Chapter 19

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         It's been five days since Daryl and I arrived at his uncle's house. Thankfully there's been no sign of my dad. I keep my pocket knife on me at all times though, just in case. I doubt it would do me much good but going around defenseless just makes me paranoid. Today is Sunday and we're going to church with Mark. He absolutely insists that we go. He promised to take us to the diner in town after church let out. Since he's a preacher we have to be there early so we'll be skipping breakfast. I got showered then got dressed, putting on the only dress I had with me. A light purple dress that I'd gotten on sale at a department store here. Daryl didn't pack any of mine. I pulled on my heels that Daryl did grab and a pearl necklace that was my mother's. I left my room and walked into the hallway. Daryl's door was standing open so I went on downstairs where they were probably waiting on me.

When I got to the living room it was just Daryl. Standing in front of the big window that gave the living room it's glow. He turned when he heard the click of my heels on the hardwood floor. He smiled at me with his hands jammed down in his pockets.

"Mark had to run. Something about the deacon needing to be bailed out of jail." He laughed and shook his head. "You look nice."

"Thanks. You look nice too. So are we going in your truck?"

"Yeah, whenever you're ready."

"Well let's hit the road then Jack."

We went out the front door and to the truck. The church wasn't very far away so the drive was short. The drive was also quiet. We haven't been talking like we used to. Our relationship is all friendship now. Neither of us have said the words but I think we both know it's over. For good this time. I don't think Daryl will ever be able to touch me after what he saw at my house. When we reached the church the parking lot was pretty much empty. Daryl found a pretty close parking spot then we headed into the church.

The inside was beautiful. The wallpaper was golden and there were chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The pews were covered in red fabric and the picture behind the baptismal was of a large stream in a forest. I've never been inside a church before so this is definitely a new experience for me. We sat down on one of the pews near the back and I looked all around the room. There was a large piano off to the side of the pulpit and an organ on the other side. There were 3 rows of pews with at least 6 in each row. There's an upstairs and a few doors in the atrium. I guess we'll get the tour later.

Mark came out of a door near the platform where the pulpit stood. He had his bible in hand and his reading glasses on. He smiled and nodded at us as he walked across the room to the pulpit and laid his bible on the stand. He opened the bible, marked a page, and then walked back off the platform. He stopped at the pew we were sitting at before he left the room.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. I've got to check on the deacon's temporary replacement. Feel free to look around while I'm gone. Church will start before long."

After he walked out the front doors we wandered around. Opening the doors and looking around inside. There was a nursery, a small library, a kid's Sunday school room, a prayer room upstairs, and of course, bathrooms. When we were done we went back to the pew we were occupying before. People had started to fill in the other pews. Mark came back in and shook everyone's hand before he started. The kids went to their classroom then Mark started his sermon. I'll admit I almost fell asleep a few times. I tried to pay attention but it wasn't the easiest thing ever. After it was over we stayed in our seats waiting on Mark.

When almost everyone was gone Mark walked over with a pretty woman who I seen playing the piano before the sermon.

"Hey Daryl, Jessica. This is Amy. She's the piano player here and she cleans my house on Mondays and Fridays. I just thought I'd introduce ya'll since you'll be seeing each other pretty often."

I smiled and nodded. "Pleasure to meet you Amy."

She looked at me strangely. Like she was studying my face.

"Pleasure's all mine. I look forward to seeing ya'll Monday. I gotta run, bye ya'll."

I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd seen Amy before. She kept popping in my mind the rest of the day.

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now