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Your PoV~

"So Levi I don't really know you that much other than the music, English and cleanliness business, tell me about yourself!" I say beaming at him like an idiot

"Tch, I like black tea" is all he says, and with that I burst out laughing. He looks at me like I'm some kind of physcopath.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry! It's just that saying 'I like black tea' isn't much a description!" I say mimicking his stoic tone.

"Tch well that's it, tell me about yourself then brat" he says shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Wel I play eleven instruments, teaching most of them myself, I like all types of music but if I had a preference it would be rock-"

"You like Rock music?!" He says surprised

"Yeah, what's so surprising about that?"

"Just didn't see you as a rock person... Anyway keep on going brat"

"I'll be doing my grade 8 piano exam October the 29th then my grade 8 singing next spring. And I'm grade 8 saxophone and grade 7 guitar, but that's about it other than i have a great passion for music!" I say smiling at him again. He nods in recognition of what I have said. We soon arrive at the station and the train comes not so quickly afterwards and we hop on.

Time skip~

We get outside of school and I wave goodbye to Levi as I go to the music block to put my violin away. I Walk through the door and also wave to Petra as she walks by holding many folders full of music heading towards the music office, I enter the cupboard coughing slightly as the dust enters my lungs. I place my red violin case on the shelf labelled 'string instruments' and head to the foyer to meet Eren, mikasa and Armin.

"Hey (y/n)!" Eren says running up to me and embracing me a in a warm hug then followed by Armin, mikasa just nodded her head as I did like wise.

"You still good for coming to the park tonight?" Armin asks

"Yeah sure" I reply

"Where abouts do you live then I can come round yours and pick you up." Eren says

"I live in (town or village name and address)

"That's good! You don't life to far from me, I live just on the borders of shingashina town so I still got in to titan high. You live about a ten minute walk away from me"
'I'm glad I live close too of my friends then' I think

"Ok what time will you knock?" I ask

"Is Around four-ish OK with you?"

"Yeah sure!"


"Time for registration!" Armin says and with that we walk to S14

Time skip~

(Period two)
Music soon came around and i couldn't be more excited to see what the lessons were like. I walked into the small class of.... FIVE? There must be more students than this! I think. Petra is sat at a computer printing out what looked like a chord progression in A major.

"Oh hello (y/n)! Could you please sit at the end of the row next to Levi please?" I nodded and sat next to him, I smiled at him only to be replied with his classic 'tch'.

"Ok class so today we are going to be continuing with your coursework you may use the practice rooms but as always please look after the instruments" the students groaned slightly and I walked to the room with a Steinway and sons piano in it. Petra walked in and started to discuss the GCSE coursework with me.

Teach Me {Levi x musical Reader [AU]}Where stories live. Discover now