Chapter 6

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  It was vomit. It was pretty much everywhere. I am definitely not cleaning that up. My father was passed out just short of the couch. I heard Will (Daryl's dad) groaning from his bedroom. The television was turned all the way up and there were empty beer bottles littering the living room floor. I nudged my dad with my boot and Daryl went to go wake his dad up. They both like to hunt so maybe the shouldn't get too mad about being awakened. Especially since it's past noon.

Me-Hey dad, me and Daryl were wanting to go hunting. You and Will wanna tag along?
Dad-Huh? Yeah sure. Just gimme a minute.

I went outside for a breath of fresh air while they cleaned up. Daryl came out a few minutes later.

Daryl-I told dad about Merle.
Me-What'd he say?
Daryl-He said something along the lines of good riddance.
Me-Kinda harsh.
Daryl-Just a little. Merle was his favorite. He'd never admit it but he was. He cares, he's just too manly to show it. Like Merle.
Me-Sure. Well I'm glad it skipped you. I like you not being an asshole.
Daryl-Me too Jess.

The screen door slammed open a few minutes later. Dad and Will came down the porch steps hung over but not too crabby. They were armed with 3 rifles and a crossbow. The crossbow was Daryl's. He worked for months cutting grass and doing yard work for people around town to buy that thing. It's his pride and joy. I grabbed a rifle from Will and we all got in Will's truck to head to a hunting camp a few miles from their house. Daryl and I rode in the bed of the truck while our dads sat up front.

Daryl-You know your dad actually asked with some hope if we were dating?
Me-That's funny.
Daryl-I told him I was taking you to the dance and he called me son.
Me-Wow. Next thing we know he'll be planning our wedding.
Daryl-I seriously don't doubt it haha.

When we got to the hunting camp we crept through the woods to the nearest deer stand. We all did pretty good, I took out a 5 point buck myself. I had just turned to rub it in Merle's face when I realized he's not here anymore. When the sun had started to go down we climbed out of the stand and dragged our kills to the truck. We went back to Will's house to clean them, gut them, and process them. He and dad did most of it so Daryl and I went on a walk.

Me-So should I write him? I kinda don't want to after that stupid phone call but at the same time I do.
Daryl-I don't honestly know Jess. You could write him a letter and explain to him that your feelings aren't a toy for him to play around with ya know?
Me-Yeah, I might do that tonight. I'll need your help, I'll probably get stumped.
Daryl-Ok, so we staying at your house again?
Me-If our dads stay together again tonight then sure. But otherwise probably not. I don't think my dad wants you to stay the night with me. Even if he is hearing wedding bells.
Daryl-Yeah, well that is totally understandable. But he'll probably stay with dad. I'm sure they have more hell raising to do anyway.
Me-That I wouldn't doubt. We'll just have to wait and see what they do.

We ended up walking all the way to the creek. I sat down on the bank a lit up a cigarette and Daryl did the same. We got up after we finished and walked back to Daryl's house. Will and my dad were already drinking again. Go figure. They made their own dehydrator not too long ago so they were trying their hand at making deer jerky. They already had most of it bagged and in the freezer. My dad approached Daryl and I sitting on the porch.

Dad-I'm gonna stay at Will's again tonight Jess. I want Daryl to stay with you tonight so you'll be safe.
Me-Um, alright. I'll make sure he walks home with me then.
Dad-Good. Take care of my daughter Daryl, although I know you will.
Daryl-Yes sir, I will.

After that interesting piece of conversation my dad joined Will in the house.

Daryl-That was super weird.
Me-You're telling me. Wanna make like a banana and split?
Daryl-Hell yes. Dad! Me and Jess are heading back to her house!

We walked the beaten path through the woods to my house. When we got there I went in my room and grabbed a few sheets of paper, an envelope and a couple pens. I grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the ice box and sat down at the kitchen table with Daryl.

Me-So are you gonna write a letter too?
Daryl-Nah. We pretty much covered everything we could ever talk about on the phone. He's probably at the base by now.
Me-Yeah, I hope he trips and falls off the bus. Might knock some sense into him.
Daryl-Nah, He'd have to have a brain for that.
Me-Haha, yeah. Good point.
Daryl-Especially to turn down a nice girl like you. So about the letter. What all exactly you gonna say to the dummy?
Me-Not sure yet. I'm thinking of making it short and sweet. Just cut to the chase and ask him what the hell is wrong with him.
Daryl-Good plan.

It took us 40 minutes to get it all worked out. But when we finally did get it all wrote out it looked something like this.


Dear Merle,

Alright so what the hell is up with you? You kiss me like the world is ending one day
and the next you avoid talking to me on the phone? You're going to have to make up your mind.
Do you want to be with me or not? Let me know how you're liking the base.
Daryl really helped a lot with the letter. Even though it was short it took a lot of courage. It's a lot easier to be snarky to his face than in a letter which is beyond weird. When the letter writing was done we both talked and joked until we fell asleep in the living room.

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now