Chapter 26

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  It was a little less than a month before I saw Merle Dixon again. Daryl and I were doing alright on our own. We ran into each other at a sporting goods store outside of Atlanta. Since we were all headed that way we decided to go together. Daryl and I in the truck and Merle on his motorcycle. We haven't talked about what happened. We just swept it under a rug like every time before. I've spoken to Merle, but we never really go beyond basic conversation. It hurts to have to see him, but I know we have the best chance of surviving together.

Sometimes it feels like it's been forever since the world went to hell. Other times it feels like it was just yesterday that it all started. We've been through some shit since but nothing we couldn't handle. Atlanta was a bust. The whole place was overrun. There was no shelter, nowhere for us to go so we turned around.

A couple days ago we spotted a group of survivors. Merle wants to sneak up on them in the middle of the night and take their supplies. Daryl and I however, talked him out of it. Merle didn't appreciate that at all. They got into an argument about it so we're splitting up again. I have a feeling Merle will be back though. Daryl and I are going to try to join the group. There is strength in numbers after all.

Two weeks later

We've been in the camp for two weeks now. Merle showed up yesterday and Daryl wants me to share my tent with him. I'd rather make him sleep in the woods, but I don't want these new people to think I'm heartless. I've made a couple friends. There's a girl here named Amy who I've gotten along with pretty well. She's into the same things as I am, fantasyland as Merle always called it. I've tried to talk to Carol, who is here with her husband Ed and her daughter Sophia but she clams up sometimes. Ed hits her and one day I'm going to jack Ed's jaw for him.

One week later

Merle is starting to get on everyone's nerves around here. Daryl and I are trying to keep our heads down for the most part. Today some people are going on a supply run to Atlanta. Glenn is leading since he's been there before. Joining him is Andrea, T-Dog, Jacqui, Morales, and Merle. I don't really want Merle to go but he's getting a little stir crazy. Maybe the trip will do him good. Me and Daryl are going hunting when they leave. When Merle got up that morning to leave he woke me up.

"Wake up sunshine."

"What is it Merle?"

"Just wanted to say bye is all."

"It's morning already?"

"Winner winner, chicken dinner."


"Whatever. I guess I'll just go on my merry way without a kiss from my woman."

He stood up as much as possible in the tent and started unzipping the door. Before he could get it halfway I grabbed his belt loops and pulled him back to the ground.

"Be careful out there please."

"I will. Ain't no biter gonna get the best of me."

"Good to hear. I love you Merle."

"I love you too darlin'."

I gave him a kiss and then he left. God I hope they don't kill him in Atlanta. I'd hate to have to bust some heads.

I got dressed, pulled my boots on, and left my tent. Lori and Carol were making breakfast and it smelled good. But before I can eat I have to wake Daryl up. I unzipped his tent slowly and stuck my head inside. He sat up quickly and pointed his crossbow at my face.

"Jesus Jess. I was about to shoot you."

"You should save those bolts for hunting."

"Real cute Jess. Now get your head out of here so I can put pants on."

I zipped his tent door back up and joined everyone who didn't go on the run for breakfast. I grabbed a couple pieces of fried spam and sat down on the ground off to myself. Even though they accepted us into our group they still didn't like us that much. They kept us around for extra protection and our hunting skills.

After Daryl ate we grabbed our gear and headed out to the woods.

Several hours later

So far we've done decently. We got seven or eight squirrels. Daryl shot a deer so we've been tracking it for about 4 miles now. We're headed in the direction of the camp anyway, so if we don't find it we can just go cook the squirrels. We finally broke through the trees at the edge of camp. Daryl went through first and I heard his angry yell. Guess he didn't find the deer. I came out behind him hoping Merle was back.

Daryl was kicking a deer and yelling. There was a walker nearby on the ground with it's head missing. Nearly all the men in camp and another guy I'd never seen were standing nearby, all holding weapons. I didn't catch their conversation. The head of the walker was moving, and that's what I was focused on. Daryl shot it in the head with a bolt and sighed.

"Come on, people. What the hell? It's gotta be the brain. Don't ya'll know nothing?"

I followed Daryl past the guys, watching the one I'd never met as I passed. Daryl walked on into camp and yelled.

"Merle! Get your ugly ass out here! I got us some squirrel! Let's stew 'em up."

Merle didn't come out from anywhere and I didn't hear him yell an insult back. That's when I knew something was up. The men from the edge of camp followed us into camp. Shane stopped at his Jeep and spoke.

