Chapter 21

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  Daryl and Mark burst into the kitchen one after the other. Mark let out a gasp and put his hand over his mouth. Daryl stared at the scene with wide blue eyes. He didn't take his eyes off of my father's body as he spoke.

"Holy shit!"

He looked around frantically, searching for me. When his eyes landed on my terrified face he stepped around the body to me. He pulled me in his arms and held me tight. We stood there like that, the entire scene frozen except for our breathing. Then we heard the sirens. The loud noise woke me out of my stupor and I looked up at Daryl He looked down at me, finally realizing I was shirtless. He pulled his shirt off and gave it to me. I pulled it over my head and nodded my thanks. Next came the police running into the room. I wonder how many more people will rush into this room before I get out of here. Since Amy/Liz/Mom was still holding the gun they handcuffed her. Mark followed them as they headed toward the police cruiser parked in the driveway. Daryl led me outside after everyone else had left the room. One of the officers was reading Amy her rights while the other was helping her into the backseat. Mark was talking to another officer who had shown up in the last minute or so. I'm still not sure what to think. The police officer spotted us and motioned for us to join him by his cruiser. Daryl put his hand on my arm and we walked to the cruiser. I expected what was about to happen, but that didn't make me want to do it any more.

"Jessica Norton?"

"Yes sir."

"I'm gonna need you to come down to the station to give a statement and answer a few questions."

I felt Daryl tense beside me.

"Can I come with her officer?"

"If it's alright with her. But she'll have to answer our questions alone. She was the only one to witness what happened, correct?"

I nodded my head. "It's fine with me."

Daryl and I got in the back of the police cruiser. Daryl was still shirtless. He put his hand over mine and sighed.

"I'm so sorry we weren't there Jess. I should have listened to you."

"I want to talk later. Please. Not now."

Daryl didn't speak, he only nodded. I know he just wants to apologize but I still need time to focus and process. My mind just wants to go blank and space out. My eyes want to unsee what just happened. My ears want to forget the deafening bang. They're still ringing from it. We pulled into the police station and the officer pulled around to the back of the building. He opened the back doors and we got out. The officer led us into the building through a backdoor. Daryl sat down in the lobby and I followed the officer into a room.

"Someone will be in a moment to take your statement and ask a few questions. You need anything before I go?"

Just for today to have never happened, of course. "No, but thank you."

He nodded and left the room. I looked around the room. It was empty save for the table and chair. The table was connected to the floor so it wouldn't move. It had a loop on it where I assume handcuffs would be put through. I wonder if... Amy is in a room just like this?

Another officer came in and introduced himself as Detective Ragan. He sat down and put his hands on the table.

"Alright Jessica. I need you to start at the beginning. What happened before the events that brought us here?"

I went over everything I could remember. The note, Amy coming in, making a sandwich, then the back door bursting open. When I got to that point he pulled a note book out of his shirt pocket.

"Okay, so what happened after that?"

I took a deep breath and told him exactly what had happened. I could still remember it perfectly, even though I really didn't want to. I ended with Daryl and Mark coming in then the police showing up. When I was finished he gave me a slight smile.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Jessica."

I just nodded my head in reply. What do you say to that?

"So you said Elizabeth is your mother?"

"I think so. My father recognized her."

"Did she tell you about this previous to the incident?"

"No, I had no idea until he said her name. She told me her name was Amy. She left my dad when I was really young. So I didn't recognize her."

"Why are you in Atlanta?"

"Daryl and I ran away. From him."

"What happened that would make you travel that far? Why would he come after you?"

"He's always been abusive. When I was younger it was just slaps, punches, kicks. But as I got older he uh-um."

"You can tell me Jessica. No one is listening. I won't tell anyone that doesn't have to know."

"He would touch me. Where a father never should. That's how it started. Then he would rape me. He would come in my room, smelling like a brewery, barely able to stand."

I couldn't continue. Tears welled up in my eyes and I could feel the scream building in my throat. I laid my head down on the cold metal table.

"Thank you for your cooperation Jessica. I know you most likely want to be alone. I'll let Mr. Dixon know."

With that he walked out and shut the door. I let a sob escape my throat and took a deep ragged breath. The door opened again but I knew it was Daryl. I could tell by the sound of his boots on the concrete. He knelt down beside me and lifted my chin. He wiped the tears running out of my eyes and pulled me into a hug.

"It's ok. That bastard is dead now. He can never hurt you again."

I nodded, my head against his shoulder.

"Uncle Mark is outside in his car if you want to leave."

"Yes. I hate this place."

Daryl put his arm around my shoulders and we left the police station.  

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