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Levi's pov~

"Yeah that's amazing Levi! Remember that in bar 63 that that A and C sharp are sticcato leading up to a crescendo," I nod and play the few bars before and that bar, I was playing a grade four piece, progress has been quick safe to say.

"it's so good I'm tempted to make you enter an exam...." She says scratching her chin

"I'm not too sure (y/n) I'm not that good"

"Well if your not gonna do an exam then your gonna be my accompanist for my concerts! I've got one in a few weeks"

"I can't do that! I'm not that skilled and I can't learn that quick'"

"Levi your better at piano than you realise, anyway it's not a huge concert I've only been payed to do it, you never know I could of been asked to play in the O2"

"You've been payed!? Then of course it's a big thing! I ca-"

"And from here on in you are going to be my professional accompanist" she beams at me in delight while I sit at the piano stool in dread. I'm gonna have to play in a concert!

"Let's get started then! Here's the piece it's around grade three so you'll have no trouble at all, whereas I will, grade eight; yay!" She cheers sarcastically. I look at the piece and identity that it looks rather easy.

"Your daddy's son?" I say in a confused tone.

"Of course you had to think about it like that, its from the musical ragtime set in the age of black slavery it's about a black women who is a slave and had a child with a white man who played the piano. She sings to him as she buries her child alive because whenever she looks at him she thinks of the father. Luckily the child is saved by the white family the women works for and takes the child into their care" she explains acting out the scenes. I nod and take in this information,

"I've got a piano competition in (capital city) a few days time by the way so we can really knuckle down after that"

"Don't you think you're doing a bit too much (y/n)? We've just got through our mock GCSE and we only have three months until our real ones"

"I'll be fine I am doing revision you know"


"How about we do a revision session now, just so I can see how you are doing" I say with a smirk packing up my piano books at the sound of my grandfather clock. She lets out a groan like a rumbling stomach and I drag her upstairs to her office.

"So where do you want to start, science, maths or English."


"Ok what is osmosis?"

"Ummm.... Is it where high water concentration flows to low water concentration?" She says nervously questioning herself

"Yeah that's right, ok next question...."

A few days later~

No ones pov~

It was the day of the piano competition and (y/n) was sitting on the sofa watching adventure time, singing along to the theme tune. You may ask why she isn't practicing chopin's etudé no. 25, 'winter winds', for the international piano competition held in one of the biggest city's. (Capital city). Known to be the birth place of music and all things melodious. But let's be honest here; (y/n) hadn't even looked at the piece since she was roughly eleven for her grade eight piano exam.


(Y/n) stirred from her TV locked daze and walked to the front door in her pink cat onesie recently bought for her by Isabel and Hanji as a congratulations on mine and Levi's relationship.

"Hey Levi how ar-"

"(Y/n)?!?!? What the hell are you doing in your onesie! We've got to travel up to (capital city)! In less than an hour!" (Y/n) looks over Levi's shoulder to spot a snickering Hanji and Isabel and a smirking Farlen. She recalls the event held today that she had forgotten about.

"Please tell me you've practiced..." Levi groans

"Hehehe, well the last time I practiced it was when I was eleven...." (Y/n) says nervously laughing. Levi storms inside the house and into the music room rummaging through the shelves of books. he pulls out a dusty blue book and blows the cobwebs off of it, searching in the contents page for the chosen piece. Noticing that the piece was five pages long he panics slightly but not as much as when he turned to the page. It is true when a musician says that you cannot judge the difficulty of a piece just by looking at the amount of notes, but this song was a whole different story.

"(Y/N) GET YOUR SORRY ASS IN HERE!!" Levi yells. (Y/n) scampers into the room, scared to be on the receiving end of Levi's fury.

"Y-yes?..." Levi picks (y/n) up and throws her over his shoulder from the door way. (Y/n) lets out a squeal in surprise as she is dropped onto the piano stool with a thud.

"Practice. NOW" (y/n)s fingers scramble into position and start playing.

"My concert dress is in the wardrobe with a plastic film over it, tell Hanji and Isabel to grab it with some makeup and the silver bun pins " (y/n) shouts while playing the piano. Levi nods towards the troublesome two and they dart up the stairs in pursuit of the needed items. Isabel's heads over to the vanity and collects makeup, placing them in a (f/c) bath bag while Hanji pulls out a beautiful white concert dress. (Up top)

"Wow, (y/n) will probably be able to win with just this dress!" Hanji says marveling at the dress. It's was a satin fabric which had thin white shoulder straps which lead down to heart shape neck line. Around the higher waist was a silver diamonté band, which lead to the Long satin gown which lightly dragged against the floor.

"Yeah, I know she wears her hair in buns for her competitions so I'll grab some bun pins for her" Isabel says grabbing some silver colored bun pins. They put the items in a small rucksack and the dress back in the plastic cover to protect it. Hanji suddenly realized that it would be best if (y/n) didn't turn up in her onesie, therefore grabbing a frilly blue floral crop top, a plain pair of jeans and black converse. The pair ran downstairs, as fast as their legs could carry them.

"Dress, now" Isabel throws the top and jeans at (y/n), taking her by surprise and causing her to slip on the notes. She runs up to her bedroom, quickly changing while the others put the items in Farlens car.

"(Y/N) HURRY UP WE NEED TO GO!" Levi shouts up the stairs

"COMING!" She yells back at him while running down the stairs, trying not to fall down them. Before hopping into the chair she swiftly grabs her piano book, phone and headphones. The four of them jump into the car heading towards the city.


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