"Daryl, slow up a bit. I need to talk to you and Jessica."

I turned around to face him, dreading the worst. Daryl still hadn't realized what I had, Merle isn't here. Daryl cocked his head to the side a bit.

"About what?"

"About Merle. There was a uh. There was a problem in Atlanta."

My blood ran cold and my muscles tensed. Everyone was staring at us, some with pity.

Daryl took a few steps and said the words that I couldn't make come out of my mouth.

"He dead?"

"We're not sure."

"He either is or he ain't!"

The guy I'd never met before walked up to the two of them.

"No easy way to say this, so I'll just say it."

"Who are you?"

"Rick Grimes."

"Rick Grimes, you got something you want to tell me?"

"Your brother was a danger to us all. So I handcuffed him to a roof. He's still there."

Daryl turned around and wiped his face. He was about to cry. I started to reach out for him but changed my mind after I heard the anger in his voice.

"Hold on. Let me process this. You're saying that you handcuffed my brother to a roof and then just left him there?!"

When Daryl finished his sentence he was yelling. Rick nodded his head, obviously not scared of Daryl or his rage.


Daryl threw the squirrels we'd killed as a diversion and started to run at Rick. Shane saw this, like he'd been waiting for it and got to Daryl first instead. Daryl took his knife out and started swinging it towards Shane and Rick. I couldn't do anything except watch, glued to the spot. Shane got Daryl in a chokehold and Rick got the knife away. Daryl was struggling but it wasn't doing him any good.

"You'd best let me go!"

"Nah, I think it's better if I don't."

Shane was getting Daryl to the ground.

"Choke hold's illegal!"

"Yeah, you can put in a complaint."

I managed to inch a little closer to make sure Daryl was ok. T-Dog noticed and stuck his arm out in my direction, telling me to stop. I guess he thinks I'm gonna join in. Rick knelt down in front of Daryl.

"Now I want to have a calm discussion about this. Do you think we can do that?"

Shane finally let Daryl go and I went to his side. Looking him over. Rick knelt down again looking at the both of us.

"What I did was not on a whim. Merle does not work or play well with others."

T-Dog spoke up from behind us.

"It's not all Rick's fault, I had the key. I dropped it."

This seemed to wake me up enough to speak.

"Well you couldn't pick it back up?"

"I dropped it down a drain."

Daryl snorted and stood up.

"If that was supposed to make me feel better it don't."

"Well maybe this will. I chained the door to the roof. So the walkers couldn't get to him. With a padlock."

Daryl wiped his face again.

"To hell with all ya'll! Tell me where he is so me and Jess can go get him."

Lori spoke up from the RV.

"He'll show you. Ain't that right?"

Rick looked around and nodded.

"I'm going back."

Daryl walked off and I followed. I paused in front of Rick. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't form the words. So I kept walking after Daryl. I stood next to him and ran a hand down my face. Daryl sighed.

"We'll find him Jess."

"But what if we don't?"

Before we could answer Rick came out from behind us with Shane following. Shane was running his head, nothing new there.

"Why would you risk your life for a douche bag like Merle Dixon?"

Daryl turned to face him and shouted.

"Choose your words more carefully."

"I did, douche bag is what I meant. Merle Dixon. He wouldn't give you a drink of water if you were dying of thirst."

I was feeling better, so I decided to chime in.

"Not water, but I'm sure he'd love to take a piss in your mouth Shane."

He looked at me and narrowed his eyes. I laughed in response. Rick looked at me in shock. Guess he'd never heard a lady talk like that. He's in for a wild ride if that shocked him.

"What he would or would not do doesn't interest me. I can't let him die. Of thirst and exposure. We left him like an animal in a trap. That's no one for anything to die, let alone a human being."

Lori spoke from her spot beside the fire pit.

"You and Daryl. That's your big plan?"

Rick turned around to look at Glenn. Glenn closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Aw, come on."

"You know the way, you've been before. In and out no problem just like you said. It's not fair for me to ask, I know that. But I'd feel a lot better with you coming along. I know Lori would too."

Shane spoke up from where he was standing.

"That's great. Now you're gonna risk three men."


T-Dog volunteered. Well since we're assembling a team, now's my chance.

"And I'd make five. Although technically not a man. You could ask Merle if You hadn't left him on a roof."

Daryl laughed.

"My day just gets better and better don't it? You ain't going Jess."

