Chapter 36 ; Home

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Daisy's POV

Calum and I are driving to the airport to pick up Luke and Bailey and take them home. We pull into the airport pickup zone and spot them, Bailey leaning on Luke's shoulder with her eyes closed and her mouth open. He jostles her and she snaps upright, looking around until she spots us, when she breaks out in a huge grin and runs over to the car, dragging her case behind her. Luke follows quickly behind her and it doesn't take long before the four of us are all enveloped in one huge group hug.

'Oh, I missed you guys heaps! I'm so tired, oh my god,' Bailey laughs, climbing into the car behind me in the passenger seat.

'Yeah, me too,' says Luke, 'I'm glad to be back!'

'I know, it's always nice to come home after a while!' smiles Cal.

'Definitely,' Luke agrees.

'Come on then, tell us about it!' I say, looking behind me at Bailey. She smiles and starts rattling off all the things they did.

'We saw everything, really, we went to the Empire State Building, the 9/11 Memorial, Rockerfeller Centre, Times Square, M&M World, we saw Wicked on Broadway, and oh my god the shopping was amazing. Look!' She holds out her wrist to show me a delicate gold bracelet.

'Oh, wow, Bai, that's gorgeous!' I smile. Luke looks smug.

'Yeah, well. Thank god he has good taste in jewellery!' she laughs. We keep chattering away for a while about their trip and what's been going on at home since they've been gone, and eventually Calum stops the car to get us all a coffee and have a toilet stop.

Bailey's POV

Everyone comes back from the car one by one after we all go to the toilet and Calum runs across the road to get everyone a coffee. Luke, Daisy and I sit in the car and talk for a bit until he comes back carrying a cardboard tray with four tall, steaming takeaway cups in it. He gets in the car and pulls out onto the highway, then pulls out his coffee, hands Daisy hers and leans over to Luke and I in the backseat. That's when the huge truck pulls out from the hidden side street. I scream and he drops the coffees and they spill all over my feet. The passenger side is facing the front of the truck and in an instant I can tell it is going to T-Bone Daisy and I. I grab Luke's hand tight and squeeze my eyes shut as hard as I can. A split second later I feel a huge impact on my door and my neck snaps so that my head slams against the window. I black out.



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