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Reminder that the images of the dresses are on chapter 21 and I will only be writing about the main parts in Romeo and Juliet so Romeos and Julie's first line, the ball, balcony scene, Paris and Juliet and the ending.
=*~*=*~*=*~ this symbolises change of scene.


Your PoV~

I watched Eren and Armin through the side curtains as they performed their scene, Armin playing Benvolio and of course Eren as Romeo.

"Good morrow cousin" Armin says cheerfully

"Is the day so young?" Eren exasperates loudly

"But new struck nine" Armin says, his voice laced with concern

"Ay me! Sad hours so long, was that my...." I watch intently as the two boys continue their brilliant performance soon it was my turn to go up onto the brightly lit stage.


Erens PoV ~

Me and Armin had finished another scene of when we see the invitation list to the capulet a ball and (y/n), Sasha and z all enter centre stage.

"how now who calls?" (Y/n) asks Sasha innocently

"Your mother" Sasha replies

"Madam I am here.." Juliet replies. Mikasa, playing lady capulet talks to the (y/n) about the marriage of her and Paris so in this case Levi. The maid, who Sasha plays says some inappropriate lines at points causing (y/n to profusely blush, Sasha just to laugh her head off like a madman and Mikasa is left scowling. The scene finishes and (y/n runs off stage to change into a beautiful night themed ball dress which made her look just as beautiful as her other dress.

Your PoV ~

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." Eren grasps my wrist pulling us to the side of the stage, behind some curtains, he stares lustfully into my eyes.

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss" I go along with the play and our hands connect holding each other's, we stare at each other wistfully.

"Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged." Eren leans in and I close my eyes waiting for his lips on mine, he passionately kisses me dipping me back while wrapping his arms round my waist and lower back. I can't say it wasn't an enjoyable kiss. Only it wasn't to be the last one for tonight

"Then have my lips the sin that they have took" I say touching my lips, partly acting and partly out of shock. I can feel everybody's smirks from behind those very curtains.

"Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged Give me my sin again." He kisses me for a second time, his hands holding the back of my head and his fingers gently playing with my hair as my arms are laced round his neck. The scene finishes and we run off stage and I change into my nightgown for the balcony scene. I tried it on and it was extremely short, it was just above mid thigh. It was a bit tight in the chest area, but before I could protest a member of the stage crew was ushering me out of my changing room and up a ladder where i ended up on the balcony. I stare out onto the now dark stage to represent the night. I could hear Eren below me, looking up to me and watching me.

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