Chapter 10

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***Two weeks later***
I was at Daryl's house where I have been since our dads left. They still aren't back, so we are still staying at his house. He came in from checking the mail waving a letter.

Daryl-Got another letter from Merle today. Wanna read it with me?
Me-I guess. Probably nothing for me anyway.

Here is said letter:


Dear Daryl and Jess,

I know you'll both read this so that's why I addressed it to the both of you.
Anyway, I am currently locked up on base and my address might be changing soon. That's because I got tired of one of my so called superiors always back sassing me so I punched that son of a whore in the mouth. They are going to try me by court martial or somethin' like that tomorrow. So, don't send me a letter back I may not get it. That's all for now kids, I'll write again after they figure out what they're gonna do with me.

I gaped at Daryl.

Me-He is probably going to prison.
Daryl-Yep. Well we knew it was coming. just didn't know when.
Me-True, but still I definitely wasn't expecting that. Holy shit Daryl.
Daryl-Yeah I wasn't either. Don't get me wrong, I fully expected him to fuck up but I didn't think he'd get prison time for it.
Me-I wonder if we could see him.
Daryl-It's possible I think. I guess I'll call and find out.
Me-Ok, I'm gonna grab my smokes while you do that.

I went into Daryl's room which I've been staying in since our dads took off and grab my Winston Reds. I go into the kitchen where the phone is and listen to his conversation. I hear a lot of mmhhmms yeahs and sures. He then says thanks and good bye and hangs the phone back up.

Daryl-Ok, so the secretary I spoke to said that we could see him during the visiting hours tomorrow since we won't be able to make it today. But she said we can call him today at 3pm which is when the visiting and calling hours begin. They last from 3-5pm. So I guess we can do that today and leave early tomorrow to go see him.
Me-Ok, that sounds good then. How are we gonna go see him though?
Daryl-The bus I reckon. Ain't no other way to go since they took off in the truck. Other than momma's old Cadillac in the back yard but I don't think we could get that thing running.
Me-Yeah, I got some money saved up we could use for bus fare. This is some serious shit he's gotten himself into this time.
Daryl-Yeah, well he's tough. Maybe we can make it to his trial or whatever they'll do too.
Me-That'll probably be strictly military though.
Daryl-That's true. Well it's almost 3 now. She gave me a number to call and told me to request to talk to Merle Dixon. She said it'll take them a minute to go get him but after that we'll have about an hour to talk to him. Maybe less depends on how long they'll let him speak.
Me-All I need is a few minutes to ask him if the drugs have completely eroded his brain. Make sure I get to talk to him.
Daryl-I will, don't worry.

Daryl dragged two chairs over to the telephone and took it off the hook. He dialed the number he had wrote down earlier and waited as it rung. When I assume someone answered he asked for Merle.
---Phone Convo---
Daryl-Hey, Merle before we get this ball rollin' Jess wants to talk to you first. That way you can't worm your way out of it this time.

Daryl handed the phone to me and I gripped it tightly.

Me-Hey dumb ass. What in the hell did you think you were doing?!
Merle-Defending myself is all. Hey why don't you put Daryl on the line?
Me-Hell no. You're gonna sit there and listen to me Merle Dixon if it's the last thing you do. You're going to prison, you realize that right? You dumb son of a bitch. I guess you don't give a damn about me anymore huh? You done got tired of me? If so go ahead and let me know, I'm not waiting on a convict that don't give a damn about me Merle.
Merle-Yeah, I know I'm going to prison. What if I only kissed you because I wanted to kiss a woman right before I'd be surrounded by all men?
Me-Then you can go to hell I guess. I don't want your ugly, stubborn, hateful ass anyway. Thanks for the answer finally. Bye fucker.
---End of Phone Convo---

I handed Daryl the phone and took off walking out the door. I couldn't figure out if I was royally pissed off, majorly hurt, or a little of both. He knew I thought I meant something to him. I know he knew it. I can only imagine the speech Daryl's giving him right now. I definitely don't wanna see him tomorrow. I'll go with Daryl so he won't be alone but I will not be around that heartless bastard. I had no destination in mind but I ended up at Shook's store. I went inside and bought a pack of cigarettes and a Coke, paid, and walked out. Unfortunately Buck and his cronies were outside when I came back out. I must have not noticed them when I went in the store. They were sitting on the bench outside the store where the old men usually sit to talk. Buck got up and walked over to me. He's not that bad lookng but his personality and reputation are ugly as sin. Kinda like someone else I know.

Buck-What you doin' little lady?
Buck-Where you walking? My way I hope.
Me-No where really, just wandering around.
Buck-You need an escort? You don't need to be walking around here by yourself.
Me-Why? Creeps like you out and about?
Buck-Now, now. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Out here all by yourself.

He grabbed my wrist and held on to it tightly.

Me-You better let me go Buck.
Buck-No, I don't think I will. I think I'll take you home with me and fix that smart mouth of yours.
Me-The hell I will. You better let go of me or God so help me I will scream and Shook will come out here with that handy shot gun he keeps under the counter.

He loosened his grip on me and I took my chance. I kicked him in the crotch and ran for the store door. I didn't make it though. Two of his friends ran up next to me and grabbed my arms. I screamed while i could.

Buck-You really did it now girly.

One of the boys slapped his hand over my mouth and the over punched me in the side of the face. I tried throwing myself down on the ground to get out of their grip but they were stronger than I thought. Shook came running out of the store and cocked his shot gun. The two guys that were holding me slung me back wards and then threw me on the ground face first. They all took off running towards Buck's parent's farm. Shook picked me up off the ground. I spit out blood and wiped off my busted lip.

Shook-Want me to take you home so they won't gang up on you again?
Me-If you don't mind.
Shook-Nah, I'm fixin' to go home and go to lunch anyway. Where you want me to take you?
Me-Will Dixon's house. I been staying there since our dad's took off to God only knows where.
Shook-Whatever happened to ole Merle? I noticed he wasn't with you or Buck.
Me-Yeah, he went off to the military. However, now he's going to prison.
Me-I really don't wanna talk about it.
Shook-Alright hun. Wait in my truck and lock the doors. I'm gonna close the shop down real quick.

I got in the truck and locked the doors like he said and waited. He drove me to Daryl's house and Daryl came out when the truck pulled up. I thanked Shook and got out. When Daryl seen my face he looked pretty pissed off. We went in the house and I told him what happened before he asked because I knew that's where this conversation was headed. He didn't say anything in reply. However he did get up and go in the kitchen to use the phone I assume because I heard him talking and then he walked out of the house. He never said a word to me. I hope he doesn't go get himself killed, or kill someone else.

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now