Chapter 13

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One year later

It's been a year since the trial and Merle went to prison. Daryl and I tried dating off and on but it ended up being too weird for the both of us. Our dads came back soon after we went to visit Merle and they've been back ever since. Daryl is dating a girl two towns over now and I couldn't be more happy for him. Our dads were kinda disappointed that we haven't eloped though I still think that they're holding out hope. I think that they want us to get married and move far far away so they won't have to deal with us honestly. We've been to see Merle a few times since he's been moved into the prison. We can't afford to do it often though. I work a shook's store and Daryl has been working at an auto body shop. We're both still in school but Daryl has been considering dropping out. Buck and his band of jerks have left me alone for the most part. They still wink and whistle at me every time they come into the store though. I'm fine with it as long as it's all they plan on doing. Daryl is still super protective over me, which I don't think his girlfriend likes very much. I don't think he cares very much though haha. I'm going over to Daryl's after work to cook some food for Merle tomorrow. We're gonna go see him since we haven't in a couple months. I get up, shower, and then throw on some clean . I grab my smokes and head out the door. I walked to the store and went on in, feeling the wonderful air conditioning cool my hot skin. Shook hadn't been there too long, he was getting the cash registers ready when I walked past him. I went into the back and put on my apron. Then I washed my hands and started cooking some food to put in the warmer for the morning crowd. I got the big chunks of lunch meat and cheese out of the back freezers so I could put them in the refrigerators behind the order counter to thaw. The rest of the day flew by since we're so busy on Saturdays. Sundays we're closed and Shook usually gives me Monday off to go with it. He calls it my weekend. To be fair he gives the older employees Saturday off. Shook stays in the store pretty much all day. In the mornings he's out behind the cash register ringing up customers but when second shift starts he's mostly in the back all night. Unless I'm working that shift then he'll stay out and talk to me all night. When Bobby on 2nd shift came in I put up my apron in the back and then went to see Shook. I got my week's pay and told him I'd see him Tuesday then headed out the door. Daryl was in the parking lot waiting for me in his old truck. His boss told him if he could fix the truck he could have it. He didn't expect Daryl to be able to fix it since there was so much wrong with it but after a couple months of constant struggle he got it running. I got in his truck and we headed to his house. When we got there we got out out and went straight inside. Daryl's dad is going to be gone all night and most of tomorrow since he 's going out drinking tonight with my dad. I sat down on the couch with Daryl and put my tired feet up. After a bout an hour of watching TV I headed into the kitchen and got out the supplies I needed that I'd already brought over. I'm gonna make him made from scratch biscuits with chocolate gravy, fry him some deer sausage, and fry some Indian bread too, since he loves it. Daryl came into the kitchen and pulled up a chair when I was rolling out the biscuit dough.

Daryl-I don't see how you can stand cooking after doing it all day at the store.
Me-I love doing it.
Daryl-I still wouldn't be able to do it.
Me-I know.
Daryl-So you're gonna make enough of all that for me to get some too, right? (smiles)
Me-Yeah, but that's all you're getting.
Daryl-(laughs) I have a girl friend for that Jess
Me-Yeah, too bad she's saving herself for marriage huh?
Daryl-Yeah. It sucks.
Me-Well at least you're not like Merle and you're respecting that.
Daryl-I sure as hell don't want to though.
Daryl-How do you do it?
Me-Did you seriously just say that?
Me-Just because I'm not dating anyone doesn't mean that I don't get any. Ok?
Daryl-Whatever you say Jess.
Me-Get bent.
Daryl-I'm only joking.
Me-I realize that. I have friends with benefits.
Daryl-Like who? Ain't me.
Me-I know that Daryl.
Daryl-Well spill the beans Jess
Me-I'm not cooking beans. I'm cooking breakfast food.
Daryl-All right smart ass.
Me-I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass.
Daryl-Fair enough. Just tell me.
Me-You are like an old woman begging to hear the latest gossip.
Daryl-I am not!
Me-Fine. It's Bobby Parks.
Daryl-Really? Wow. I did not see that one coming.
Me-Why not?
Daryl-He just doesn't seem like your type.
Me-And what's my type?
Daryl-Well most of them are assholes.
Me-You're not complimenting yourself.
Daryl-Well you said I'm not your type anyway.
Me-I never said that.
Daryl-Not exactly that way you didn't.
Me-Look Daryl, it wasn't just my decision to end our relationship ok.
Daryl-I know that it was just mostly your decision.
Me-Please stop.
Daryl-I was gonna go clean my gun anyway.

He dragged the kitchen chair back to the table and went back in the living room. I finished frying the deer sausage and put it on a plate then I started on the bread. When I finally got finished cooking I was exhausted. Daryl had already went to bed and I fell asleep on the couch. Partly because I was so tired, and partly because I didn't want to go in his room that smelled like him. And faintly of her. I didn't want to end our relationship because I didn't like him. I wanted to end it because I knew the further it got the harder it would be to go back being friends again. Daryl doesn't think that Merle knows that we're not together anymore but he does. I told him in a letter after we broke up. I told him why we ended it too. He said he didn't think that it was right but life was shitty that way. Daryl woke me up at the crack of dawn so I got the food out of the fridge and got it ready to go then I got myself. I got in the truck and waited on Daryl since he was locking the door. When he got in he didn't say much. When we were on the highway he finally spoke.

Daryl-So you ready to pretend like two love birds?
Me-You know, we can just tell him.
Daryl-He wants us to be together for some reason so I don't think he'd like that very much.
Me-Well he seems pretty fine with it to me.
Me-I told him.
Daryl-What did he say.
Me-He said he wished it wouldn't have happened but that life was shitty that way.
Daryl-He's got that right.
Me-Look Daryl do you have something you want to say?
Daryl-Not that I can think of.

I didn't reply after that. I just stared out the window at the buildings and cars. It was a very long silent ride.  


Hello everyone! Thank you for reading my story. If you'd like for me to continue adding parts on Wattpad leave me a comment and let me know! I hope you all have a wonderful night.


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