Chapter 51

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I surprisingly slept like a rock that night. I also overslept for the first time in about a year. Which made me angry with myself, but I'd get over it. I went to the commons area for breakfast and forced it down. I didn't want to eat, but if I wanted to get very far without passing out, I had to. I grabbed one of our maps afterwards and took it back to my cell. I spread it out on the desk and traced creeks and rivers with my fingers. I know the guys will stay close to the water. They didn't have many supplies I'm guessing so they'll have to have something to drink and they can fish with cane poles. Game would hang around the water too. Assuming the walkers haven't killed all of the animals.

Daryl's P.O.V

Merle and I had been out in the woods for about an hour when he had to stop and piss again. I've been wondering if I should mention Jess, I can feel her anger from here. I wonder if she cried when I didn't come back. I'm a fucking asshole.

"Maybe we should head back. They've got food and shelter there. Ain't nothing out here." I said to Merle when he was done.

"Ain't nothing for me there. I'm sure they'd give you a warm welcome though." He replied, his voice full of hate.

"What about Jess? I noticed you haven't mentioned her."

"I didn't think she was still around. I doubted she'd last one day without me." He said, looking proud of himself.

"Well she did. And I bet she hates both of us now." I told him.

He didn't reply, he just kept on walking forward.

Jess's P.O.V

When I was sure I had the map memorized I started down to the commons area to put it back up. I don't want to take anything I don't have to. Something told me to stop when I was passing Glenn and Maggie's cell. My gut told me to glance inside. Maggie was laying on the bunk, facing the block wall. I knocked softly on the metal cell door.

"You all right?" I asked.

She didn't reply, she just nodded her head.

"You wanna tell me what happened?" I asked. "Sometimes it helps if you talk about it. I know something happened hon. I've seen that look Glenn gives you."

She still didn't speak, so I continued on. I'm like the fucking spokeswoman for all forms of abuse here. "I seen that look on Daryl before. Glenn thinks the Governor raped you."

She sat up and looked at me. There were tears streaming down her face. She just nodded.

"Did he?" I asked softly.

She shook her head no.

"It'll take him time to accept that. Daryl looked at me like I was tainted for years after he found out about what my father did." I paused and shifted my weight form one foot to another. "I feel like I should apologize to you. On behalf of Merle. He's an asshole and a half. When I see him again, I'm gonna give him a hard slap for you. I promise." I told her, smiling slightly. "Something I've learned in my 39 years here on this earth is that us women are tough. Men may have most of the physical shit down, but we beat them every other way. You two will make it through this. Just give it time and talk it out." I said.

She had stopped crying at that point but still wasn't speaking so I walked away. Hopefully what I said will help. I passed Glenn on my way down the stairs. I didn't look at him but I could feel his glare. He doesn't want me to leave. Especially since I'm going to find Merle. I kept walking and made it to the commons. Everyone except Rick was hanging around in there. They all stared at me. When I turned around from putting the map up Carol spoke.

"Can't you stay a little longer?" She asked.

I sighed. "I've already stayed too long."

"You're just as good of a tracker as Daryl. You could make it one more day." Carol replied sweetly.

I stared at her. "I'm decent. I doubt I could pick up their trail if I waited another day. At this point I don't even think I'm going for Merle. So you can all stop looking at me that way. But I am leaving. Before Rick lost his marbles he asked me to stay the rest of last night and I did. So now, I'm out. I'm gonna pack my gear and I'm gone." I said, before walking away.

I did just that. I loaded up enough supplies to do me for a day. I'd be fine after that. I could eat plants if it came down to it. I slung my back pack on my back and made sure my axes were on my belt. I checked my pistol clip and stuck it in my back pocket then I headed for the door. I grabbed an extra loaded clip on my way out. I wanted to get a rifle, but I can't leave them without weapons.

I was about to walk by the prison bus when I heard the first shot fire. I jumped behind the prison bus with Michonne, the woman who wields a sword that Merle shot. I peeked around the corner and saw a white truck with a few guys on it. One of them had even gotten in one of our fucking guard towers. I shot at the truck with my pistol while Michonne did the same with her rifle on the other side. I needed to get closer but I couldn't without getting shot. I knew I should have grabbed that rifle.

I kept firing shots off at the two men by the truck but at this range it would be a miracle if I got one of them. The men stopped shooting suddenly and I heard a vehicle coming down the road, wide open. It was a delivery truck, like the ones that deliver chips to grocery stores or that UPS delivers out of. Whoever it was didn't slow down a bit as they took out both gates and nearly ran Michonne over. She jumped out of the way just in time. The truck finally stopped when it was past both fences.

We all watched it, uncertain of what was about to happen. A big metal ramp opened up off of the back and over a dozen walkers stumbled out. The driver of the truck got out and ran. I shot at them but had to duck behind the bus after a bullet hit the metal right beside my face. The gunfire was drawing even more walkers to us, which I'm sure is what the Governor was counting on. As a herd of walkers came in through the woods the men got back into their truck. One of them fired rounds off at us before shutting the door and driving away. Except for the one in the tower, someone had ended his sorry existence. After the truck left I started taking out walkers, everyone else did the same.

Glenn was coming back in his truck and nearly rammed into the other guys but they swerved to avoid him and went on. Glenn picked Hershel, Michonne, and I up in his truck and we went through the only gate left standing. When I looked out at the edge of the woods where Rick was, he wasn't alone. Is that? No. It can't be. I walked to the fence and squinted my eyes hard. It is. Merle Dixon.

Merle, Daryl, and Rick made their way through to the gate. When they came in I ran to Daryl and gave him a hug. He hugged me back tightly.

"I still kinda hate you for leaving." I told him quietly before we pulled away.

"I know." He replied.

When we backed away from each other Merle started swaggering towards me with his arms out. This son of a bitch wants a hug. I didn't say a word as I slapped the hell out of him. He reeled back and grabbed his face where my hand hit him, but grinned at me.

"You shoulda just told me you was on the rag." He said, rubbing his face.

I slapped him again, this time harder and on the other cheek. No one tried to stop me. No one even spoke a word. Merle looked a little pissed off but that only made him more excited. He loves being angry. He grabbed me, pinning my arms to my side and hugged me anyway. I squirmed, trying to get out of his embrace, but his arms were locked together. So I brought my knee up into his crotch. He let go and dropped to the ground at my feet, groaning and gasping for breath.

I resisted the overwhelming urge to beat the shit out of him. I knew from that day I caught him cheating he wouldn't fight back. I turned and started to walk away when I heard him open his big mouth again. He never could stand not getting the last word in.

"Definitely on the rag." He said between wheezes.

I turned around and started to run back to kick him in the gut but Daryl caught me.

"I hate you Merle Dixon!" I screamed as Daryl dragged me away.

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