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Your PoV~
I get home and put some pasta in a pan of boiling water and change into my pyjamas.


I go over to my phone which was on the coffee table.

E- hey (y/n) it's Eren!

Y- hey how r u?

E-I'm good thanks, I forgot to tell u to met me, Armin and mikasa in the foyer tomorrow when u get in2 skl it's where everyone meets up wiv there friends first thing.

Y- ok will do

E- u up to much right now? Me, Armin and mikasa are in the park, I can show you around town a bit if ur free?

Y- thank you so much for the offer but I'm practicing my piano exam which is coming up soon maybe tomorrow?

E- yeah sure I should've guessed that you where practicing!(≧∇≦)tell me ur address when u get to skl Tomoz then I can pick you up when you need picking up

Y- cool will do,thanks again gtg got to practice ;_;c u Tomoz

E- kk have a nice evening (y/n) bye (^O^)/

Y- bye (^O^)/

I shut my phone off and took the pasta out of the pan draining it with a colander. I mixed in some sauce and quickly ate it placing the empty bowl in the sink and hopping to the Steinway and sons piano my parents had bought me in my music room. I practiced all my scales and pieces going good from the beginning if I made one tiny mistake and if I didn't, I'd go back to the beginning anyway

Time skip~

I soon became tired but continued to play


I look at the large looming grandfather clock and see that it's 11:30!

"Just ten more *yawn* minutes "I say tiredly to myself I go back to my first piece and start playing again only robe interrupted by a knock at my front door


"OK OK I'm coming!" I yell at whoever is knocking at my door like a drill. I open my eyes to find the biggest surprise I could ever ask for...

"Can you keep it down br- (Y/N)?!?!?!" Levi is standing there at my door in his pyjamas. His cold eyes staring at me his mouth hanging open like mine in pure shock


"Great just fucking great, I live next door you idiot" he says sighing and rolling his eyes stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"O-ok, sorry I'll stop playing now usually I play until midnight or until I actually fall asleep at the piano...." I say nervously laughing

"Tch brat get some sleep" he says, he looks Behind me and I realise how much a mess the place is remembering Christas words of warning.

"Brat your place is filthy!" He pushes past me as I try to stop him.

"Where are your parents?"he asks standing in the mess

"Umm I don't really see them, they are always away on business trips...." I murmur, he walks over to the sink and starts to clean the many pots and pans littering the kitchen work top

"W-what are you doing?" I say

"Tch isn't it obvious? I helping you tidy up idiot"

"Levi you really don't have to it's fine"

"It's a mess, it isn't fine" he says

"Clean the coffee table and lounge area, I'll do the kitchen" he orders, I nod and start putting the piles of magazines on the shelf by the TV and putting the old coffee and tea mugs in the sink where Levi is washing up.

Time skip~

(Currently 12:30)

Levis PoV~
I turn around, finished and satisfied with the drying up, and find (y/n) hunched over the coffee table sound asleep snoring her head off.

"Tch lazy brat..." I murmur to myself, I pick her up, scooping my arms under her knees and my other arm curled round her back and forearm. I felt her body heat radiating against my chest as I walked upstairs to where I assumed her bedroom was. I saw a (f/c) door with '(Y/N) ' written on it with silver italic righting. I just about opened the door with my elbow and I walked into the (f/c) room, many posters where stuck on the wall of famous musicians ranging from classical, jazz and modern day pop.

I place her down on her bed pulling the covers over her. I sit down in a chair by her bed and watch her steady breathing. I feel like I've known her for ages yet it hasn't even been a whole day I've known her, I must admit that she was very pretty the way her (e/c) eyes sparkled when ever she talked about music. But I can't fall for a girl this soon!plus she's a brat! my eyelids start to become heavy and before I can stand up and go back to my house I fall asleep in the chair...

Time skip to morning~

Your PoV ~

"Urrrghhhh shut u-" I was Interrupted by seeing a sleeping figure in my white rocking chair, I instantly recognised the figure as Levi by the head of Raven black hair. I recall last nights happenings and remind my self to to panic that a very hot boy was now asleep in my room. I walk up to him taking my music note pencil and poke his chubby cheeks

"Leeevi...." I whisper

"Levi" I say a bit louder and poking him a bit harder

"Levi, wake up it's time for school" i say at my normal voice level.

"LEVI WAKE UP FOR CHRIST SAKE" I shout throwing the pencil at his forehead, he nearly falls out of the chair but just manages to steady himself.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR BRAT?!?!" He shouts at me

"You weren't waking up !" I say smirking

"Tch just get ready for school brat I'll see you outside my house in ten minutes to get the train, I assume you get the 8:11?" He says, I nod and he walks away

"Wait Levi, if your my next door neighbor then how comes you didn't get off at the same stop as me yesterday?" I ask confused

"I was visiting someone brat" and with that he walks away. I sigh and get changed for school, putting on my usual attire and slinging my rucksack on my shoulder. I grabbed my violin and piano books as I wanted to practice the violin at break and piano at lunch. I have some cereal and head outside to find Levi holding a flask of what smelt like tea

"Tch took you long enough brat" he sighs, I giggle and start walking with him to the station.

Hey guys I'm really sorry but I'm going away for a week so I won't be updating love you all
Beth xxx

Teach Me {Levi x musical Reader [AU]}Where stories live. Discover now