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Levis pov~

I walked back into the hospital, (y/n)s pianos results where in a brown folder tucked under my arm. I start walking down the long corridors towards the garden.

"Oi Levi!" I turn around and see Farlen jogging towards me.

"You going to see (y/n)?" He asks I nod and we start walking towards the hospital gardens. The automatic doors slide open and me and Farlen walk into the garden. Hanji and Isabel where sitting on a bench underneath a large oak tree talking and watching (y/n). (Y/n) was leaning over the arm of the wheelchair picking up a golden leaf then sitting back up and studying it. She looked beautiful. The way her hair fell around shoulders like a (h/c) waterfall. Her (e/c) eyes gleamed in the late autumn sunlight, each one shinning like an individual sun themselves. A gust of wind caused the leaf to fly out of her hand and up towards the sky. She spun her head upwards to watch the leaf, the wind blew her hair either side of her smooth face. She tucked the strands of hair behind her ears and glanced towards the us. I was frozen and in awe of her beauty. She smiled that beautiful toothy grin of hers and waved towards us. She started wheeling herself to me and Farlen, pushing down hard on the wheel rungs.

"Hey (y/n)! You look beautiful per usual" Farlen says hugging her and giving her a kiss on the cheek, making my blood boil. He turns to me and smirks obviously doing it to tease me.

"Thank you Farlen!" She says blushing.

"And hello Levi!" She says looking towards me and smiling.

"Hey (y/n), how are you?" I ask

"Pretty good actually, it's nice to get some fresh air" she's says looking up towards the baby blue sky.

"I'm just gonna say hi to Hanji and Isabel " Farlen says darting towards the two girls leaving us on our own, once again purposefully. I spin (y/n)s wheelchair around causing her to grip the arms chair and squeal.

"Levi! Be careful!" She giggles. I start to push her and I take her around the garden. She lets out comments every now about how beautiful the scenery is. We do a loop and end up back where Isabel, Farlen and Hanji where sitting.

"Have a nice time love birds?" Hanji says snickering.

"If you want a distorted face along with the next comment you make keep going" I say bitterly.

"Annyyway..." (Y/n) says raising her eyebrows and clamping her hands together.

"I wanna see my results!" She says grasping towards the brown envelop that was still tucked under my arm. I hand it to her and she holds it in front of her face, she takes a deep breath and tears a tiny bit of the corner up. Everybody sits on the edge of their seats anticipating the answer

"Nope, I can't do it. Levi you open it" she says thrusting the results back into my arms, causing everyone to let out an annoyed sigh. I nod a tear open the flap of paper, I pull out the sheet of paper with the comments on and lastly pull out the certificate. I scan the page until I reach the final result.

"You got a distinction"
Hanji and Isabel  jump up hug each other then hug (y/n). (Y/n) was smiling gleefully and tightly hugged the girls back.

"Well done (y/n) we all knew you could do it" Farlen says patting her shoulder.

"Thank you, all of you..." She says looking up at Farlen then the rest of us.

"We better get you back, it's almost been two hours" Isabel says. I wanted to protest and spend more time with her but I wanted her to be well for the operation that was in a few days. (Y/n) nodded and I started pushing (y/n) again towards the lift.

Time skip~

We reached her room and Sarah sorted out her needles and cannulas again while Isabel and Hanji changed (y/n) into her pajamas.

"Did you enjoy today (y/n)?" Farlen asks

"It was amazing thank you guys"

"Oh (y/n), I forgot to give you your magazine " I say unzipping my rucksack and taking out the magazine.

"Thank you levi!!" She says squealing with delight.

"No problem"

"I better get to bed guys, I don't wanna keep you here as well" she says smiling sadly

"We will see you tomorrow (y/n)" Isabel says as the three of them walk away.

"Come on Levi, go home and sleep in a proper bed you havnt slept in one since I got here and that was nearly a week ago!" (Y/n) tuts.

"What makes you think I'm ever gonna leave you?"

"The facts that your bags, have bags now leave" she says pointing towards the door teasingly

"Nope, in fact I'm gonna make sure of it" I walk up to the side of her bed and clamber under the covers with her.

"You've always been a stubborn bastard levi" she says snuggling her face into my chest, I can feel her smirk against my skin.

"Yes I have, and I don't plan on changing it" she smiles again and I wrap her into a hug.

"Night (y/n)"

"Night.... Levi...."

Time skip~

It was the day of the operation. After (y/n) had recovered from it ( which would possibly take a day or two) she would be discharged with a broken leg in a cast and a few stitches for souvenirs. Sarah had changed (y/n) into a blue and white hospital operation dress, Hanji, Isabel, farlen, Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Jean where all here to see (y/n) through it. (Y/n) was lying down in bed and a few nurses where attending to her. They place a mask over her face where she inhales some sleeping gas, they remove it shortly afterwards. I walk up to her side and take her hand.

"Hey..." I mumble

"Hey... Levi..." She mumbles tiredly.

"You think.... I'm gonna make.... It?" She says a sad smile plastered on her face. Her grip becoming looser by the second

"I'm sure of it" she smiles and the nurses start unlocking the locks on the wheels of the bed. (Y/n) gives me a smile and her hand weakly falls away from mine, her whole body was limp and her eyes where shut. A nurse placed an oxygen mask over her face and started to roll (y/n) towards the operating theatre. I tried to grab (y/n)s hand again but it only brushed against the smooth skin if her shoulder. I watch her leave the room and my bottom lip starts to quiver. I can't cry, not in front of them.... Farlen places his hand on my shoulder and a single tear falls down my cheek as I stare at the spot (y/n)s bed used to be.

"Hey... She's gonna make it, ok? I'm certain" I nod as I wipe away and suck in anymore tears. Everyone takes a seat to nervous to say or do anything. All we could do was wait for (y/n)s hopeful return.


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