Chapter 34; Los Angeles & Amnesia

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Bailey's POV

I wake up at 8am the next day, feeling fresh and ready to explore. I've been to LA once with my family, but we were only here for three days, and we didn't get to do much, so I'm excited to do all the things I never got around to doing last time. Luke is still snoring quietly next to me, and since I'm never the first one up, I decide to be nice and make breakfast for everyone. I quietly sneak downstairs...


CRASH!!! The pots all fall out of the cabinet, and to top it all off, when I stand up, I bang my head on the underside of the bench and knock over the huge bag of flour, covering myself and the entire kitchen in white powder. The broken eggs on the bench start dripping onto the floor.

"What the fuck...?" I hear Luke say upstairs.

"What the hell are you doing?!!" Ashton yells from the couch. Daisy comes running out of her bedroom in a lacy black bra and black undies, Calum following her in a pair of boxer shorts. I don't even have time to wink or raise my eyebrows at her before Luke stumbles down the stairs and Michael follows him. They all just gape at me - I'm wearing a pink t-shirt, Luke's boxers, and a whole lot of flour. That's when Michael bursts out laughing. It's contagious, and before I know it, we're all hysterically giggling and having a huge flour fight. What little of the bottom floor which wasn't covered in white powder soon is. When Ashton slips over on eggshells and goes arse-over, we all finally sit down on the kitchen floor, and I quietly say, "Here's an idea, why don't we go out for breakfast?" Daisy snorts and pushes herself up, running to the bathroom and yelling over her shoulder to Calum and Ashton that she calls first dibs in their shower.

Daisy's POV

After I have a quick shower, I pull on my ripped high waisted skinny jeans with a grey crop top. As I emerge from the bedroom and walk into the bathroom where Calum is fixing up his hair. I give him a quick, cheeky slap on the butt. His eyes narrow in a grin. I quickly do my makeup and messily curl my hair. As I walk out of the bathroom hand in hand with Calum I switch off the light behind me. All of us are now waiting on Bailey. Calum is sitting on the lounge with my legs drapped across his lap. I get out my phone and start taking selfies with him. We take some very ugly photos, which are really horid and I have to delete later, but we also get some cute ones. After a quick edit and an upload to twitter, Bailey finally was ready. I pull at the black laces on my black converse shoes as we head to the car we hired. We pulled up at this fancy cafe and ordered a whole bunch of food.

"So what are the plans for today?" Bailey asks, scoffing down her pancakes.

"Well, we have studio in an hour, but the afternoon is free. We could go to Disneyland?" Mike suggests.

"Sounds great!" I say, taking a sip of my orange juice. Not long after that we decide to pay and head to the studio. Once we pull up at Capitol we are immediately swamped by fans. The security guards barricade the fans off and escort us in. It's crazy. We walk in and ride an elevator to the top floor.

"I gotta show you something," Calum whispers in my ear as he takes my hand. I smile and follow him.

We walk in the studio room and the boys manager says, "Your producer is running 10 minutes late. You can go chill for a bit." We both nod as Calum grabs a guitar and takes my hand.

"Come with me," he says as we sneak out to the elevator, Calum hits the rooftop button. "What are you showing me?" I ask, confused.

"You'll see", he smirks as thoughhe is up to no good. He walks out and leads me out a door. We make our way out on to the roof and over to a sheltered area with a lounge suite. He sits down beside me.

"What's wrong?" I ask, concerned.

"Nothing is wrong, I promise babe. Remember the time when I cheated on you and we broke up for a while?" Calum says nervously.

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