Garroth x Laurance // We Could Runaway

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Laurance had known The High Prince of O'khasis for a while, they met when they were mere children. His mother and brothers, had visited the orphanage Laurance had lived in. Queen Zianna wanted to show her boys, that life was glamorous. That they were the lucky ones. She also wanted them, to be inspired to help the needy of their kingdom, especially the children.

The eldest and youngest son, were saddened to learn that children actually lived the way he did. The middle, just didn't care. Laurance had been unlucky to be placed, in an orphanage in the slums of O'khasis. The worst one in the entire city. He was lucky enough if he was able to sleep in one of the few beds at night.

As time went on, the queen and two of her sons came back for more visits. Often bringing gifts and snacks with them. Laurance got the know The High Prince, Garroth, the future king. A friendship blossomed between the two, one that inspired Laurance to do something with his life. Growing up in an orphanage in the slums it was expected that one day he'd become a criminal. He was inspired to prove them wrong, and became a guard for the royal family.

And so he did, become a guard for the royal family. Specifically, he became Prince Garroth's own personal guard. The perks of being friends with a prince.

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Leaning up against the doorway, Laurance eyed Garroth as he paced around his room. He appeared as if he was bothered by something, normally he was after he had a meeting with his father. But today, he could sense that this was different. Garroth's entire body was shaking, a nervous sweat slipping down his face.

"Prince Gar-" He was cut off by Garroth. "I told you, when were alone you can just call me Garroth." He states, flatly. Getting to know him through the years, Laurance knew how much he hated being a prince. The strict set of rules he had to follow, what was expected of him, the list goes on. He especially hated that he'd never live a normal life, that he'd never had to work for what he wanted. Instead, everything was handed to him on a silver platter.

Garroth had mentioned on multiple occasions, that when they were alone he'd like to just be referred as Garroth - not Prince Garroth. And that he wished to be treated like a regular person. Laurance usually tried to oblige, but in guard training in was drilled into his head that he was too call the royal family by their titles.

"Sorry - Garroth, what's bothering you?" He corrected, stepping deeper into the room. Garroth had finally stopped pacing, and turned towards Laurance.

"Father said that I'm to get married." Garroth responds, a deep sadness laced in his voice. Laurance knew this day was to come. The royal were to never marry for love, but for more power. Usually parents picked out who their child was to marry.

Folding his arms over his chest, Laurance sighed. "You knew this was going to happen."

"I did. But, I wasn't thinking it'd happen this soon. Maybe a few years down the road, I'm only sixteen after all... " He brushes a hand through his sandy blonde hair, sitting down on his bed.

"Do you know who you're going to marry?"

"Yeah - Nicole, Princess of Scaleswind." Laurance raised a brow, he'd had met her a few times when her family came to the palace for visits. She seemed nice... He never bothered getting to know her, despite Garroth have been forced to spend time with her.

"You two seem like you'll be a perfect pair." Laurance states, going over to sit down next to Garroth.

Garroth leans his head down onto his shoulder, "why don't you seemed bothered by any of this?" Truth was - he is bothered by it. But, he had no choice but to agree with the marriage. He had no choice in the matter, for Garroth to marry someone or not. He was a mere guard, a servant to the prince.

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