Chapter 22

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 It's been four long months since my mother shot my father in Mark's kitchen. Things have gone back to normal. Well as normal as they can be now. We held a brief grave side service for my father. Daryl didn't want me to go, but I insisted. Mark recited the Lord's Prayer and they lowered my father into the ground. Mark, Daryl, my mom, and I were the only one's there aside from the grave diggers. There were no tears of grief shed. Since I testified in court my mom/Amy/Liz's shooting of my father was ruled as self defense and she was released. It's been difficult adjusting to suddenly having a mom but we're making it work. Daryl and Lily are still together and honestly I'm really happy for them.

Today is the big day. Merle is getting out of prison and he's coming here. I'm not really sure what to think or what to do with myself while I wait. I haven't seen him since our last visit before all hell broke loose here. We have talked on the phone though and I have to admit I think I'm developing feelings for him again. Or maybe they just never left, who knows? I've been stressing myself out for about a week now, trying to think of what to say when he gets here. I'm still coming up blank. I wanted to talk to my mom about it but I don't think we're ready to talk about boys just yet.

Finally after I couldn't stand being alone with my thoughts anymore I went downstairs to see where Daryl was. He's probably the only other person who understands Merle. He was in the kitchen that after four months still smelled a little like bleach to me. He was leaned against the counter eating a sandwich. Mustard smeared on his chin on his scruffy beard he's trying to grow. He looked up and smiled when I came in.

"Want a sandwich?"

"No thanks. I'm too nervous to eat."

"Yeah, I get it. It's been so long since I last saw him. I keep thinking what if he's changed?"

"Haven't we all changed since he's been gone?"

"You have a point."

"Where's Lily?"

"She's with her grandparents in Florida. Even though I miss her it worked out great."

"Why don't you want her to meet Merle?"

"You're joking right?"

I laughed in response, not able to hold it in any longer.

"Yeah I see that going great. Like hey sweetheart meet my bat shit crazy brother. He just got turned loose, he knocked out five of a superior's teeth because he has no respect for authority. Or anyone else for that matter."

"I'm sure he'd win her over."

"Yeah right Jess. My good Christian girlfriend would just love him."

I laughed again picturing Lily's face the second Merle opened his mouth to let out some filthy comment. Daryl shook his head at me and continued eating his sandwich.

I roamed around the kitchen looking through the refrigerator and cabinets a few times before letting out a sigh of frustration. Daryl cocked an eyebrow at me from his spot at the counter.

"I thought you said you weren't hungry."

"I'm not. I 'm just super nervous. i don't know what to do."

"Let's go out back so you can smoke a cigarette. That'll make you feel better."

"That's a great idea."

Daryl finished off his sandwich and we walked out the back door. He quit smoking for Lily but I still do it. It's a bad habit I haven't been able to kick. I lit up my cigarette and paced back and forth on the porch, my boots clunking. I kept my pacing up until I heard a voice from behind me.

"You gonna wear them boards out girl."

I turned around so fast the sun dress I had on poofed out and there was Merle. smiling like he'd just told the world's funniest joke. Before I knew it I was running towards him. He opened his arms and hugged me tightly. Before he let go he leaned in close to my ear and whispered

"I'm so glad you're okay darlin'."

He straightened up and let me go. I stared at him in shock. He smiled at Daryl, who looked just as shocked as I felt that Merle suddenly appeared.

"You wanna fix me somethin' to eat little bruddah. I'm starving."

Daryl nodded and we all went into the kitchen. I went into the living room to tell Mark he was here. Also to give them a moment alone. I entered the room and he was sitting in his chair grinning.

"I already know. I sent him around back when he got here. Did he surprise you?"

"He surprised us both."

But me especially. Mark got up and we both went to the kitchen. Daryl had fixed Merle a sandwich like he was eating earlier. Merle was eating it with his eyes closed. Mark clapped him on the shoulder.

"It's good to see you again nephew. I assume you're gonna stay away from trouble now that you're free again?"

"I try Mark, trouble is always finding me."

Mark laughed and shook his head. He should have known better than to ask that.

"Well I guess I'll leave you three alone then. Ya'll have got a lot to catch up on. Oh, Jess Amy will be coming by later."

He flashed me a grin letting me know he invited her over to meet Merle. I know I wouldn't be able to avoid them meeting but I wanted to put it off for as long as possible. Needless to say I've never wanted to cuss a preacher as much as I did in that moment. After Mark left the kitchen Merle turned to me.

"Who the hell is Amy."

My mind went blank. How the hell do I tell him that I met my mother? Before I have to tell him that Daryl speaks up.

"She's a friend of Mark's."

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now