Dante x Reader // Genocide

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This is for all Undertale fans out there~~ Isn't this bonely? Hehehe..... Yea I suck at this. - Lena

The Underground - 201X

- You try to spare Dante. He attacks you with a light blue attack, which you easily dodge by staying still.

"You're not going to trick me again, (Y/N). I know what you've done. Resetting the timelines won't make anything better." He said.

- You tell him you're sorry, and that you didn't mean it.

- He doesn't believe you, in which he does a KARMA attack which makes you go down to 1 HP. You dodge all other attacks.

"I'm gonna save this world, (Y/N). I'm gonna save this world, from you." Out of all his attacks, this hurt the most, even though it didn't damage your HP.

- You eat your Glamburger, which restores your healthy to 28/92.

- He slices at you with an orange attack, which you dodge by moving while it hits you.

"Just give up, (Y/N). This world doesn't need anymore pain than it already has."

- You try to explain what happened. You try to explain that it wasn't you who was killing everybody.

- His look softened, but he easily went back to his stone cold face and attacked you again. But again, you dodge it.

"I told you. You're not going to fool me again! I won't be as dumb as I was before!" His voice cracked.

- You ask him if he still loves you.

- His attacks are weaker, which makes it easier to dodge. It makes him frustrated, as he wanted to kill you already. But deep down, he also wanted you to be alive.

"Just die, (Y/N)! You've killed so many, how would I ever love you again?!" He screams, as he holds back tears. He eventually collapses to the floor and cries.

- You kneel down to him, and hug him. You removed your fringe, revealing your left eye, which was covered by the fringe ever since your second timeline.

- He hugs you back, and kisses your forehead, knowing that he was talking to your sane self. He stands up, and smiles.

"I love you, (Y/N). I'll meet you at Grillny's later, okay?"

- You nod.

- He spares you.

All your LV(Love, Level Of ViolEnce) and EXP(Execution Points) have been brought down to 0.

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