Chapter 7

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***One week later***
The school dance is today. I also just got my letter from Merle today. Here's his letter:
Dear Jess,

The base is fine. I ain't liking some of my so called superiors but maybe it won't be too bad. So I thought about it and I got your answer. It's yes and no. Yes because I do like you, you're a good kid and all and really pretty to boot. But it's no because 1. I am very far away right now and if I get called out I'll be even farther. If something happened to me it'd tear you up. 2. Child I ain't ready for this and you damn sure know it. I kissed you because I wanted to, plain and simple. I don't want to be with anyone now or probably ever. So I hope that satisfies you. I have to go now. Tell my little brother to call me. He knows the number.

Talk to you soon I guess,


So, needless to say I haven't been the happiest gal in Georgia since that. Daryl's kinda mad for him putting it that way but I shoulda known he would've said something like that. I was at his house when we got the letters since he's sending them there and Daryl did call him and used every cuss word he could think of. He was pretty mad when he was on the phone with him. I've never seen him that mad before. It was kinda scary. We're out for summer break but every summer the school holds a dance for high school students and since we ain't got nothing better to do and Daryl asked me to go with him we're gong later. It starts at 7:00 pm and since it's 1:00 pm right now we don't have to put our duds on quite yet.

Daryl-So what are you gonna wear tonight Jess?
Me-That's for me to know and you to find out.
Daryl-We're just going to the dance, we ain't getting married. I'm sure your pops would like that but it ain't happening.
Me-Trust me when I say I do not want to get married.
Daryl-What's wrong with me huh?
Me-Nothing, I just don't really want to be married to you is all.
Daryl-I was just kidding Jess. So are you ok?
Me-Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?
Daryl-You know why.
Me-I'm kinda hurt. But you know other than that I'm ok.
Daryl-You sure?
Me-Yes Daryl I am sure. He's just a guy. A guy that I've always had feelings for but I'm sure I'll be fine.

About that time Will pulled up and he and my dad got out.

Will-So you gonna take my truck to that shin dig tonight?
Daryl-Yeah, if you don't mind. I don't think Jess would want to get her dress dirty. I promise I'll return it without a scratch on it. That wasn't there to begin with anyway ha.
Will-Alright. You better not tear it up or it'll be your hide boy.
Daryl-Yes sir.
Will-Oh and let me know when you go pick her up. Me and Louie are gonna go with ya. So we can see Miss Jessie all prettied up.
Me-Aww shucks Will.

They went inside to crack a few cold ones most likely and I decided to head home so I won't have to rush to get ready later.

Me-I think I'm gonna head on home that way I have plenty of time to get gussied up later.
Daryl-Alright. Want me to drive you there?
Me-Nah, I can walk.
Daryl-Ok. Be careful. And call when you get home.
Me-Ok mom haha. (yells) Hey dad! I'm heading home now! I'll see ya later!

I walked back to my house, unlocked the door, and called Daryl. I told him I had to go so I could make sure everything was in order. After that I kicked my boots off and laid across my bed. I took out Merle's letter again to give it another look over. I felt tears stinging my eyes but instead of fighting them back like usual I let them fall. When I was all cried out over that ass hole I went in the kitchen and made a sandwich to hold me over until later. A few hours later I did my make up and got dressed. My dad gave me some of my mom's old things just for this occasion. I'm not usually allowed to wear her clothes. I think he's still in love with her after all this time. He used to beat her too, when he got really drunk. Which went from Friday nights to all the time. She left him and me when I was 5 and I haven't seen or heard from her since. I don't blame her for running away, I would too if I could. He ain't as hard on me as he was on her though. I think he learned a lesson when she left and he knows that I could leave too. When I got dressed I curled my hair and sprayed some of my mom's perfume on. Maybe if I ever get away from my dad and get some money I could track her down so I could see her again. But there's always the chance that she doesn't want to be found. I wish she would've taken me with her when she left. But if she would have I would've never met Daryl. Of course I would've never met Merle either. At 6:00 there was a knock on the door. When I opened the door Daryl was standing there in a button up white shirt, new blue jeans (which is rare for us), and he'd cleaned his dirty boots up best he could. He pulled a bouquet of wild flowers from behind his back. He stepped back so that I could come outside, when I did my dad and Will both started clapping.

Dad-You look beautiful Jess
Will-He's right, you do clean up nice girl. No wonder Daryl wanted to take you to the dance.
Dad-Jess, you look so much like your momma right now.
Dad-Yes, just like her.
Daryl-We should get going so we can find a parking spot. Apparently these things are pretty popular.

Daryl opened the door of the truck for me and I got in. He hopped in and we headed off to the school. We parked at the gym and Daryl opened my door for me again. I hooked my arm in his and we walked up to the gym doors. He paid for us to go in and the gym was decorated pretty nicely. It wasn't too bad looking. We walked to the refreshments table and got some punch. I took a sip of it, yep it's spiked. Daryl and I danced around a little but stayed off the floor on the slow songs. That's way too much awkward. One of Merle's buddies, Buck, tried to swagger over to me but he was drunk so he ended up almost tripping over a chair. I tried to hold in my laughter when he got over to me.

Buck-Hey beautiful you look beautiful.
Me-(snickers) Thanks Buck.
Buck-So how bouts me and you go twirl around on the dance floor huh?
Me-I don't think you can walk straight much less twirl.
Buck-Naw baby I'm good. So you wanna dance darlin'?
Me-No, that's ok. I don't really much feel like dancing. Me and Daryl have already danced quite a bit.
Buck-Just leave that square behind and come with me baby. I'll even take you home, might have to make a few stops on the way though hehe.

I looked frantically around for Daryl. Yes, I could handle this guy but people are generally a little harder to beat when they're drunk. I saw Daryl and thankfully caught his eye. He rushed over and stepped between Buck and I.

Daryl-Leave her alone. She don't want nothing to do with you.
Buck-Why don't you leave you white trash. She don't know what she wants.
Daryl-I'm telling you man you need to turn around and walk out right now or you're gonna have some trouble.
Buck-Bring it on then sissy boy I can take you any time
Daryl-Step back Jess, this is about to get ugly.
Buck-The only thing ugly is you boy. After I whoop your ass she's going home with me.
Daryl-She ain't going no where with you Buck!

I stepped out of the way as Daryl and Buck started to fight. It was mostly one sided, Daryl was beating the shit out of him. I knew I wouldn't be able to stop it so I just stayed out of the way of their punches. The football coach seen it all happening and finally decided to step in. He pulled them apart and got in Daryl's face. Of course since Buck was the best player on the team he could do no wrong and it was all Daryl's fault. So Daryl got thrown out, literally. I left after that happened. I got our photo we had taken not long after we got there first. Daryl was sitting in his dad's truck when I got out of the gym. I got in the truck and showed Daryl the picture.

Daryl-Well at least they got my good side, before those jock straps beat me up.
Me-You ok?
Daryl-Yeah, I'm fine. My face just hurts a little.
Me-Ready to head back to my house?
Daryl-Yeah, maybe dad won't bother me tonight since someone else did his job for him.

I nodded and we headed down the road to my house.

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now