Chapter 5

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  When we got to my house I got Daryl some of my dad's clothes so he wouldn't be getting the furniture soaking wet. Then I went into my bedroom and changed into my then came back out to the living room where Daryl was. We don't have a television so we just sat on the couch and talked for a bit.

Me-So dad's duds fit you?
Daryl-Yeah, they fit ok. So you feelin' ok?
Me-Yeah just feels weird without your brother being here since he's been around more here lately.
Daryl-Yeah I think that's because of you honestly. Or maybe he just wanted to stay put for longer than a month.
Me-I say the second one. He's interested in me but I don't think he's that interested in me.
Daryl-You never know. Like I said there's probably a heart in there somewhere. Finding it would be tough though. Hey you could always use a thermometer, it'd be at the coldest part of his body!
Me-Haha. You know he has a heart Daryl. He's not completely heartless
Daryl-You're right just mostly.
Me-Yeah, he's better than my dad.
Daryl-Your dad isn't that bad
Me-That's probably because he likes you. He likes you more than he does me.
Daryl-I don't know. I know my dad likes you quite a bit too. Maybe we should just switch dads. Then we'd live with someone who actually likes us.
Me-That would be great. Too bad it's impossible. The state comes by and does random checks here. To make sure my dad hasn't killed me yet or anything. He's not exactly fit to be a parent but when you have no one else what can ya do?
Daryl-Nothing that I know of.

We talked on and on until I could barely hold my eyes open any longer so we both went to bed. Me in my bed and he on the couch. That morning I awoke to the sound of a telephone ringing. I jumped out of bed and ran to the phone in the kitchen. Daryl was just sitting up when I answered the phone.

Me-(out of breath) Hello?
Merle-Hey sugar britches! How you doin'? Just thought I'd call you guys and tell you I'm almost there. The bus stopped at a gas station so I figured I'd call y'all and let you know I was ok. I ain't got too long to speak so can you put my brother on the phone? I have a feeling he stayed with you.
Me-Yeah sure Merle. Hang on. Daryl!!! Phone!!

He got up off the couch and walked to the phone. While they were chatting I sat on the couch waiting to see if he'd want to talk to me. I heard Daryl say good bye and then he walked in the living room to sit down beside me.

Daryl-Now don't get upset Jess. He said he was running out of time and had to go but he'll call you tomorrow and talk for as long as he can.
Me-Yeah, whatever. I bet he just wanted to save the rest of his change to call one of his whores. I knew he'd be like this. He always is, he acts like he actually likes me for a few moments and then it's back to the way it used to be.
Daryl-Yeah, I know Jess I'm sorry. I told him he was a jackass and that he shouldn't get pissed off when you find someone that'll treat you better.
Me-Yeah. Although that'll probably never happen because it seems like you're the only guy in the whole county that doesn't just want to get in my pants.
Daryl-Seems that way. Not that there's anything wrong with you I just think of you as my sister. I ain't into incest. I do admit you are purty though.
Me-Well thank you Daryl. I don't want ion your pants either. So what do you say we do something to get that bastard off my mind?
Daryl-Like go hunting? I know dad's been wanting to go. We could see if him and your dad want to tag along.
Me-As long as I get some deer jerky I don't give a turkey who tags along. Let me get decent real quick and we can head that way.

I went back to my bed room and changed into my Then me and Daryl hit the road. We stopped at Shook's store on the way to get some bologna and crackers to eat before we started hunting so our growling stomachs wouldn't scare the deer away haha. As we were walking Daryl started singing

Daryl-Oh, my bologna has no first name because my bum dad drinks all daaaaaay!!!
Me-That was absolutely beautiful. A true work of art!
Daryl-I know, I should get a medal or something.
Me-If I had one I'd definitely give it to you for that.

We reached Daryl's house not too long after that. We entered without knocking and a foul stench hit my nose.  


I have roughly twenty more chapters typed up for this story so if ya'll like it I'll post more. Let me know in the comments if you like it. Thank ya'll for reading and have a wonderful day!


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