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Your pov~
"I better get home guys, I haven't practiced the piano or any instruments for a whole day" I say with a mouthful of my now finished pancakes.

"You should take a break (y/n) , you'll get ill practicing this much" Isabel says taking everyone's plates up to the sink.

"I know but I've got my grade right piano exam in two weeks time!"

"So you want to be fit and healthy for it" Isabel justifies.

"Practicing the piano won't make me ill Isabel, don't stress!" I say laughing helping her clean the dishes.

"Fine; just, take care ok?" She says sighing I nod and dry the dishes.

Time skip~

"Right guys I'll see you later!"

"How are you getting home?" Farlen asks

"Walking" I say cheerfully

"Don't be stupid,  I'll take you in the car" farlen says picking up his car keys from the coffee table.

"Farlen it's fine, use your petrol for something like, Christ I don't know, going to the pub?" Levi, Hanji and Isabel snicker and farlen frowns.

"Just get in the god damn car (y/n) " he says seriously.

"Creepers jeepers, don't get your knickers in a twist..." I say rolling my eyes and putting my hands up, surrendering; causing laughter to erupt from Isabel's and Hanjis mouth. Farlen lets out a low growl and grabs my wrist, dragging me to the car. He opens the door and I clamber inside putting my seatbelt on. He started the engine and we zoomed off.

"Geez farlen! Slow down!" I say grabbing onto the door handle for dear life.

"Sorry (y/n) but I have a need for speed" and with that he revs up the engine again and I'm back at my house within the next five minuets. I grab my bag out of the boot and thank farlen for the ride.

"Honestly (y/n) it was no problem, call any time you need a lift."

"Thanks" I smile and walk away from him and bring out my house keys, hearing him pull away. I walk inside my house and realise how much I haven't actually been inside. I quickly tie my hair up into a messy bun, some (h/c) strands still in my face and sigh pouring some water into the kettle making some tea and grabbing a chocolate digestive on the way. The water soon finishes boiling and I place a tea bag in a black mug that changes white with blue music notes on when hot liquid is out inside. I take the cup if comforting warm tea and place it on a coaster on top of my piano. I bring out my grade eight piano pieces and scales books and play. God knows how long I'll play for, but I know it'll probably be the rest of the day.

Time skip~

I take a quick stop for lunch shoving a packet of super noodles into a bowl and then the microwave, setting it to two and a half minutes. Exactly that time later the machine furiously beeps at me demanding my attention. I take out the bowl and take out my grade seven theory book, sitting down at the dining table and taking out a pencil; completing a question on compound time while having a sip of my tea. A knock sounds at the door and I get up sticking the pencil in my mouth, ruler in my bun, mug in my hand and theory book in the other. I just about open the door with my chin to reveal Armin, Mikasa and Eren. I take the pencil out of my hair and while sticking it in my bun, along with the ruler, say,

"Ahhh! My favorite trio come in come in!" i welcome them inside and sit on the counter-top of the kitchen seeing as their where only three chairs. I took my noodles back in my hand and started eating again.

"So what's up? And don't even consider saying the ceiling " I say pointing my fork at them.

"Well did you get the email from Mr oluo about the play?" Mikasa says

"What, that drama teacher whom always try's to be stricter than he actually is?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, YOUR drama teacher. Anyway, he sent everyone an email about doing a play, for end of term, roughly October the 20th . You up for it?" Eren says

"Yeah sure! What play is it?" I ask

"Romeo and Juliet" Armin says happily

"One of my favourites by Shakespeare! Yeah sure I'm up for it" I say swinging my legs back and forth

"Good, we have to meet the class at lunch in the drama classroom" Mikasa says stoically. I mentally file the information and nod.

"Thanks for telling me guys!"

"But we also came over to see if you wanted to come into town with us" Eren asks

"I'm really sorry guys but I need to practice the piano I've got my piano exam in two weeks"

"Can we listen? We've heard you're really talented"

"Eren! You can't ask that it's rude! We can't just intrude in someone's house!"

"Mikasa it's fine, yeah sure you can listen but I'm not that good" I say sweetly, blushing and rubbing my hand behind my neck flattered by Erens comment. I lead them into the music room and move my instruments of the chair and sofa making space for the three of them. They sit down and I open my grade eight piano book onto page 9, a favourite piece of mine called l'orage. Storm; in French. I played the first part of the piece calmly gently creating the image of a peaceful environment. I gradually became louder mimicking the grey clouds rolling in. Then finally I played loudly recreating the loud sound of thunder and lightning striking the solid earth. I gradually became quieter and quieter finishing on a major chord, representing the sun breaking through the clouds. I finished, heavily breathing and spin around on the stool waiting for their voices. But I didn't hear any voices I only saw astounded faces.

"(Y/n) , that was amazing! How do you play like that?!" Armin says.

"I don't know, I guess I just, do" I say blushing and rubbing my hand behind my neck.

"Have you done any competitions?" Mikasa asked

"No, I never thought I was good enough"

"Are you crazy?! You'd probably win every time!" Eren says shaking my shoulders.

"I don't know... Maybe I am crazy, do you think I should go for it?"

"Definitely " the trio say in unison.


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