling you which room. Of that building.
The humanities and languages block~ all door numbers start with H for example it will say on your. Timetable for a humanities lesson H8
Music block~ all door numbers start with a F but only two rooms are music rooms and the rest are practice rooms for students to use during break and lunch. These rooms are F1 and F2.
The pe block~ only changing rooms and a dance studio so no letter
The English block~ all door numbers start with E, for example E5
The design and technology block or DT block~ all or numbers begin with C, for example C2
The science block ~ all numbers begin with S, for example S6
The mathematics block~ all numbers begin with M for example M4

some more info~
You are a year 11 student (or grade 10 if American, I will be using English year system so sorry for any Americans out there ;-;)

You are currently taking your GCSE's (*sigh* so am I they are a pain in the butt)

You are 15

You play serveral instruments-

-Saxaphone ~ grade eight

-piano ~ grade eight

-guitar ~ grade seven

-ukulele ~ self taught

-harmoica ~ self taught

-bass saxophone ~ self taught

-bass clarinet ~ self taught

-reorder ~ self taught

-violin ~ self taught

-singer ~ grade eight

You write a lot of your own songs, mainly lyrical songs but sometimes classical piano pieces.

You play in many concerts and are part of a worldwide known choir, known for competing in many competitions and winning every time

Your not fussed when it comes to make-up and clothing so you go the natural look, not one of those girls who dress to impress

Future dream ~ to be a secondary school music teacher

Character ~ shy at first but then open up to your peers the friendlier you are with them, bubbly, talented in music and mathematics, dyspraxic (definition- a developmental disorder of the brain in childhood causing difficulty in activities requiring coordination and movement.), difficulty with English, caring, kind, loving, friendly, hardworking, loyal, pretty (oh yes you are ;)) and trustworthy. (you sound so perfect wish I was like you DX only thing I relate to with this story is the dyspraxia, yes I'm dyspraxic, andthe music, yes I play all those instruments and yes I have no free time XD ............. Kill me pls...........)

Parents are often on business trips so you see them once every month or sometimes once every two months causing you to live alone and fend for yourself. Your parents are very kind though and care for you very much sending you plenty of money each week for clothes, groceries, time with friends and for your own use.

overall you have had a lovely life but defiantly not stress free from all the instrument you (will) play!

i will not publish chapter one just yet as i want to try and get near the end of my first levi x reader {my clean freak} which will not be very long only a couple more main events then WHAM another levi x reader in your face! ^3^ x

i really really really really really really really hope you enjoy the story and iApologise in advance for my terrible spelling and grammar mistakes,gomen gomen gomen gomen gomen *bows repeatedly*

so any way hope you liked this mini intro and have a lovely day/night xxx

besu-chan xxx

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