Chapter 14

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We finally made it to the prison. Daryl still won't speak to me. We went through the metal detectors while the guards checked the food we brought. When that wonderful adventure was over we went into the visitation room with the food to wait for Merle. Shortly afterwards he and some other chained prisoners walked in, accompanied by their guards.

Merle-Well there's my two favorite love birds.
Me-You can cut the crap Merle. He knows that you know.
Merle-So that's why he looks so pissy.
Daryl-I don't look pissy damnit.
Merle-Sure you don't little bruddah.
Daryl-Ugh, whatever.
Merle-So, since I'm not having to pretend that I think you two are still together. You wanna pay me a conjugal visit Jess?
Me-Hell no.
Me-I'm not your booty call Merle.
Merle-Well in that case can you get in touch with one of my women?
Daryl-We're not getting you laid Merle.
Merle-Ya'll are horrible friends. Ya'll have been out having fun while I've been stuck here in prison.
Me-You wouldn't even be in prison if it weren't for your attitude Merle.
Daryl-I hate to say it but she's right.
Merle-Oh and Daryl, it's probably a good thing you haven't been with your girl yet.
Daryl-How the hell did you know who I was with?
Merle-A little birdie told me. Anyway, long story short she has the clap.
Daryl-What the hell Merle?! She told me she was a virgin.
Merle-In that case, so am I. Her nickname is backseat Barbie.

They started to argue and a guard had to break it up. I couldn't contain my laughter and had to put my head down on the cold metal table. Merle started eating his food while Daryl glared at Merle and I each in turn. When Merle was finished stuffing his face he turned to Daryl.

Merle-Look Daryl, I just wanted to warn you.
Daryl-Well instead you humiliated me.
Merle-Well it's not that bad. I mean Jess is sleeping with Bobby Parks for God's sake.
Me-Thanks Merle, great confidence booster.
Merle-That's what I'm here for.
Daryl-He has a point (snickers).
Me-Well now that we've all laughed at someone else's expense now. It's almost time for you to go back to your cage Merle.

Just then the guard came back and took Merle to his cell. Daryl and I walked out of the prison and into the parking lot.

Daryl-Sorry for um being well, you know.
Me-Yeah, I'm sorry too.
Daryl-For what?
Me-Ending things. I shouldn't have but I was scared that our friendship would be ruined if we kept on.
Daryl-Jess I don't think anything could ruin our friendship. After all...
Me-After all what?
Daryl-I've seen you naked (laughs)
Me-Oh you're so funny. Wait, when did you see me naked?
Me-Alright then peeping Tom.
Daryl-So you wanna go get a slice of pizza or something?
Me-Nice change of subject there.
Daryl-Thanks, it was involuntary I'm starving.
Me-Yeah, right. But pizza sounds great. I think there's a place down the street that has pizza.

Daryl bent his arm and I hooked mine through it. We stuffed ourselves with pizza before heading back to my house for Daryl to drop me off. After a very long drive back my dad wasn't home yet so Daryl came inside. We got really tired of my dad humming "Here Comes The Bride" every time we were together so we've tried to stay away from each other for the most part when he's around. I changed into my pajamas then heated up the leftovers I saved from Merle's food.

Daryl-I don't know how your food is more delicious than any other food I've ever had but it is.
Me-Well thank you.
Daryl-You're welcome. I think I'm gonna go home soon.
Me-Alright. You can stay if you want though. I doubt my dad will mind.
Daryl-Alright then.
Me-Well I think we need to talk about everything that's happened recently. I don't want my dad to ruin it if we're in here and he comes in. I'm going to bed soon anyway so we can sit in my room and talk.
Daryl-Ok, yeah we need to talk about things.

We went in my room and I laid across my bed while he sat at the foot of it.

Daryl-So, I'm just gonna lay this out here. Jess I really want to be with you. More than anything really. But I really don't think you should worry about our friendship being ruined. No matter what happens you will always be my best friend. Ever since that day I met you on the bus. You'll always be my best friend no matter what happens between us as far as relationships go.
Me-I really want to be together too Daryl. But I don't think we should jump head first into things like last time. We should go on dates or something to start off. Instead of jumping straight to I love yous.
Daryl-I agree. We should set limits too I think.
Me-Um well I don't want to sleep together yet.
Daryl-I respect that. No spending nights together yet either. We need space away from each other. I think part of what happened was that we got tired of always being together.
Me-Yes, I think so too.
Daryl-Alright, with all that being said and out there, I think I'm gonna go to sleep now.
Me-I'm right there with you on that. Where are you gonna sleep?
Daryl-Well I think I might just make a bed in the floor beside your bed. I'd hate for your drunk dad to come in and pass out on me or something.
Me-Haha. I'll grab a couple blankets and pillows.
Daryl-Thanks Jess.
Me-No problem hun.

I grabbed the blankets and pillows from the hall closet. I helped Daryl make his bed in the floor beside mine. When it was all done he kicked his boots off and got comfortable. We said our good nights and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I fell into a deep sleep until I heard a slamming noise. It was my dad slamming the screen door shut. Hopefully he'll just go to sleep. I heard his heavy staggering boot steps in the hallway. But instead of them fading as he got closer to his room they got louder. My stomach started tying itself in knots as a feeling of absolute dread washed over me. I heard my door knob turn and my door opened. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping it was all just a bad dream. Like I've always done, but if it's a dream I've never been able to wake up from it. I looked up at him as he hovered over me. He smiled at me, but not in a comforting way. Not at all. I felt his calloused hand on my stomach moving upwards. I let out a whimper that I immediately regretted when I heard stirring beside me. My dad grabbed my face tightly and squeezed. A warning that I'd better shut up. He put his hand back on my chest and I so badly wanted to cry for help. The only time there was help nearby I couldn't do anything about it. I know he'll beat the holy hell out of me. I heard another rustling noise but didn't dare look. Then before I knew it Daryl had jumped up from the floor and was proceeding to punch my dad in a blind rage. I sat up in bed and stared open mouthed at what was happening.

Daryl-How could you?! You worthless sorry piece of shit! All this time and I never knew you were doing this to her! Me and Merle would have killed you a long time ago had we known!

Daryl was on top of my dad punching him, then he kneed him as hard as he could in the crotch. He landed one last blow that knocked my dad out. Had my dad not been drunk and surprised he would have killed Daryl. I heard sobs and looked around. I didn't realize I had been sobbing the whole time. I never wanted anyone to know. I don't know why but I felt the urge to vomit just because Daryl knew. He got out of the floor and hugged me.

Daryl-Grab your stuff Jess. We're leaving. We can't stay here any longer.

I couldn't speak, I tried but no words would come out. I nodded my head and jumped up. Thankful to be doing something I grabbed a bag from my closet and started stuffing clothes and possessions in it. I put my boots on about to head out the door to see where Daryl went when a hand shot out and grabbed my ankle.

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now