Chapter 9

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I woke up with a pounding in my head like a Waylon song. The sun was shining directly in my face, I blinked a few times as I tried to figure out where the hell I was. I sat up, oh God big mistake. I leaned over the side of the truck bed and threw up a few times. I looked over and Daryl was laying beside me still fast asleep. I looked at his watch and it was 8 in the morning. Holy shit what happened? I looked down and I still had clothes on so I can rule out that possibility. I guess we just passed out. It's not like it's never happened before anyway. When we first started drinking we'd do this all the time. Most of the time it was Daryl and I since Merle was always gone. I shook him awake and he had a reaction similar to mine. Only he jumped off the side of the truck and was puking on all fours. He looked like a cat trying to cough up a hair ball, hahahaha.

Me-You ok?

Daryl-Just feels like my stomach is turned inside out. I'm never drinking again.

Me-Yeah, I can't count how many times you've said that.

Daryl-Yeah but this time I mean it. Wanna take the truck back to your house?

Me-Yeah, I'll drive since I feel a lot better than you. Let me know if you have to throw up I'll pull over.

Daryl-Will do.

I got in the truck and waited on Daryl. He got what was left of the whiskey and poured it out on the ground and put the bottle back in the tool box. He got in and I drove to my house. When we got there Will and my dad came out of the house at the sound of the truck pulling up. They were still sober looking, I think they gave us their booze for that night. I wonder if they're ok, that's not something they'd usually do.

Dad-So how was your date?

Daryl-It was better than the dance, that's for sure. We just drank and talked until we passed out, it was nice.

Dad-That's good. Me and Will are going to town so we're gonna need that truck back. We may be gone for a little while. Depends on how things go.


Dad-So you two should stay close, I know you usually are but 2 is better than 1.

Will-We'll see you two love birds later.

They got in the truck and left. I went inside and changed clothes since the ones I had on had whiskey and vomit on them. I came back outside and Daryl was sitting on the porch.

Me-So what do you want to do today Mr. Dixon?

Daryl-Go somewhere inside that isn't hotter than hell.

Me-Your house it is. I love that your dad has a small air conditioner in his room. Since they're gone we can hog it

Daryl-Hell yeah! Let's go!

We started walking down the road to his house. When we got there we went straight to his dad's room and cranked up the AC. I laid across the bed while Daryl sat cross legged in the floor with his back against the bed.

Me-So I wonder what exactly our dads are dong?

Daryl-Well, there's a few possibilities. I think they've been saving up money so they could be going to a casino, a strip club, or a bar out of town.

Me-True, maybe they won't bring back any women. That's always awkward as hell.

Daryl-Like that time dad brought home a girl from the strip club and Merle took her from him

Me-He really did that?

Daryl-Yeah, it was hilarious. Dad kicked him out that night. But he was back the next week. Dad always took him back no matter how many times he left.

Me-Which is weird because they act like they hate each other.

Daryl-It's because they're exactly the same.

Me-Well I'm glad all three of you didn't turn out that way. There was at least one good one out of the Dixon bunch.

Daryl-True. I guess being around them was a good enough lesson to not turn out like them.

Me-Wanna bring the TV in here?

Daryl-Sure, why not?

Daryl and I went into the living room and brought the television into the bedroom. We sat back and watched Gunsmoke for a while.

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now