Chapter 2

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  This all started when I was in 6th grade. My dad and I had just moved to Georgia, from Alabama. I was a very shy 12 year old who had a black eye from "back talking" that I got when my dad was drunk. I climbed on to the school bus and looked around but saw no seats. I got near the back when I found young Daryl Dixon. I had no other choice so I plopped down next to him. He looked right at the bruise and I seen sympathy cross his face. I remember the conversation going a little like this:

Daryl-So, how'd ya get the shiner?
Me-I uh fell.
Daryl-You're lying girl. I'm not.
Daryl-Who hits you? If it makes you feel any better my dad hits me and my brother, when he's around.
Me-It's my dad too. I back talked him last night when he'd had one too many.
Daryl-I see. That's happened to me more times than I count.
Me-So what's this school like?
Daryl-It's alright, what days I'm actually here.
Me-Yeah,I'm not in school too much either.
Daryl-What's your name girl?
Me-I'm Jessica Norton. What's your name?
Daryl-I'm Daryl Dixon. See that guy up there in the front? That's my brother Merle. He just got out of juvie again. He's up there 'cause he lifted up a girl's skirt on here the other day.
Me-That's horrible.
Daryl-He didn't mean nothing by it. He's just messing around, he's always messing around with people.

Then I remember the bus pulling up to the school and waving good bye to my new best friend. That was four years ago, and two weeks before Daryl and Merle's mom died. Now we're 16 and it feels like it's been longer than that. I feel like I've been friends with Daryl and Merle my whole life. I'm not gonna lie, I am a little worried about Merle joining the military, but he knows how to take care of himself. I'm worried about Daryl too, now there will be no one to take some of the beatings at their house. I have a feeling we'll be spending a lot of time by the creek this year. When I woke up Daryl was fishing in the creek with a cane pole and Merle was still asleep in the sleeping bag beside me. I crawled out and pulled my boots on then sat down next to Daryl.

Daryl-How'd you sleep?
Me-Pretty good. You?
Daryl-Wouldn't know, I was only asleep for a few hours.
Me-What was it this time?
Daryl-The one with momma...
Me-I'm sorry Daryl.
Merle-You'll grow out of 'em. You'll live
Me-You could show some sympathy Merle
Daryl-No he can't, it's impossible.
Merle-See he knows. Why don't you accept it huh?
Me-I know there's something deep deep inside there.
Merle-Nah. You crazy woman. Catch anythin' little bruddah?
Daryl-No nothing yet, I was about to move down the creek some when Jess woke up.
Merle-Good thinking. You gonna clean 'em woman?
Me-Yes and how come you never call me by my name?
Merle-Think of woman as a nick name, made just for you by yours truly.
Me-But it's not just for me, you call all females either woman or sugar tits or sugar britches.
Merle-Daryl get me a pole.
Me-Since it's obvious he doesn't have one.
Daryl-(chuckles softly)
Merle-You know what girl, if you wasn't my little brother's best friend-
Me-What? You'd hit me? Show me who's boss? Well go right on ahead. Ain't nothing I'm not accustomed to. Do it Merle, show me how much of a man you aren't.

Merle grabbed the cane pole from Daryl and stomped off. Daryl raised his eyebrows at me and I just shrugged.

Daryl-So is there a reason you two are actin' like an old married couple?
Me-Maybe Merle just needs to get laid
Daryl-(raises his eyebrows)
Me-Oh no. Not by me.
Daryl-The way you talk about all the women he's with makes it sound like you're jealous Jess.
Me-I ain't jealous! What's there to be jealous of anyway? Some whores who didn't pass 8th grade?
Daryl-(smiles) Alright, alright. So you're not jealous.
Me-Thank you for admitting the truth Daryl.
Daryl-Mmhhmm. So who you going to the end of school dance with?
Me-No one so far. Buck asked me but I turned him down. I know what he'd expect if I said yes.
Daryl-Yeah, well if no one asks you by next week you wanna go with me? As friends ya know.
Me-Sure. When is Merle leaving?
Daryl-SInce he don't have to worry about graduating, soon. Not sure when though, you'd have to ask him.
Me-I'll pass thanks
Daryl-I'll ask him later. I'm gonna go down and see if he's catching anything. Wanna come?
Me-Yeah, as long as Merle doesn't try to talk to me.

We got up and walked down the creek. We reached Merle right as he was pulling in a pretty sizeable trout. I am not jealous of all those girls. It's impossible, I have no feelings for Merle Dixon that surpass friendship. Absolutely none. Ok well maybe he's a little cute, a little funny too, alright maybe I have a little crush on him but it's no biggie. After he leaves for the military I probably won't think of him like that anymore. I sat down next to Daryl then laid back on the creek bank with my hands behind my head staring at the clouds.

Daryl-So when do you plan on leaving Merle?
Merle-Since I've already been accepted, I was thinking about leaving today. After we eat I guess. If ya'll wanna come with me to the bus station.
Daryl-Of course we will.
Me-(Nods my head)
Merle-Well alright then, let's catch some fish!

After the boys had caught a mess of fish I sat on the creek bank with a knife cleaning them. While I was doing that Merle was building a fire to cook the fish on and Daryl was getting our cast iron skillet we use to cook the fish on. After the fish were cooked and our bellies were full we began packing up our camp and putting everything back in it's proper place. We started the long walk to the closest bus station.

Me-So how long are you gonna be gone?
Merle-I dunno. A year, maybe longer than that. However long they keep me there I reckon.
Me-You gonna write to me?
Merle-If you want me to sugar britches.
Me-Only if you want to. You don't have to write all the time, just every now and then so me and Daryl will know you havn't croaked yet.
Merle-I think I can handle that. Say, since you know you may never see me again sugar britches
Me-No, I am not having sex with you.
Merle-How'd you know I was gonna say that?
Me-Because that's all you ever think about Merle. Sex and drugs.
Merle-What's wrong with that? I'm gonna have to drop by and see someone then. You two should head on to the bus station, I'll be there shortly.
Me-(fake gags) that's a horrible mental picture.
Daryl-I'm right there with you on that.

Merle walked off the path and into the woods. Most likely to one of his whore's houses. Daryl smiled and laughed at me.

Me-What is it? What's so funny?
Daryl-Nothing. You said you weren't jealous so it's nothing, right?
Me-Well I'm not, I'm just worried that he's going to get AIDS or something and die.
Daryl-He'll be fine. He know's what he's doing.

After that we walked in silence to the bus station. We made it in pretty good time but Merle wasn't there yet so we sat down on a bench outside the bus station and lit up a cigarette to share. About an hour later Merle showed up. Looking a little happier and like he had recently gotten a fix.  

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now