Chapter 35 ; Disneyland & Goodbyes

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A/N: this chapter is a bit of an overview but the story is nearly finished so we are just trying to wrap things up :) hope you are all enjoying!

Bailey's POV

By the time the boys have finished recording the vocals for Good Girls, it's about midday, and we race out past the crowd of screaming girls to the car, which is totally bizarre. We have to race if we want to have any fun at Disneyland, but it's not far away, and it doesn't take long at all with Ashton driving at the speed of light. Since it's a Tuesday, the lines aren't too long, so we can get in almost straight away, buy our ears and hats and race to all the best rides. We go on Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, The Matterhorn, the Teacups, and heaps more, and take photos with all our favourite Disney Characters. After a tiring few hours, we make our way to California Adventure Park, where we ride California Screamin', the biggest coaster in the park, along with a ton of other rides. At the end of the night, we make our way to Downtown Disney for some dinner and shopping before back to the Disneyland entrance for the light and fireworks show, which is amazing, huddled up under Luke's shoulder, gaping at the fantastic explosions of light in midair. After the park closes, we all walk back to the car, yawning and rubbing our eyes. It's been a huge day, and we're all ready to go back home and sleep.




Daisy's POV

After three weeks of exploring, driving, recording, eating, swimming, tanning, getting tattoos (Michael and Cal both added to their collections) and overall having an amazing time together, it's time for me and the boys to go home. Cali has been amazing, but I'm well and truly ready to go back to Australia, see my family and friends and have a rest. Bailey and Luke are off to New York next, which is her dream city, so they're both super excited, and our flights are at similar times, so we all drive to San Francisco airport together to get on our separate planes. Lugging our suitcases, we all go get something to eat before Bailey and Luke's flight number is called over the loudspeaker, so we all say a teary goodbye and exchange hugs before they walk away towards the domestic terminal. The rest of us sit around and chat for a bit longer before our flight is called, and we drag our cases towards check in, sit around and wait a bit longer before getting on the 15 hour flight home. Calum holds my hand as we sit in our huge first class chairs again, and the plane takes off.


Luke's POV

After saying goodbye to Daisy and all the guys, Bailey and me walk hand in hand towards our terminal, where we have about half an hour to kill before we board our flight to JFK Airport in New York. We sit in the waiting area, talking excitedly about New York between ourselves, and before I know it we start to board the plane. We find our seats, put all our bags at our feet and, once we're in the air, we sync up our tv screens so we can both watch The Purge at the same time, but it doesn't take long for us both to doze off...

I wake up to the seatbelt sign dinging, and my ears starting to pop. I gently shake Bailey awake and hand her a piece of gum for her ears. The plane slowly descends and within twenty minutes the plane is on the ground and we start to make our way to the baggage carousel, Bailey practically skipping with excitement.

'Bai, wait up!' I yell frantically, trying to drag my suitcase from the carousel and run to follow her out the doors while she tries to hail a taxi. I can see her being pushed and jostled in the crowd of arrivals, and I race to stand next to her, and since I tower over most of the other people standing on the sidewalk, we are some of the first to successfully land a cab. The driver helps us pack our huge bags into the boot of the car and we both pile into the backseat, and I rattle off the address of the loft we are renting in Soho. Bailey stares out the window like a kid in a candy store, a huge grin plastered on her face, which is pressed up against the glass. She stares at the huge buildings and lights of the city in awe, laughing and pointing at all the famous spots. We drive along Broadway looking for our building - the only clue we have is that there's a Starbucks right at the bottom of the apartment complex. Bailey looks a little confused at all the open shops filled with customers - it's about 7pm. The taxi driver tells her that most of the shops here stay open until around 1am and she looks at me with a mischievous grin.

'You up for a night shop after dinner, babe?" she says excitedly.

'If you say so,' I laugh, shaking my head as she gasps and jumps up and down at the huge Abercrombie & Fitch store on the corner of our street. We eventually pull up outside our building, thank the taxi driver and tip him, grab our bags and ride the elevator up to the top floor. Bailey looks at me in excitement as I turn the key in the door and push it open, then squeals and runs inside the loft. It's amazing, I have to admit, and after sussing everything out, we quickly get changed into our coats and and scarves before going downstairs and up the street a bit to a tiny little bar for something to eat. After an amazing meal, Bailey takes me by the hand and drags me around Broadway to all her favourite shops until about 10, when I eventually tell her that if she doesn't leave now I'm going back to the loft without her. She quickly pays for her new coat and runs out the door, walking quickly back to apartment, and as soon as we get there she dumps her bags on the ground and crashes into bed, still fully clothed. I laugh and pull her coat, scarf, beanie, jeans and shoes off then pile in next to her.

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