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Ahhhh I'm so tired its midnight here, the amount of times I've closed my eyes and nearly drifted to sleep...... Zzzzzz night guys .......

Your pov~

We had finished our meal and everyone was now sitting in the music room, the music room had a long sofa which Christa, Ymir, Jean, Marco, Annie and eren sat on. Mikasa and Armin shared a large armchair which had a foot stall, occupied by Isabel and Hanji. Farlen sat in another armchair and Levi sat on the arm of it. Sasha, Connie, Reiner and bertholdt sat on the floor in front of the sofa while I sat on the piano stool.

"Ok so I thought that rather than opening presents straight away that we could play some games!" I said,

"I vote truth and dare!" Sasha shouts everybody mumbles excitedly at the thought of the idea.

"No no no how abo-"

"Seven minutes in heaven!" Hanji exclaims, everybody nods their heads happily except for me and Levi.

"No! Something.... Appropriate " I say, everyone goes quiet unable to think of a game. I see Isabel fishing for something out of her bag and she brings out a smallish red box. I read the cover and see it is what the thing I never hoped it to be. Pocky. Everybody cheers happily and agrees.

"Sorry (y/n)!" Isabel says with a smirk plastered on her face. I let out a low growl and take a pen and paper, writing everybody's name on it and popping them into two empty crisp abowls. One for boys one for girls.

"You pick the first two names (y/n)!" Sasha says happily. I rather unhappily sigh and pick out two names.

"Armin and Mikasa " the small blushing blonde and ravenette walk into the centre of the room, Mikasa snatching a pocky and placing it into her mouth. Everybody was eager to see who would break away first.

"Go!" They started biting their way towards the middle their noses almost touching until Mikasa snapped the pocky stick away.

"Damn it! I thought Armin would break away!" Connie says causing Armin to blush even more.

"Ok next two! Armin you pick" Armin dips his hands into the bowl and pulls out two names again.

"Annie and bertholdt" everybody oohed seeing as most people thought they would be perfect for each other. Bertholdt, kneeling down on one knee, placed the pocky in his mouth as Annie bit into the other end.

"Start!" They bit and nibbled their way towards the middle, their heads moving to the side for room as they move closer. No one snapped away and bertholdt gave annie and short but sweet kiss making the audience aw.

"Ok next turn...."

Time skip~

Who knows how long I had been sitting there falling asleep as everyone played this childish game. But suddenly I heard my name erupt from Hanjis mouth

"Uh?..." I say groggily, lifting my cheek from the palm of my hand.

"Pocky, Levi, go! " she says as I am shoved into Levi's hard chest, staring into his dreamy grey eyes.

"Please can we make this the last one and open presents after this?" Isabel wines as I take a chocolate pocky, placing it between my (lip colour) coloured lips.

"Fine fine..." I say tiredly facing levi. He bites into the end of the pocky and we wait for the signal.

"Go!" I bite my way towards the middle and so does levi. We edge closer and closer, my face becoming redder and redder until he snaps away at the last second. Everyone groans in disappointment as I munch on the rest of the pocky.

"You won't be complaining later" Levi says looking at the crowd leaving them excited for 'later'. I sigh and sit down, happy to announce that the game is finally over.

"Time for presents, if you bought a present for someone please retrieve it from underneath the tree and give it to them!" I say as sweetly as possible to not seem like a living Hitler. Everybody scrambled to the tree and came back with armfuls of presents, mine were behind the piano. Everyone divvied their presents out, some small some big. I had ended up with a rather large pile of presents at my feet, everybody had now opened their presents unable to contain their excitement.

"(Y/n) open mine first!!" Eren says happily pointing to the medium sized box wrapped in silver wrapping. I nod and shake it a little trying to identify what it may be . I tear the wrapping off the shimmering silver. My eyes widened at the wonderful site, it was a notebook with a (guitar/piano)(up top) on it. It was beautiful I flicked through the pages and saw there were manuscript pages and lined pages perfect for writing songs.

"Thank you Eren! I love it!" I hug him tightly and thank him again before moving onto the next gift.

Time skip~

I had finished unwrapping most of my presents except for one, Levi's. It was a small white box which rattled a bit when shaken. I hum in curiosity and lift up the lid. My eyes water slightly and a huge smile spread across my face.

"You.... Remember?!" I say astounded that he remembered that day from long ago.

"I new straight away when you said you liked it" it was the golden treble clef music necklace which I saw in a shop with Isabel. In Fact it was the first day I met Isabel and Farlen. He moves my hair over my shoulder and walks behind me to clasp the necklace on his soft hands brushing against the skin of my neck.

"It's beautiful Levi thank you!"

"I have one more present for you (y/n). Close your eyes" he demands, I do as I'm old and wait patiently for whatever my next present is . I feel someone's hot breath on my face and my eyes twitch slightly. I feel someone's body heat radiating onto mine, and that's when I feel it. A pair of lips locked onto mine, my eyes shooting open to meet with the boy, his eyes closed. Hanji was standing on her toes holding a gaul of mistletoe over our heads. I close my eyes again and let Levis hand snake round my waist and to my back as he dips me backwards, one hand on my waist. He kissed me deeper and deeper with more and more passion each time, like some one had just set a glitter bomb off in my heart. My hands traveled up his back and into his hair, tangling with his unruly black locks. This was like living heaven, I let out a little murmur every now and then In satisfaction and happiness. But unfortunately I had to pull away due to the lack of oxygen In my lungs. He started wistfully (with a hint of lust) at me and pulled me back up into his chest, embracing me.

"Dear (y/n) (l/n) , will you do the honor of being my girlfriend because I cannot imagine having anyone else other than you. Because to me you are my perfection." He says holding my hands, a slight smile on his now slightly puffier lips . Everyone waited in anticipation hoping for me to say what will guarantee me a happy ending,

"Yes, yes i will! I will be your girlfriend!!" I say in glee and excitement. Everybody cheers happily and I jump into levis arm, he hugs me, picking me up and swinging me around.

"Yes I knew you guys could get together! You are Perfect!" Hanji squeals with delight, everybody was happily excited with the action and event congratulating me and levi . I can't believe that me and The boy of my dreams are in a relationship

" I love you more than anything (y/n), and I'd do anything for you." He says, mumbling into my neck.

"I love you to Levi, more than the moon and back, I love you more than anything, I love you more than chocolate " we giggle slightly and hold each other in a tight embrace, never wanting to let go. Scared to let go. this Christmas is the best Christmas ever, and now everyday is going to be the best day.

Because I have Levi


Holy moly this took a decade to right sorry the ending is so bad it's so cringey, what do u guys think of the ending? Is it good enough?  I hope so!! Xxxxx

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