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Your PoV~

The pillow becomes damper and damper with each loud sob. 'He never cared about me? Did he just use me for having that 'relationship status'?' Many questions run through my head, self doubt strikes as hard as the police on my door and my self esteem lowers like a river in a harsh drought.

"Mummy, daddy *sob* I-I-i miss y-you..." I mumble into my pillow, my eyes sting, my head throbs and my jaw aches from my cries.

Levis PoV~

I sit in my bedroom on the black leather couch, in the dark, in the cold, swimming in my loneliness. My head is buried into my hands and all of a sudden I can hear her...... I can hear her heavy sobs of pain, her cries of sadness. a pang of guilt strikes through me once again and I grip my hair almost tearing it out. 'What have I done? why do I always have to over react ?'...

Time skip~

Your PoV~

I wake up and look at the yellow alarm clock by the side of my bed.

"Six o'clock..." I mumble. I look at what used to be a white pillow case and notice the black mascara and eyeliner smudges. I sigh and take the pillow case, throwing it in the washing machine. I dress into my school uniform and sit down at my breakfast dinning table. I eat my bowl of cereal in the dark, I stare out into the blackness of my back garden, no emotion. I stand up still having that glazed daze over my eyes. I was in neverland again. It 7:12 so I decide to get the early train, the 7:29. I sling my rucksack over my shoulder in some what state of shock and walk to the station. I don't listen to my music I just walk on my own; still in the dark; to the station.

Time skip~

I step off the train platform and before I cross the zebra crossing I turn left, toward a little old sweet shop. I walk in, hearing the little bell ring. I look at all the sugar covered, teeth rotting sweets and buy: a large packet of chocolate buttons, 200 grams of strawberry sours, 100 grams sherbet fizzles and 300 grams of cola bottles.

"You sure are having a sugar craving! You feeling alright sweet cheeks?" Says the lady

"I-I'm fine... I think..." I mumble, the women gives me a pitiful look as I drag my feet out of the shop and into the music block. I dump myself onto the piano stool and take a large handful buttons, cramming them into my mouth. I play one of my old grade eight pieces, staring into the unknown space of the room. I don't even look at the piano keys. Small tears fall down my face as I continue to play eating more sweets between each song. My salty tears splatter onto the black and white piano keys.

"Hello (y/n)! Why are you here so early? And what's with all the swe- (y/n)!? What the matter?" Ms Petra suddenly runs up to me when she sees the tears streaming down my face.

"Who's hurt you? Is it Levi? Is it-" at the mention of his name I suddenly burst into a fit of tears and she swamps me into one of her warm comforting hugs while I sob into her shoulders.

"Oh (y/n)... I could tell you where upset just by the way you where playing! It was more run down, more slow." She pulls herself away from me and sits next to me on the piano stool.

"Now tell me what that grumpy crab has done before I go and find out for myself " I swallow harshly knowing that ms Petra was now being very serious. I explain about the competition and how I met an old friend, and our history together. I then told Ms about the lie I told Levi and how he found out.

"He was furious! I went to apologise to him and then he shouted at me saying he never cared about a-and he n-n-never will!" The tears that had stopped now started again.

Teach Me {Levi x musical Reader [AU]}Where stories live. Discover now