Chapter 21; You've Got Mail

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Daisy's POV

It's been ten days since Calum and I made up and although he's still in the doghouse and he knows I'm not completely over what happened, things are going well between us and I am head over heels for him. It's a Saturday morning and I'm half asleep when I hear frantic knocking coming from the front of the house. I'm a little puzzled - it's only 8:00am and everyone is asleep except my mum and my little sister. I hear the door creak open, muffled talking and then footsteps approaching my room. I groan and pull the covers over my head, peeking out from under the doona. I spot a pair of floral Doc Martens and I instantly know who it is.

"DAISY DAISY DAISY DAISY DAISY DAISY! DAIS!" Bailey jumps up and down.

"This better be good, bitch, today was my only day to sleep in for the next two weeks."

"This arrived in the mail yesterday. I didn't want to open it without you," she says, thrusting an envelope at me as I sit up, run my fingers through my hair and yawn. The messy scrawl on the letter reads "BAI AND DAIS" followed by Bailey's address. There's only four people in the world who call us that, because they know we hate it and they're the only ones who could ever get away with it. There's a UK stamp on the front. Now wide awake and buzzing with curiosity, I tear open the letter. A tiny note falls out.

"Surprise. See you soon. C.A.L.M. xx," Bailey reads aloud. "So it's from all the boys? Jesus, Mary and Joseph, are those what I think they are?!" she yells when I pull out two plane tickets to London and fan my face with them.

"WE'RE GOING TO LONDON BABY!" I scream at the top of my lungs, and we both start yelling and jumping on my bed. About thirty seconds later, Mum bursts through my bedroom door.

"What are you girls on about now? Did one of the One Direction boys follow you on Twitter or something?" she asks. I quickly hide the tickets.

"Mum, I'm about to tell you something really, really big. Can you please keep an open mind and I can convince you that it's all fine?"

"Depends what you're about to tell me," Mum says suspiciously, narrowing her eyes. "What are you two scheming?"

"Well, it's not actually us that's scheming. It's Cal and Luke. And Ash and Michael. They sent us these," I say slowly, handing her the tickets. She takes them from me and reads over them silently.

"Ah," she says. "This, uh... This is sudden." She pulls her phone from her back pocket and taps at it for a few seconds before raising it to her ear, pausing and saying, "Hi, Lou, it's Karen. You're going to need to come over here, the girls have got some pretty big news. Well, they think it's great news, I'm not sure how I feel about it. Yeah, that's fine. Okay, see you soon." She clicks the lock button and stuffs it in her pocket. "Why don't you girls come and sit at the table and have some breakfast?"

Bailey's POV

Daisy, her mum and I are all sitting silently around the table, the spare seat across from me soon to be occupied by my mum, who I'm sure isn't going to agree to this. Daisy and I have already demolished four pieces of toast each and now I'm nervously chewing my nails and tapping my foot on the leg of the table. Daisy is drumming her fingers on the tabletop and clicking her tongue. In case you haven't realised, we're stressed. What if they say no? The boys will have wasted all that money on us and we won't be able to see them for another month! I haven't spoken to Luke in almost two weeks and it's killing me, but the time difference makes everything so hard and we're both so busy it's almost impossible to find time for each other. But, when mum walks through the door, sits down across from me and goes strangely quiet when Dais and I fill her in on what's happening, I jump at the opportunity to call him and talk travel details. The phone starts dialling and I put him on speakerphone. He picks up on the third ring.

"Hey, I was wondering when I'd hear from you!" he says happily.

"Luke, you're on speaker, Daisy and my mum and her mum are here too," I say, trying to sound optimistic.

"So I guess you got our present, then?" he asks, and when I tell him yes, he asks, "So what's the verdict?"

"Well, we're not entirely convinced, Luke," my mum interjects. "We haven't even met you and Calum properly yet, and you want us to fly our daughters halfway around the world to see you? It's a big ask."

"I know, I know, but hear me out. Hey, guys, can you come here? The girls are on the phone, we need to talk about them coming over here," he says. "I'll put you on speaker and you can talk to the other boys, too, we have everything planned out."

"Hello there friends!" Ash laughs, and I hear Michael yelling in the background.

"Uh, our mums are on the phone too guys, just to let you know," Daisy says, and I'm grateful she did - who knows what could come out of their mouths at any time!

"Oh, okay. Hi Daisy and Bailey's mums!" Calum says. "So, if you take the girls to the airport, all the girls have to do by themselves is go through customs and stuff and get on the plane. We'll be there at the airport in London to meet them the minute they touch down. They'll be absolutely fine!"

"But Calum, we're not entirely comfortable with two fifteen year old girls flying to England to stay with their boyfriends on their own. You guys are only seventeen or eighteen, that kind of sounds like a recipe for disaster. Plus, who knows what kind of mischief the lot of you will get up to if you're all living together. None of you want to hear this, I know, but teenagers are always going to think they're ready for things that they might not be ready for-"

"Ew, mum, shut up shut up shut up!" Daisy squeals, interrupting her mum. "Nothing sexual will happen, I can promise you that much!"

"Yeah, and we all sleep at opposite ends of the house, us boys sleep downstairs and we have a room for the girls upstairs. Plus, Luke and Cal's mums are both over here with us, so we're not on our own, and nothing can get past them!" Ash says.

"Yeah, it's all good. And the girls are almost sixteen, hadn't your stepsister moved to London by the time she was seventeen, Bai?" Michael asks. Nice move.

"Good point, she had," Mum says, cocking her head to the side. She raises her eyebrows at Daisy's mum, who smiles and shrugs. "Well, if your mothers are over there... I'd like to talk to them beforehand, of course, but I guess it's doable."

"Yeah, but... Wait, WHAT? WE CAN GO?" I yell.

"We're trusting all of you, don't let us down. But yes, you can go," Daisy's mum smiles. I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. WE ARE GOING TO LONDON. I hear cheering on the other end of the phone and Dais and I start yelling and jumping up and down and hugging each other and our mums. Oh my god, I only have a week to get ready! LONDON!

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