Chapter 4

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  Daryl met me at the halfway point not too long after I got there, so I'm guessing he ran there. He was wearing a pair of jeans cut into shorts and his boots. When he stopped he looked me up and down and smiled. Well, there's the Merle in him that I never seen before. We started walking to the creek and talking while we walked.

Daryl-Where's your bikini?
Me-Why? You wanna gawk at it too?
Daryl-I wasn't gawkin'!
Me-Yeah, and I ain't white either.
Daryl-You're not white, you're tan.
Me-Alright then smart ass. Just because Merle is gone doesn't mean you have to turn into him. Whatever happened to being shy huh?
Daryl-I don't know, alright. I'll stop. You do look purty though (smiles)
Me-Well thank you, see that's better. If Merle would just approach girls like that, he'd actually be able to have a girlfriend.
Daryl-Why would he do that? He'd just cheat on her all the time?
Daryl-(smiles) Remember when you met Merle?
Me-Haha I won't ever forget it

It was the 3rd day I had known Daryl and he decided to introduce me to Merle. So we met up at the creek (yes, our creek). The boys used it as a landmark when they went hunting. When Merle showed up, I was the one looking him up and down. I thought he was the cutest thing I'd ever seen that is, until he opened his mouth. He had the thickest southern accent I had ever heard, and you'd know that's saying something if you met my dad. The accent wasn't what bothered me, what he said did.

Daryl-Jess, this is my no good brother Merle. Merle, this is my friend Jess.
Merle-Mmm look at you, you filled out good didn't ya honey?
Me-Excuse me?
Daryl-Just ignore him, he's an idiot.
Merle-You heard me girl. You the best lookin' sixth grader I've ever seen.
Me-Ok, let's just lay down some ground rules here. Don't ever say anything like that to me again or I will deck you in the face. If you rape me with your eyes again like you've been doing for the past 10 minutes I will rip your dick off. Please don't doubt that I will. Also, don't think that I can't kick your ass just because I'm a girl.
Merle-(looks at Daryl) this one's sassy, I like me some sassy

Right about that time, I had had enough. I punched him in the mouth, hoping that would shut him up. His lip started to bleed and he spit out blood but instead of hitting me back he just smiled.

Merle-You're stuck with me now girl. I ain't ever met a girl that can hit as hard as you do. I think we'll end up getting along just fine.
***End of Flashback***

Daryl-I thought he was gonna kick your ass that day, I really did.
Me-Trust me, I did too. I thought he was gonna kill me. I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss him already, I really do.
Daryl-I havn't started to miss him. I guess I will when my dad's kicking my ass tonight
Me-We can stay at the creek again tonight if you want to
Daryl-Maybe, I'll think about it but won't your dad flip his shit if you're gone a lot?
Me-He's at your dad's house, he'll probably be so hammered tonight he won't remember where he's at.
Daryl-Good point there. I bet I'll make it to the water before you do!

We took off running towards the water. I took my shorts, tank top, and boots off and jumped in the water before Daryl made it to the water's edge.

Daryl-You sure can get undressed fast
Me-You'll never know.
Daryl-(laughs) I can't believe you beat me
Me-Me either but I did. Why don't you like jumping right in?
Daryl-I don't know what's at the bottom of that creek. This thing could be full of water moccasins (A type of deadly snake in the South that spends most of its time in the water) and we'd never know it.
Me-Yeah but easing into it isn't going to keep them from biting your candy ass.
Daryl-(sticks his tounge out at me) Must be while the girls want me then, because of my sweet ass
Me-Hahahaha yeah, that's definitely it. I can't tell you how many girls have asked if we're dating this year then followed up with can you give him my number?
Daryl-Women don't interest me much
Me-Oh, ok so it's the men you want huh?
Daryl-Like hell I do!
Me-Oh I bet you do!
Daryl-I ain't like that and you know it!
Me-Yeah I know, I was just joking

Daryl rolled his eyes at me, this boy is the king of sass. Then proceeded to start splashing me. That's when I dove underwater and grabbed his ankles and pulled him under. He came up before I did, I heard the water splash. When I came up he was sitting on the bank already.

Me-Damn Daryl, you move fast.
Daryl-Yeah I know. Want a cigarette? I had em in my boot.
Me-Eh I guess so.

I plopped down next to him on the bank and lit my cigarette. I tried blowing smoke rings in his face but I failed and since he's a meanie he successfully blew some in my face. He laughed and I stuck my tounge out at him.

Me-So you wanna say at the creek tonight?
Daryl-I guess so. Unless you don't want to.
Me-It's fine, I'll just have to go back to my place and get some clothes is all.
Daryl-I'll go with you.
Me-Ok, I hope my dad isn't home.
Daryl-You and me both sister. So why does your dad hate Merle?
Me-Um well he kinda caught us making out on the couch one day and tried to shoot him...
Daryl-Are you serious right now? You actually made out with Merle?
Me-It was mostly out of desperation
Daryl-Suuure. I'll believe that when pigs fly and when my dad stops drinkin'
Me-Ha, you're real funny Daryl. I don't have feelings like that for your brother.
Daryl-So that's why you kissed him at the bus station then huh?
Me-You saw that?
Daryl-Mmhhmm I was looking out of the windows to see if you guys had moved and I saw it. I knew it was going to happen though. You two just fit together. I was going to go inside and get a schedule or something anyway if he didn't send me off because I knew you guys needed alone time and I was right. So are you gonna wait for him?
Me-Well then, stalker. I honestly don't know. It's not like he's ever really acted like he cares much about me. That and if we were in a relationship he'd cheat on me once a day and I'm not real into being cheated on.
Daryl-I know, maybe you should just give him a chance. Maybe just write lovey dovey letters to each other or something. I'm sure he has a heart somewhere in there, you just have to thaw it out.
Me-Maybe. He said he'd call but if we're not at either of our houses he kinda can't call.
Daryl-Good point. Well I can go home tonight.
Me-Or you could stay at my place?
Daryl-I'd rather not get shot, thanks.
Me-Well usually when my dad hangs out with your dad they leave and don't come back for a few days. So I think it'd be ok, and if he does come in, he'd be drunk and he'd be less likely to notice you. Besides I'm sure all his attention would be on me anyway.
Daryl-Well alright, you've talked me into it. When do you wanna head back to your place?
Me-Now, I'm freezing.
Daryl-Maybe if you'd put some more material on you wouldn't be so damn cold.
Me-Put a sock in it Daryl.

We slid our boots on and walked down the well beaten path to my house.  

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now