"The hell I'm not. I love him every bit as much as you do."

"That's not the point here."

"The point is I'm going. You were fine with me going before we got this little group started."

"What if you get hurt?"

"I can get hurt just as easily here. Or did you not see that walker earlier."

"Fine, whatever. But don't be surprised if we get attacked in Atlanta."

"I can handle myself."

"Don't I know it."

I laughed and he smiled at me. No one else could argue with Daryl Dixon and not walk away with a black eye.

Dale looked at us strangely.

"Well Jessica makes five."

Shane was getting all fired up. He pointed his finger at Rick accusingly.

"No, it's not just five. You're putting all of us at risk. Just know that. Come on, you saw that walker. It was here, it was in our camp. They're moving out of the cities. When they get here we'll need every able body we've got. We need them here to protect this camp."

"It seems to me what you really need here are more guns."

Glenn shuffled his feet and spoke.

"Right, the guns."

"What guns?"

"Six shotguns, two high powered rifles, and over a dozen handguns. I cleaned out the station before I left. I dropped the bag in Atlanta when I got swarmed. It's just sitting there in the street."


"700 rounds, assorted."

Lori spoke again from her high horse.

"You went through hell to find us. You just got back and now you're gonna leave again?"

Carl looked so sad sitting beside Lori.

"Dad, I don't want you to go."

"To hell with the guns. Shane is right. Merle Dixon? He's not worth one of your lives, even with the guns thrown in. Tell me, make me understand."

I clenched both of my fists and cut her a glare. After that, I decided to back to mine and Merle's tent. I don't need to listen to anymore of their shit. I bet that I could burst her bubble if I told her husband how her and Shane look at each other. How they are both conveniently gone a lot of the time. But I won't. I won't use secrets and guilt like weapons, unlike her. I stayed there, trying to calm myself down. Panicking is the last thing I need to do today. I heard footsteps outside my tent and tensed. Daryl unzipped it and gave me a small smile.

"Time to go Jess. If you haven't chickened out yet."

"Me? Chicken? You're funny. I'll be there in a minute."

He chuckled and walked off. I grabbed my axes and my shot gun. I slipped the axes in my belt and slung the gun over my back then headed to the truck. I climbed into the box part and sat down. Daryl was pacing back and forth with impatience. Daryl stuck his leg through the gap between the seats and stepped on the horn.

"Come on, let's go!"

"Jesus Daryl. Could you not?"

T-Dog climbed in the back and sat across from me. Daryl finally sat down beside me after pulling the door closed. Then we took off down the bumpy mountain trail. I just hope we make it in time.

After what seemed like forever in the back of the stuffy box truck we finally made it to Atlanta. Daryl was getting even more impatient and my legs were numb.

"He'd better be ok. That's my only words on the matter." Daryl said to no one in particular, but I knew he was talking to T-Dog.

"I told you, the geeks can't get at him. The only thing that'll get through that door is us."

I can't say I blame T-Dog for what happened. I'm sure most of it was Merle's fault. Although I do wish they'd all handled the situation differently. I've been putting up with Merle for over 20 years and I never handcuffed him to a roof. As much as I may have wanted to.

I heard the brakes squeak as we came to a stop. I was more than ready to get out of that truck. I pulled the roller door up and jumped out first, taking a breathof fresh air. I heard Glenn say something about walking but I was busy stretching my legs. Daryl and T-Dog jumped out of the truck next and we started our walk.

We had just slipped through a fence when Rick asked a very stupid question.

"Merle first or guns?"

Daryl looked ready to knock him out.

"Merle! We ain't even having this conversation."

"We are! You know the geography, it's your call."

Glenn thought for a minute. "Merle's closest. The guns would mean doubling back. So Merle first."

We made it into the department store, walking quietly. I had both of my axes in my hands. Guns are great but ammo is hard to find and they make too much noise. We took out the walkers that were still in the store then ran up the stairs to the roof. T-Dog cut the chain that was thankfully still on the door and we stepped out onto the roof.

Daryl and I started yelling Merle's name as soon as we got out the door. Daryl was running, I was trying to keep up behind him. Merle wasn't on the roof. I'm sure everyone in the city could hear Daryl yelling.

Where Merle was there was a hacksaw, a pool of blood and Merle's hand. He cut his own damned hand off to get off the roof. I hit my knees beside where the hacksaw was and started to cry despite my best efforts.

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now