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"I don't know, oh well, that'll have to do" she grabs it scooping up a small heaped spoon of Fluoride and pacing it over the Bunsen  burner

"Sasha wai-"


I open my eyes slowly at turn my head to look at Sasha, we looked like something out of a comedy sketch. Our faces charcoal black and our hair blown back. I looked to the left if me to see sasha's mouth agape with shock. The whole class was now looking at us. I'm the first to speak up.

"Sasha you dumb Ass"

"Whoops?......" The whole class burst into hysterics.

"(Y/n) are you ok?!" Jean says running over to me brushing dirt off of my clothes.

"Yeah I'm fine, I was gonna say sasha that that spatula we used for the fluoride" I say wiping away the black dirt from my hair, face and eyes.

"Hehe... Sorry..." She says giving me puppy do eyes.

"Go down to the toilets and clean yourselves up, I'll dismiss you for the rest of the lesson so take your bags with you" mr moblit says. Me and Sasha nod and pack our bags up, heading down to the bathroom.

"You do not know how much I want to backhand you right out of this fucking country right now" I say grumbling

"Awwww come on (y/n) ! It was just an accident!"

"For some reason I don't believe you..." We walk into the toilets and I cup my hands under the tap , splashing the cool water onto my face.

"Hey Sasha you don't have a comb I can borrow do you?"

"Yeah sure" she hands me her tangle teaser and I comb the dirt out of my now grubby hair. We quickly finish and walk out of the bathroom.

"The bell hasn't gone yet, we can go buy break early then meet up with the others at the usual place" Sasha says, I nod and follow her into The canteen buying {favorite snack}, munching on it happily.


"Right, let's go to the foyer" we walk together to the school entrance and wait for our large group of friends. Christa, Annie and Ymir where first to turn up from their physics lesson, they told us that they could practically hear the explosion from upstairs, then Mikasa Armin and Eren came and finally Reiner, bertholdt, Connie and Jean.

"Let's go sit outside, it's becoming colder so why not make the most of the warmth?" Christa suggests. Everybody agrees and we all go plonk ourselves down on school lawn, taking In the sunlight.

Armins PoV~

I lay down beside (y/n) and She lays down aswell her head on the side of my torso she brings out her theory book. I flinch slightly surprised by her actions but do not disturb her or stop her train of thoughts.

"You know what we guys should do? You should all come round next weekend and we can go to the park and just hang out!" (Y/n) suggests, sitting up briskly as the thought popped into her mind.

"Yeah! That be great!" Christa chirps.

Your pov~

"Tch where's our invitation brat?" I look up to meet Levi's hard glare.

"Levi bro?! You can't just intrude like that!!" Isabel exclaims looking at him shocked

"It's fine Isabel i was gonna text you three of course! Hanji can come as well!" I reply making sure not to get on his bad side

"I'll text you the details" he nods and walks away. I looked back at everybody and they seemed to be scared shitless. Except for Mikasa, Ymir and Annie of course, funny how all of them are girls

"Aren't you scared of him (y/n)?" Connie asks

"No, not really, he's a big softie deep down inside. He's just been through a lot so he uses his dark aura as a disguise.... Like I use my happiness " I whisper the last part to myself so no one hears it.

"He's a great guy" I say beaming at them.


"Well back to lessons everyone!" I shout.

"(Y/n) we have {subject} together now!" Reiner says running up to me while swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Let's go then!"

Time skip~

I walked to the drama room with Levi back from music.

"How are you doing with that piano piece I'm teaching you?"

"I've learnt the piece both hand separately and the first line both hands together, but slowly "

"That's great Levi! Your doing so well!!" I praise as we walk into the drama room. People where lingering around the room, some sitting in the floor, some in the tables and chairs. I made my way over to my usual friendship group and sat on the tables with them.

"Hey (y/n), you got your script?" Eren asks

"Yup" I say while taking my script out of my black bag. I had highlighted my sentences to make the words easier for me to read, it was hard enough trying to read them, they just looked like jumbled up words thrown onto a page to me.

"Right take a seat students we are gonna run it from the beginning, Armin Ive decided you are also going to read the prolouges which is like the narrator "

"Ok" Armin walked into the middle of the room and read the first paragraph

"Two house holds both alike in dignity..." Mr Oluo let people go out in groups to buy their lunch then come back and eat it in the room.  Eren's and Armin'a part comes up, Armin playing Benvolio and Eren, Romeo.

"Good morrow cousin" Armin says cheerfully

"Is the day so young?" Eren sighs. ' wow his acting is amazing!' I think.

"But new struck nine" Armin reply ms with concern

"Ay me! sad hours seem long. Was that my father that went hence so fast?" Erens acting was very dramatic but absolutely brilliant. They continue with their lines and my part finally appears, it is a conversation between the Maid, Sasha and lady capulet who is played by Mikasa I stand in centre stage.

"Pretend you are at a balcony or windows w looking out of it then Sasha will run up to you and we will go from there." Mr oluo says, I nod and lean on a desk and gaze out of this 'window' waiting for Sasha to run onto stage

"How now! who calls?" I say as Sasha runs onto the stage eating a sandwich

"Your mother" Sasha mumbles with a mouthful of food

"Madam I am here, what is your will?" I say just as Mikasa walks on.

"This is the matter:--Nurse, give leave awhile, We must talk in secret:--nurse, come back again; I have remember'd me, thou's hear our counsel. Thou know'st my daughter's of a pretty age." Mikasa is very well spoken and a great actor just like her stepbrother. We continue until we reach the end of lunch, lick we hadn't reached the part here Romeo no Juliet meet which means that we didn't have to say any lovie dovie stuff yet. I wanted to deny that for as long as physically possible.

Time skip~

School had finally finished and i was waiting outside school for Levi to take me to this 'supermarket'. I stand there on my phone scrolling through my Instagram feed which was mainly of musical puns or famous musicians and bands.

"You ready?"

"Oh!" I say startled by Levi's presence

"Yeah sure, let's go!" I say happily as we walk into the main town centre together talking about music.


Teach Me {Levi x musical Reader [AU]}Where stories live. Discover now