Chapter 6; It's A Date

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Daisy's POV

I wake up at 9:00 the next morning and find a message from Cal on my phone. "Hey chicken, do you and Bailey want to spend the day showing us around? Ash can drive, we'd love to go and get breakfast, and I think mr hemmings would love to see her ;) not to mention I'm keen as to see you cutie xxx"

Is this for real? Oh my god! I'm literally shaking as I type back "Sure sounds awse, it's a date! I know a good cafè we could go to for a bite. Ill ring Bailey up and see if she can make it. By the way, tell Luke Bailey has spoken to her mum and she's ungrounded. She wants to see him too ;) xo"

As it sends, i call Bailey from my home phone.

"Hello?" she answers groggily. She's soooo not a morning person.

"Morning sunshine. How did you sleep?"

"Great, once 3am came around and i finally got off tumblr. Why are you calling at this ungodly hour?"

"The boys want to go get breakfast. You in?"

"Um, fucking yes! Sorry." Bailey has the worst potty mouth I've ever heard.

"I don't care, it's fine. Cal texted me and said ash can drive, want me to get them to pick us up?"

"Yeah sounds good, I'll be ready at 10. Wait, wait - he texted you??"

"I'll fill you in later. I'll meet you at your place and they can pick us up from there. See you soon."

"Okay, see you then. Bye."

Throwing on my maxi skirt and a lacy top, i straighten my hair and apply light makeup, not wanting to look like I've gone to a huge effort to look perfect.

"Mum, I need you to drop me at Bailey's on your way to work!" I yell downstairs. My mum groans but agrees, and i slip on my Havianas and follow her out the door, texting Calum as i walk. "Meet us at Bailey's at 10 x x" and type in her address.

Bailey's POV

Ugh. As I drag myself out of bed, my phone buzzes. Ruffling my hair as I get up to have a shower, i scan through my messages and spot one from "LUKEY POO 💩". Laughing, i read his text:

"hey, sorry about yesterday. when you told me you'd never been kissed, I couldn't help myself. I wanted it to be special and from someone who cares about you, and even though we only just met i truly do. will i see you at breakfast today? :/ x"

That kiss on the end makes my heart flutter. I shakily type

"hey lil nigga, yes you will, I've been ungrounded. that's okay, I loved it. thankyou, actually. it was the perfect first kiss. see you soon. x x"

After freshening up, i chuck on my favourite play suit and slick on some lip gloss and mascara - I've never been one for packing on the makeup. Slipping on my Windsor smith sandals, i sit on the couch, munching on a muesli bar and reading my book, waiting until daisy arrives.

Calum's POV

"Ooohhh, look at Loved-Up Lukey and Cutie-Pie Calum, texting the pretty ladies!" Ashton and Michael haven't let up since last night, but the truth is i don't mind. It's just how we are as friends, we're always sarcastic twats.

"You have to admit, Ash, they actually are hot," Michael shrugs.

"Oi! We called dibs!" laughs Luke, punching Mike on the shoulder. He's smiling into his phone, so I know Bailey's replied. He shows me his phone and i scan through the message.

"Looks like you scored, mate!" He smiles.

"So you guys approve? I can ask her out?"

We all laugh at him, needing his bandmates' approval to go after a girl. I guess we have always been close in that way. Pulling into Bailey's driveway, i see Daisy walking through the front door. She truly is cute as a button. Luke is fixing his hair in his phone screen. Smiling to myself, I get out of the car and knock on the door. Bailey swings it open, laughing and saying "Hey MTV! welcome to my crib! Bye mum, I'll see you about 4. Is that okay with you guys? Sorry, I have to get back and go to ballet," she says, pulling the door shut behind her.

"You dance?" Mike asks, raising an eyebrow. "Wouldn't have pegged you as a prima ballerina, what with those band tshirts and that potty mouth of yours."

"Well excuse me, I'm sorry that I'm not prissy enough to dance around like a twit. You're a wanker, you know that?" She says jokingly. "Come here, you lot, group hug."

We all pile in, laughing. We break apart and she takes Luke by the hand and drags him to the car. "Let's go, losers, I'm hungry!"

Daisy laughs and i hold out my hand. She takes it and we walk together out to the car.

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