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Your pov~

"Grab a basket and I'll tear half the shopping list in half so y-"

"Wait you made me a shopping list?!" I say surprised, interrupting him.

"Yes I did brat because your a lazy shit and I'm not. Now, let's go."

"Wow thanks" I say sighing and rolling my eyes, picking a basket up.

"Here's your half of the list" I nod and he gives me a small slip of paper, walking off afterwards.

"Firstly, bread" I go to the bread aisle and grab a loaf of your standard loaf of bread. I continued to chuck the items on my list into the basket, it slowly becoming heavier.

"Screw this I'm getting a trolley " I huff hauling the heavy basket with me to where the trolleys where, chucking the contents into the trolley. There was a bar between the two back wheels of the trolley which I stood on somethings pushing myself off the floor. I started picking up speed, darting down the aisles, people giving me odd looks. I beamed as I wasn't even doing shopping now, I was just flying around the supermarket. What can I say?! I get easily distracted! I turn a corner sharply almost making a skidding noise only to meet the raven haired boy.

"Levi! WATCH OUT!" I shout. It was like everything was in slow motion.

Levi's pov~

"Levi! WATCH OUT!" I turn to see (y/n) skidding on a trolley round a corner, her (h/c) hair was flowing behind her, her (e/c) orbs shining at me with worry like diamonds I turn to face her and quickly grab the front of the front of the trolley bringing it to a sudden and shuddering halt. The result of this made (y/n) fly over the handles of the trolley and into the main metal body of the trolley with a large crash.

"Are you ok (y/n)?!" I asked worried peering into the trolley to see (y/n) cramped into the trolley. Her (h/c) hair was all over her face, she moved it either side of her (s/c) skin, her eyes peering at me. Then all of a sudden she burst into a loud fit of laughter.

"Did You hit your head brat?" I say causing her to laugh even more and people to stare

"(Y/n)! Shut up! People are looking!" I hiss at her.

"Fine, fine, just help me outta this god damn cart." She says calming down, I sigh and roll my eyes. I stretch my hand out towards her and she grasps it, I haul her out and she face plants into my chest.I grabbed her shoulders to prevent us from falling backwards and onto the supermarket floor and she removed her face from my chest. Her face was a bright red.

"You idiot " I say with a smirk.

"Well I'm sorry" she says sarcastically. She places her hand in the trolley handle, placing her weight on it but the cart suddenly shot back. I tried to quickly reach my hand out for her to grab which she attempted to catch but instead missed and grabbed onto my shirt instead by accident. We fell onto the floor, my hands where either side of her head, her waist in between my legs. I looked into her beautiful (e/c) eyes, lost in them only to be found by her voice.

"Ummm Levi..." Her face was even more red than before, like a wild fire.

"It be great if you got of me some time today " she says shyly.

"Tch, sorry brat" I get up and dust myself off helping (y/n) up afterwards. I hear giggling from behind (y/n) and peer over her shoulder only To see Sasha, Christa, Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Hanji, holding a camera.

"Hanji I swear to god..." I growl at her, she lets out a giggle and runs off.

"Catch me if you can shortbread!" She squeals making me even madder.

"Here's the shopping list, finish it off while I kill this shit head" I say to (y/n), shoving the paper into her hand and leaving her shocked. I dart of, my one mission, get that camera. And maybe kill Hanji afterwards

Your PoV~

"You can come out of hiding now guys" I say sighing at the mischievous lot. They come out with guilty faces and walk up to me.

"Right as your punishment you're gonna help me finish my shopping" i say beaming at  them. They groan and I tut at them each assigning them items to get. Sasha and Christa go off together and so does Mikasa and Armin. eren stays with me as we just saunter around the market.

"So... You and Levi are-"

"No no no no no, we are just close friends!" I say panicking and becoming flustered.

"Good" he mumbles, I pretend I didn't hear him as I don't think I was meant to hear the comment.

"You need a hand organising the party this weekend?"

"Yeah ok!" I smile at him as we Decide dates and times. Our final agreement was my place, Saturday, 6:00 ~ Sunday 12:00.

"Thanks for helping me Eren, and now that we have got the shopping done I can actually feed myself !" I say chuckling slightly.

Time skip~

We finish the shopping and I meet Levi outside the supermarket. He was unsuccessful in getting the camera so waited for me instead, he looked pissed.

"Let's go home (y/n) " he says taking some of the bags off of me. I wave goodbye to my other friends and walk to the train station with Levi by my side. The sun was setting and although we where in the middle of the town it was still beautiful to see the orange light leaking though the trees branches. It was Autumn so you could hear the soft crunching of leaves beneath your feet, I love Autumn. The cozy days indoors, huddled in the warm in your pijamas, the beautiful colours, sitting in coffee shops drinking hot cocoa and walking through the park wrapped up in a hat, scarf and woolly coat, hands shoved in pockets, watching your warm breath hit the cold air and condensate into steam and the colours and sounds of the dying leaves. These where just a few of my favourite things about Autumn, but this autumn had a funny feeling about it, but I guess I can only wait, it's like there is going to be a turn of events.

For the worst.

Teach Me {Levi x musical Reader [AU]}Where stories live. Discover now