Chapter 20

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On Monday Daryl and I were about to leave to buy supplies and get a look at town when there was a knock at the door. A short blonde girl was standing on the front porch with a glass casserole dish in her hands.

"Hi there! My name's Lily. Ya'll may have seen me at church yesterday. Anyway, we live two houses down. My mom made ya'll a peach cobbler. I may be a little biased but her peach cobbler's are amazing!"

Daryl stepped in the doorway beside me. He smiled at the girl and spoke.

"It looks great. My name's Daryl and this is my best friend Jess. You wanna come in and help us eat some of this delicious looking cobbler?"

She gave Daryl the same smile all the girls at school always gave him. The only difference this time is he gave her the same one back. I have to admit, it did make me a little jealous. I know that there's nothing left between us. Just the friendship we've always shared. No matter how hard we try it always fizzles out. Lily came in and we all went in the kitchen. The cobbler was good but it was kinda hard to enjoy with those two flirting up a storm. When I finished my plate I thanked Lily, told her to let her mom know it tasted great and excused myself. I went out to the back of the house and took out a cigarette. We're not allowed to smoke inside and Mark doesn't really want us smoking period. So I go out back while he's not out there to smoke. I leaned up against the fence and watched the cows and horses graze. Not too long afterwards Daryl came around back and joined me, grinning like a county fair clown.

"So, you ready to go to town Jess?"

"If you're done drooling I am. I'd rather not leave a trail."

"Ha ha. So you noticed?"

"I'd have to be blind and especially dumb not to notice. But if you're happy then I'll be happy. It's never going to work out between us and we both know it. I wouldn't want either one of us to be stuck on the other forever."

"I agree. Thank you for your blessing. Now can we cut the chick talk and go get some soap and shit?"

I couldn't help but smile. He's trying to act like nothing has changed. "Sure."

The drive to town was fairly short and conversation free. We took a short drive around town before stopping in at Winn-Dixie. We grabbed what we needed and checked out, still no conversation flowing. When we got back in the truck Daryl finally spoke.

"So, when do you want to see Merle again? If we can that is."

"Hmm. Next week maybe? I wonder if your dad has told him anything about my dad?"

"I doubt it. Dad never called him before. I doubt he'd start now. Except maybe to find out where I went."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I just want him to stay far away from here. But I'm always scared. I know you and your uncle are always there but it doesn't help."

"I know. But you'll be alright Jess. I promise."

I didn't give him a reply. If he knew my father as good as I did he wouldn't make me any false promises like that. We pulled in the drive way and carried our bags inside. I went up to my room and showered. When I came back downstairs Daryl was nowhere to be seen. I was about to look for him outside when a note on the counter caught my eye.

Me and Mark are gonna go over to Lily's to thank her mom for the cobbler.
We'll be back before you have time to miss us. Mark says Amy will be here
to start cleaning soon. See you in a minute,

Great. Now I'm here alone. I heard tires crunch on the driveway outside and freaked out a little. My throat got tight as I crept to the window to peek through the curtains. It was a car I didn't recognize. The person who stepped out however, I did. It was Amy. I sat down hard on the floor and tried to take some deep breaths. I looked back out and she was gathering supplies from her car. I went into the kitchen so she wouldn't think I was watching her. Which in a way I guess I was. She came right in and hollered that she was there. I stepped out of the kitchen.

"Hi Amy. I'm the only one here for now. Daryl and Mark are down the street."

"Alright hun. Just pretend I'm not here. I usually start upstairs and make my way down. So just holler if you need me."

With a smile she started up the stairs. I stayed in the kitchen and made myself a peanut butter and banana sandwich. I was about halfway through my sandwich when I heard the backdoor swing open. It slammed against the wall and I jumped out of my chair. I dropped my sandwich in surprise at the figure standing in the doorway. I knew it well. My brain flooded with fear as I stared straight ahead. Louie Norton crossed the room in the blink of an eye and grabbed my throat. I tried to scream but I couldn't even breathe. He threw me against the stove and I did scream, in pain. I put my hands in front of my face to try to block the blows that I knew were coming. He punched me in the jaw anyway. I distantly heard running feet and tried to look around him. He slapped me across the face for that and grabbed the hem of my shirt. He pulled it over my head then I heard a racket that sounded something like a gun cocking. my dad turned around quickly and I covered my chests with my arms as quickly as possible. Amy was standing in the doorway. A pistol leveled directly at my dad's head. I ran out from behind him over to the kitchen table which was out of the way but away from him. He didn't even seem to notice me. His eyes narrowed at Amy and he spoke in an angry tone he normally saved for me.

"You bitch! I knew she'd be with you! She's a little whore just like you were. You both left me!"

"We both know if I would have never left you would have killed me Louie. But I never thought you'd hurt her. She's your daughter! How could you do this?!"

He didn't answer. He just shook his head. I took turns staring at the two of them. Is this woman my mother? Her hair is different and she's not nearly as skinny as the woman in the pictures. Their faces look similar though. My God. I'm looking at my mother. I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. Louie took a few steps toward her.

"Put that gun down now Liz. You know you don't want to hurt me.

"You're right. I don't. I'm a much better person than I was Louie. But I don't want you to hurt Jessica again."

"Don't do this. I love you."

"No you don't."

Then I heard the gunshot and I screamed. I looked through my fingers at the scene laid out before me. My dad was laying on the floor with a hole in his forehead. I let out a scream again and I heard the pounding of more feet coming towards the kitchen.

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now