Chapter 17

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***Merle's P.O.V.***

I went back into my cell and sat on the hard bed. That son of a bitch! He's gonna get what's coming to him, and soon. I've got enough time to think about it, thanks to Judge Moore. I still haven't used my phone minutes for the past few days. I believe I'll give ole Will a call.

Me-Guard! Hey! I wanna make a phone call!
Guard-Shut up Dixon I'll be there in a minute.

Ass hat. The whole lot of 'em are disrespectful ass hats. He finally came down the hall and let me out to take me to the phone. He gave me a token when we got there and I dialed my dad's number. God I hope he's not too drunk to answer the phone. It rang 5 times before he finally picked up.

Will-Who the hell is this?
Me-Your first born. Now, before you hang up on me I got a question.
Will-What do you want Merle. That damn no good brother of yours disappeared. Ran away with the Norton girl.
Me-So everyone knows?
Will-Yes, now leave me alone.
Me-Wait! Do you know the whole story?
Will-And what the hell is the whole story?

I told him what Daryl told me. Every last bit of it. Maybe that old bastard will kill him so I won't have to. When I was done he waited a minute before he spoke

Will-Just what am I supposed to do about it? Louie left. Ain't nobody seen him.
Me-Where did he go?
Will-You think I know?
Me-Did you see him before he left?
Will-Yeah. He looked rough too. He wasn't making much sense. He kept bringing up Alabama. Said something about Jess being just like her momma.
Me-Probably because she got away from the son of a bitch. I bet he thinks they went to Alabama. I gotta go. I need to make another call.

We didn't waste any goodbyes. I hung up, I assume so did he. I turned to the guard.

Me-So how much time do I got now?
Guard-Five minutes. Now hurry it up.

I thought hard for a minute then dialed Mark's number hoping it was right. Finally Mark answered.

Me-Hey uncle Mark. It's Merle, Daryl and Jess there yet?
Mark-No but they will be very soon. Why?
Me-I need you to give them a message for me.
Mark-Sure, no problem.
Me-Tell them that I believe Louie is headed to Bama and to keep their heads down.
Mark-All right, I will. They should be here in about 30 minutes.
Me-Ok, well I have to go.

I swear that man has always liked Daryl more. The guard led me back to my cell and told me that my block's yard time was in an hour. I laid back down and put my arm over my face. I have a cell mate but he just sits and reads all day. I've never spoken to him. He's probably a serial killer or something. I must have dozed off because the next thing I know I hear the door slam open.

Guard-Dixon, you've got a visitor.

I got up and followed him to the booths. Hopefully it's not Will. I don't know why that bastard would come here anyway. I pulled the chair back and sat down. When I looked up an involuntary smirk crept across my face.

Me-Looks like someone beat the dog shit out of you Louie.

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now