Chapter 8

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When we got back to my house our dads were surprisingly sober. I cleaned the cuts on Daryl's face and got him some ice to hold on to his face.

Will-What happened boy? You get your ass handed to you?

Me-He got beat up. 4 football players jumped him.

Will-What the hell did they do that for?

Me-Well, uh, one of the football players wouldn't leave me alone and Daryl tried to get him to go away. Only he wouldn't listen because he thinks he's God's gift to women. So Daryl kicked his ass. Then the football coach had Buck and 3 other guys throw him out the gym doors and beat him up.

Dad-Well you did what was right. Thanks for standing up for her. I know she can handle herself, I've seen her do it, but still thank you Daryl.

Will-Well I guess that means you two had your night ruined. How bouts you take my truck somewhere and have another date. Since that didn't work out.

Dad-Yeah, we'll be ok here.

Daryl-Uh...sure. Jess you wanna change clothes or anything?

Me-Yeah, in case we go swimming or something. Don't wanna get momma's dress dirty.

So I went to my room and changed into something a little more comfy. When I came back out they weren't in the house. I went outside and they were standing around Will's truck. Will put something in the tool box real quick before I could see it. He and my dad smiled real big when I got over to them. They are definitely up to something. I like my dad more when we're around other people. He acts like a dad should. I reluctantly got in the truck and left with Daryl. While we were driving I decided to question him.

Me-So what's up with them?

Daryl-They just want us to have fun is all...which is very strange.

Me-You're telling me. So what did he put in the tool box?

Daryl-I'll show you when we find a place to park. Where you wanna go?

Me-Let's park by the river. I like the river, it stinks but it's beautiful.

Daryl-The river it is then.

When we got to the river Daryl turned the truck around and backed it up quite a ways from the river but it was still in view. So we could sit on the tailgate. I got out and sat down on the tailgate while Daryl got whatever it was out of the tool box. He hid it until he got right in front of me and pulled it out from his back. It was a bottle of Jack Daniels Whiskey.

Me-Oh my God. They want us to get drunk and make grand kids or something.

Daryl-Hahaha I don't know. Dad gave it to me though, Louie seemed cool with it. I don't think they'd be cool with us making babies.

Me-I wouldn't either. Maybe because the dance sucked?

Daryl-Dunno. Either way waste not, want not right?

Me-That's right. Got any smokes?

Daryl cracked the seal on the bottle and handed me his pack of cigarettes. He took a gulp from the bottle and made a face as the whiskey burned down his throat. I lit a cigarette and took a few sips from the bottle. Daryl took it back and took another gulp.

Me-You wanna get shit faced pretty fast huh?

Daryl-I'm happier when I'm drunk. That and I want to forget today if possible.

Me-I'm sorry you got beat up. I shoulda took care of him myself.

Daryl-No offense Jess but if he would've beat you up I would've killed him.

Me-True (takes a few more drinks) I wish I could call Merle right now and tell him to never come back. I wish I would have never met that bastard.

Daryl-(slurred) Yeah. I wish you wouldn't have either. Then I would've had a fucking chance with you. Instead of Merle. He don't appreciate nothin'!



Me-What the hell did you just say?

Daryl-You heard me. I know you did from the look on your face. I used to be in love with you Jess. Not so much anymore. You're still just as beautiful as ever though. I knew you'd never be into me though so I always kept my mouth shut. You have no idea how many times I've wanted to kiss you since I met you. I hate my brother for what he did. He knew I had feelings for you. I told him before he met you but he still managed to just about charm your pants off.

Me-Daryl I had no idea. I really didn't. Why didn't you tell me?

Daryl-You loved him from the start Jess. Since we were kids. I knew I didn't stand half a chance. So what was the point? I don't know why in the hell I'm telling you right now but it just feels right.

Me-(takes a gulp of whiskey) It's the whiskey talking.

Daryl-Horse shit. We both know better. The whiskey just made my lips looser is all.

Me-I can't. I just can't believe you just said that.

Daryl-(takes a drink) Me either. Good thing I won't remember this tomorrow.

Me-(takes another gulp) Good for you.

Daryl-(slurred) Haha. At least I finally told you huh? Took me four years. That's another reason I hate Merle.


Daryl-He's so good with girls. Especially you.

I couldn't think of anything else to say. I took a few more gulps of whiskey. I feel horrible and not just because of the liquor. Daryl gave me a goofy grin. He started getting closer to me and my brain started to panic. Oh holy shit what should I do. I mean yeah he's handsome but he's right, I've always been in love with Merle. There's just always been something about him that's clicked with me. Well...if we're not going to remember this tomorrow, which I doubt we will...He was a few inches away from my face and I didn't stop him. He brushed his lips against mine and kissed me. It was a short kiss. No fireworks like in the movies I've seen at the theater. He pulled away looking kinda shocked, but it was like he was reacting through a haze.

Daryl-Well now I can say I did it huh? Won't our dads be proud?

Me-Yeah, I expect they would be.

Daryl-I'll get over you one day Jess. But today isn't that day. You know that was my first kiss?

Me-Really? All the girls want you.

Daryl-I know but you're the only one I ever wanted.

Me-Well for just tonight while we're drunk off our asses, you got me Daryl.

We took turns drinking more until my brain got all hazy and I wanted to do things that I normally wouldn't even think about. I don't remember what happened after that.

[[But here's what did happen]]

I scooted back into the truck bed and sat with my back to the tool box. Daryl scooted back with me, he put his arm around my shoulders and started kissing me. He hugged me close to him as we slid down our reflexes much slower due to the whiskey and our movements more clumsy. He kissed me and held me until we both passed out, whenever that was.

Born 2 Be Wild-A Merle Dixon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now