Chapter 12

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  Daryl knew I wasn't going to be doing much of the talking so he spoke up for me.

Daryl-Actually, she's only here because I asked her to be. That and I wanted you to see what your buddies did to her.
Merle-Oh, so that's why her lip's busted. I figured her daddy did that. So who was it that did it?
Daryl-Buck and his band of jack asses. Minus you of course.
Merle-So you're still mad at me huh?
Daryl-Bet your ass I am.
Merle-Well at least you brought something pretty for me to look at while you chewed me out
Daryl-Leave her alone. She don't want nothing to do with you. I think you've made it clear that you're not interested in her either. So is there anything you have to say about her getting jumped? You know if it hadn't happened at Shook's store he would've probably raped her.
Merle-I would've killed his ass when I got out of here too.
Daryl-Nice to know there's a heart in there somewhere.
Merle-You know I do care about Jess's well being right? Hell I spent 4 years wit the kid, I don't see how I couldn't. Jess look, I just don't wanna be with you. You're a great kid, I just don't do dating. Never have, never will. I'm a rolling stone, been one my whole life. I've never needed a woman up to this point just don't see why I'd need one now. Don't get me wrong you're good looking. I mean God damn girl you are a knock out, I just ain't gonna put a ring on your finger. That's for sure. That is just the way I am, yes I'm an ass hole but I was born this way. So you get me?
Me-I don't understand you in any way but yeah. I get what you're saying. I should've accepted it I guess.
Merle-There you go. Find yourself a good man now. Hell I bet Daryl's waiting on you to get over my ass anyway. Move on with your life Jess.
Daryl-Well I wouldn't say I'm waiting on you.
Me-I'll try.
Merle-Good. Buck will get what's coming to him when I get out. Trust me on that one, you are my friend Jess and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. I don't have many friends so you should be glad I consider you that.
Daryl-We can both go after him. Me and some guys beat the tar out of him and his crew last night anyway but I'd be more than willing to do it again. He has it out for Jess.
Merle-Well maybe you two could act like your together. He won't bother her if he thinks she's yours. That and tell him I said to leave her the hell alone.
Me-He's got no reason to be scared of you though. You're in prison now Merle and he'll find out pretty soon.
Daryl-She's right. If he don't already know he will by tomorrow. Word travels fast in a small town.
Merle-Trust me, he's scared to death of me. He's seen first hand what I can do to a guy. He'd leave you alone if I was on the moon.
Me-Ok. Now that all that business is dealt with, how are you doing Merle?
Merle-Well they're still feeding me and it's not like I ain't never been in the cooler. I guess I'm doing alright. How have ya'll been holding out? And how's dad?
Daryl-We're good. Oh and we went to that summer dance thing. I got a picture I'll show you before we leave. I don't know about dad, him and Louie took off to God knows where a couple weeks ago.
Merle-Hmmm I wonder where they went?
Me-We have no clue. Oh and they want me and Daryl to get married
Merle-(Laughs) is that so? Well there you go little bruddah. There's your chance. You know he always used to tell me..
Daryl-Merle shut your trap.

If looks could kill the look Merle would have dropped dead in front of us. Not that I would have complained too much. He's still an ass for leading me on the way he did. He can claim he wasn't all he wants. I think he really felt something that day but he's too scared of being committed to anyone other than his drug dealer to admit it. I am not waiting though, I'm gonna move on. Probably not with Daryl but hey, who knows? I understand what Merle was saying even though he didn't get to finish his sentence. For the next 30 minutes or so we just caught up on what all has been happening in the months since Merle has been away. Then the guard came back in from where he was behind the door.

Guard-Time's up Dixon! Back to the cell now!
Merle-Well, ya'll take care.
Daryl-Yeah, you too Merle.
Me-You too. Bye.

We left there and headed back out on the streets of Atlanta.

Daryl-Well that was....
Me-Yeah, I know.
Daryl-We still have an hour and a half before we have to get back to the bus station. Wanna get an ice cream cone or something?

We walked down around til we found a cafe and got a couple cones to go. We went back to the bus stop so we'd already be there and ate our ice cream while it melted and ran all over our hands.

Daryl-So I wouldn't put this day under totally horrible.
Me-Nah, just kinda
Daryl-Ha, yeah. About what Merle was going to say, I really do like you a lot Jess. Hell I love you. I know you don't feel the same and probably never will but I wanted to tell you. When we were both sober this time.
Daryl-So you don't remember anything from that night after the dance?
Me-No. Why? What happened?
Daryl-Well we were both pretty drunk and I told you I loved you. We ended up kissing until we went passed out in the bed of my dad's truck. I know you probably didn't want to remember kissing me but there it is.
Me-Wow. I don't remember any of that. I just remember before we started drinking, and then the next morning.
Daryl-Yeah, I was glad you didn't for a while but I just wanted you to know. It was eating me up to tell you. I shouldn't have let it happen in the first place but I did. And I loved every second of it.
Me-Daryl I had no idea.
Daryl-I know, that's what you said when we were plastered.
Me-How do you remember?
Daryl-I've always been able to remember what happens when I'm shit faced. It's a curse really.
Me-I really don't know what to say.
Daryl-I shouldn't have even said anything.
Me-Daryl, it's not that. I just need some time to think ok?
Daryl-We're not even together and it sounds like your dumping me.
Me-(laughs) Daryl just calm down ok. Our bus is here.

We boarded the bus and headed home. It was a silent ride and when we got home I was tired from all the emotional whiplash I was receiving. I went in Daryl's dad's room and laid across his bed after turning on the air conditioner. Daryl joined me after a little while and we laid there and went to sleep.  

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now