Chapter 1

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I'm crouched down in Farmer Don's dairy pasture, hidden among the tall grass. Waiting for my two best friends who were supposed to have been here almost an hour ago. My legs were cramping so badly I was thinking about cutting them off with my pocket knife when someone laid a hand on my shoulder. Out of instinct I immediately punched in the direction the hand came from. I hit thin air. Damn, he ducked.

Merle-Watch it sugar britches. Daryl's on the other side. My my we have ourselves a Dixon sammich. Hehe.
Me-Shut up Merle. You're gonna get us caught. Of course you'd realize that if you had two brain cells to rub together.
Merle-Why I oughta...

I crept forward on my numb legs and peeked through the tall grass. I didn't see Don anywhere, some folks say he sleeps in his pastures sometimes because rotten kids (mostly us) keep messing with his cattle. I watched as Daryl pulled the firecrackers out of his pocket and Merle handed him the lighter. We finally stood up, well stooped over, and went over to where most of the cows were. Merle and I ran around tipping cows and when there were only a few left Daryl lit the fire cracker and we ran like hell. We ran into the woods and crashed through the trees. I crossed our creek and kept running. I finally stopped when I tripped over something. I looked down and it was a tree root. I climbed the tree it belonged to and looked for Merle and Daryl. I seen Merle by the creek bent over with his hands on his knees, probably wheezing, that's what happens when you smoke two packs a day. I climbed down and walked over towards the creek. I walked as softly as possible up behind Merle then kicked him directly in the ass. He fell forward into the leaves then jumped up ready to kill somebody. I fell on my back laughing at his expression. Daryl came from the same direction I was headed, boy sure can run.

Merle-I oughta hurt you woman! Sneaking up on me like that!
Me-You'd have to catch me first. Besides you wouldn't kill me, you love me too much.
Merle-I don't love anybody girl. Only thing I love is a good time.
Daryl-Yeah, we know. Jess you ok?
Me-I'm fine, just tripped over a tree root, must've scratched my face up.
Merle-It's an improvement, trust me.
Me-Kiss my shiny metal ass. I know I'm good lookin', I look a hell of a lot better than you do. Wanna know how I know?
Me-Because I don't have to have some whore tell me I look good, Mr. Clap!
Daryl-Ouch man, she got you there.

Merle just shook his head and walked down the creek to our spot. Our spot is where we would come to smoke when we were younger or where we'd come to drink or meet up if something happened. It was also a meet up site for after pranks. We'd been hanging out here since we were kids. Both of our dads were abusive fucks, and we were forced to live with them. Well what time Merle hasn't been in Juvie. We have booze, cigarettes, blankets, and sleeping bags hid out down here. Along with some chairs to sit around in. Daryl and Merle are awesome trackers so when we stay by the creek they always take me on hunting trips. Daryl and I followed Merle and sat down in chairs near him. I lit up a cigarette and put my feet up on Daryl, my muddy cowboy boots getting his jeans dirtier. Merle started digging with his hands right next to where his chair was and eventually uncovered a bottle of Southern Comfort. He twisted off the cap and took a big swig then passed it to me. I did the same then handed it to Daryl. We were having a goodbye party of sorts for Merle, he was going to join the Army soon.

Merle-Well I can say this, I'm gonna miss you two shit heads. We've ran together since you two were in what, 6th grade?
Me-Yeah, that's right. I'm gonna miss you too ya whore.
Daryl-Well, I ain't gone lie, I won't miss your stinkin' ass a bit.

Then we all laughed because we knew it wasn't true. I really was going to miss Merle though, we've been through a lot together. We kept drinking and laughing and smoking until I decided to go to sleep.

Me-Night guys.
Merle-Night sugar britches.
Daryl-Night Jess. Let me know if you get cold.
Me-I will Daryl.
Merle-Boy you oughta know she'd rather cuddle up to me.

I chuckled right before drifting off to sleep.

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now