Chapter 54

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A few days later Rick agreed to talk to the Governor. It feels weird to call a psychopath who nearly shot me in the face, Phillip. So I'll just stick with the Governor. Rick, Daryl, and Hershel went to a place not far from here to try to negotiate. Thankfully Merle stayed at the prison with me. I know that the Governor will kill him if he ever sees him. Things with Merle and I went back to the way they were when we first got together. He was a sweetheart to me all the time. It was almost too good to be true.

I walked into the commons with Merle. Glenn was taking stock of the weapons Rick had gotten a few days ago.

"If anyone gets pinned down we need to make sure they have plenty of ammo. I'm gonna go work on the cage outside." Glenn said, grabbing a blowtorch.

"What we should be doing is loading some of this firepower in a truck and paying a visit to the Governor. We know where he is right now." Merle said, keeping one arm around me as he leaned in the doorway of the commons room.

"Are you suggesting that we just go in and kill him?" Glenn asked Merle.

"Yeah, I am." Merle answered.

"We told Rick and Daryl that we'd stay put." Michonne told Merle.

"I've changed my mind, sweetheart Being on the sidelines with my brother out there ain't sitting right with me." Merle replied, shaking his head.

"The three of them are right in the middle of it. No idea we're coming. They could get taken hostage or killed. A thousand things could go wrong." Glenn told him.

I don't know who I side with. I'm on some middle territory that Merle hates because he wants me on his side. I don't want to sit and wait for them to come fuck us up, but I also don't want to run in, guns blazing.

"And they will." Merle said.

"My dad can take care of himself." Carl said, in Rick's defense.

"Sorry, son, but your dad's head could be on a pike real soon." Merle told him.

I slapped Merle's shoulder. "What the hell?" I asked him.

"Don't say that to him." Maggie said.

"It's not the right move. Not now. Can't take the risk of putting them in the crossfire. That's my decision. It's final." Glenn told Merle before walking out.

I grabbed Merle's hand and led him away. We went to the break room that's becoming our hangout to get away from everyone else. I sat down on the couch and he paced the floor in front of me.

"You need to let this go." I told him.

"Don't you tell me what to... we need to hit him before he hits us. I would rather be out there fighting him than you have to fight him when he comes here." Merle said, stopping himself from snapping at me.

"I wouldn't mind fighting them." I told him.

"You don't know how sick this bastard is. You have no idea what he'd do to you. Especially if he knew who you were. And he'd make me watch." Merle shook his head as he spoke.

"You didn't tell him about me?" I asked.

"No, just Daryl. I knew that if I ever fucked up he would go after you. When they got me off the streets in Atlanta I passed out. He told me later that he heard me calling the name Jess in my sleep. Asked me who that was. I told him she was my dead wife before all this and left it at that." Merle said, sitting down beside me. "If I would have came back he would have followed me. You were safer without me around, better off too." He finished, getting up and walking out the door.

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now