Chapter 49

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They've been gone for a while. Scenarios started running through my head. What if they didn't come back? Would I have to become the leader? I'm the strongest person here. I don't want to be the leader though. I couldn't lead these people out of a box. My thoughts were interrupted by a woman's scream. I glanced behind me to make sure no one had wandered off but everyone was in C block. I got up and pointed my pistol at the door. It sounded like it came from the tombs.

Carl ran past me and into the tombs.

"What the hell Carl?" I yelled after him.

"Stay there. I'll be right back." He called back.

Of course I wasn't going to do that. I ran after and joined him. We walked slowly through the halls, trying to follow the voices. Someone has gotten in here. We went through a doorway to find five people trying to fight off walkers. One of them had been bit. Carl and I helped them by taking a few of the walkers out. They all turned to stare at us in shock.

"Come on! Hurry!" Carl shouted at them.

Carl and I led them through the tombs and back to the commons area at C block. We had a few minor hiccups along the way. The woman who had been bitten could hardly walk. One of the men picked her up and carried her from there. When we got to the commons area I finally got a good look at them. There were three men and two women. Two of the men and one of the women were white, the other two were black. They all looked younger than me, one of the men looked like he just recently got through his teenage years. Judging by the way he looked the bitten woman seemed to be his mother and another one of the men his father.

The woman was dead when they laid her on the floor. The two men I pegged as her boyfriend/husband and her son were sobbing. Carl and I went back into C block and locked the door. The surviving woman looked over at us.

"Hey, what are you doing?" She asked.

"Did you just lock us in here?" The big black man asked.

"Open the door." The woman commanded.

"This room is secure. You'll be safe. You have food and water." Carl told them.

"Open this door." The woman ordered, approaching the door.

"I can't." Carl replied.

"Come on, man. We're not animals. Don't do this." She pleaded. "Hey! You can't just leave us in here! Open this door! Open it now!" She shouted banging on the door.

I raised my pistol and pointed it at her head.

"You better quit while you're ahead. Or while you still have a head." I told her trying my best Dixon hate look.

I don't want to shoot her, but I will if I have to. They look harmless, but we don't know that for sure. There's not enough of us to take on all four of them if we had to. Especially if they got a hold of guns.

The big man walked up beside her. "Sasha! Back away from their door and let the man go. Look around you. This is the best we've had it in weeks. His house. We got other things to do." He said to her. Then he turned to us. "We don't want any trouble." He said before leading the woman named Sasha away.

"Shouldn't we help them?" Beth asked.

"We did." I told her before sitting down near the door.

I sat far enough away that they wouldn't be able to hit me with their weapons if they decided they wanted to. I was also far enough away to be out of ear shot. I don't really want to hear their conversation. I stayed there, walking around occasionally when my legs went to sleep. Because that's what I've always done while Daryl was gone. I wait for him to get back.

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now