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Levi's PoV~

'What the fuck is Farlen doing?!' I think as I turn around seeing farlen rubbing sun cream on (y/n)s back. I glare at him angrily and watch (y/n) run into the water, bombing Hanji and Isabel. I turn to farlen and scowl at him.

"Woah, who got your knickers in a twist?!" Farlen says laughing.

"Tch, nothing brat" farlen sighs and runs into the water splashing Hanji, Isabel and (y/n), making them squeal like toddlers. I walk up to the waters edge dipping my toe in the freezing cold water, suddenly someone grabs my wrist and pulls me in face first into the freezing cold water. It takes me by surprise and I gasp in shock from the cold water hitting my warm skin. I submerge from underneath to meet a pair of shinning (e/c) orbs staring at me slyly.

Your PoV~

"What the fuck was that for brat?" He says angrily, I giggle and turn around but before I can take one step someone jumps on my back causing me to be dunked underwater. I open my eyes, the water making my eyes sting slightly, I see Levi hovering above me smirking. He grabs my wrist and pulls me above the water, I gasp for air and rub my eyes.

"You ok?" He asks as I cough and splutter.

"Yeah' I'm *cough* fine"

"Let's try not to drown people please~" Hanji says smirking. I stick my middle finger up at and half smile. She sarcastically gasps and splashes me.

"Right that's it!" I dive into the water and swim towards her. She squeals as she frantically swims away. Isabel and farlen laugh at our childish actions while Levi just calls us brats.

Time skip~

We had been in the water for hours, laughing and screaming at each other. We hadn't noticed the time and the water was soon a beautiful orange colour.

"Levi! Look!" I say pointing to the water, he walks up next to me and scoops some of the amber coloured liquid into his hands.

Levi's pov~

"It's so pretty..." She say dazzled by the colours. 

"Not as pretty as you...." I mumble under my breath, inaudible to her ears.

"Hm? What was that Levi?~" farlen says smirking and placing a hand on my right shoulder.

"Tch, shut your pie hole brat" I say sharply, yn and farlen burst into a fit of laughther.

"Come on guys it's time for tea!" Hanji shouts from the shore, waving her arms while opening a large picnic hamper. We walk out of the water and grab my towel, rubbing my hair dry.

Your pov~

I slip on my spare pair of shorts and top over my bikini as I think about what levi could of said, unfortunately I didn't hear him. I shiver slightly as I am still wet and wrap my arms around myself trying to warm my skin.

"Are you cold?" I turn around to meet Levi's gun grey eyes.

"N-n-no I'm f-fine" I say my teeth chattering.

"Tch, don't lie to me brat" he takes off his jacket and drapes it over my shoulders, he rubs my upper arms warming me up.

"Thanks Levi " I say smiling at him

"No problem"

"(Y/n)! I got your favorite!" Hanji says bringing out a container of (f/f)

"OMG HOW DID YOU KNOW!!!" I practically scream, running up to her and snatching the delicious food and plastic fork out of her hands.

"Christ (y/n), your nearly as bad as Sasha!" Hanji says laughing.

"WHAT?!? It's good!" I say with a mouthful of the amazing food.

"If you eat it that fast you'll get hiccups " Isabel warns.

"I'll be fi- *hiccups* GOD *hiccups* DAMN IT!" Everybody burst into fits of laughter except for me as I try to calm myself down.

"You jinxed it~!" Isabel sung tapping her finger in the end of my button nose.

I heavily sigh and start to hold my breath trying to rid of my hiccups.


"AHHHHHH!!!!" I scream and jump up and into Farlens arms. I turn around to see a snickering Hanji.

"Hanji what was that for?!" I whine , she keeps on smiling at me mischievously until I realized something.

"My hiccups! They've gone! Thanks Hanji " I say cheerfully, I detach myself from farlen and smile at him.

"Jeeze (y/n) , next time you're about to jump on someone warn them first!" He says chuckling

"Sorry farlen!" I say. We all finally sit down on the picnic rug eating the delicious food.

"You guys got anything coming up soon?" I ask

"Nah just chilling" Hanji says, everybody else says similar comments.

"What about you (y/n)?" Isabel asks

"Well, you know me! Busy busy busy! I've git my grade 8 piano exam next week and after that I'm done with piano! No more exams!" I say cheerfully.

"Really?! Can we come with you?" Hanji says excitedly while stuffing some bread into her mouth..

"Yeah sure! It would be great to have some support " I say gratefully.

"No problem, what are you guys doing for sleeping arrangements tonight? I'm just thinking, cause it's pretty late you can crash at mine and farlen's place tonight" Isabel says.

"Yeah, that'd be fun!" I say happily.

"Cool, we three girls can share a room and the two boys can share the spare room " Isabel suggests

"Sure" farlen agrees. We all nod and continue to eat the delicious food.

Time skip~

Roughly an hour later we finished our food and started packing the things back into farlen's car.

"That was great!" I say dusting off my hands and plonking down into the comfy leather seat.

"(Y/n) (y/n) (y/n) .... The fun has only just begun....~" Isabel says mischievously.


Hey guys sorry this chapter is super short I just wanted to post something for u guys love u lots      Beth xxxx

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