Chapter 27; Party

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Calum's POV

I wake up in the hospital feeling a little disorientated. It takes me a few seconds to realise where I am. It's around 11:30am when I'm finally discharged from hospital. Thank god, I hate hospitals. Daisy and I walk all the way back to the 5SOS House. By the time we get back it's around lunch time, and EVERYONE is still asleep. Lazy shits. I decided to freshen up while Daisy sleeps on the lounge. She must've have the worst sleep last night. After I shower and change, I decide to make a keek to let everyone know I'm alive and well. I grab my iPhone and start recording.

"Hey keek! So I know a lot of you are worried about what happened last night but I'm out of hospital and I'm fine! Love you guys!"

Daisy's POV

I wake up to Calum making a keek. I smile with closed eyes. Slowly, I get up from the lounge and I look in the mirror. Ugh, I look terrible. I race upstairs and take a shower to remove the makeup crap from my face. After I freshen up I put on some black tracksuit pants with a black singlet. I pull my hair into a messy bun and trudge back downstairs. I see shirtless Calum in the kitchen making lunch, and I sneak up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Hey babe," he smiles as he cuts his sandwich in half.

"You feeling better?" I ask.

"Much better. Especially now you're here, and looking mighty fine," he says with a wink.

"You're cute, you know that?" I laugh.

"But you're the cutest."

I kiss him softly.

"You don't mind if we have a few friends over tonight do you?" Calum asks.

"No, I don't mind, but should I dress a little better?" I laugh, striking a pose in my ratty old sweats.

"You're beautiful, but yeah. You'll like these people!" he smirks.

"Who's coming?" I ask, curious.

"Hmm, some good friends. It's a surprise. Come help wake up everyone," he says mischievously. He pulls out two saucepan lids and bangs them together, resulting in a huge crash. I laugh and grab a pot and a wooden spoon from the cupboard.

"I'll get Bailey and Luke, you get Ashton and Michael," I giggle.

I creep upstairs to where Bailey's and my room, which is empty, so I silently tip toe into Luke's room where he is sleeping next to Bailey, his arm draped over her. I turn on the lights and start pounding the pot with the spoon and jumping up and down.

"GET UP YOU LAZY FUCKERS!" I shriek, and I hear Calum scream at the boys from the other end of the house. Luke and Bailey shoot up like firecrackers.

"WHAT THE HELL, DAISY?" Bailey shouts.

"Bro, it's lunch time, get up. There's people coming over tonight, we gotta get ready!"

"Who's coming over?" Luke yawns, stretching his arms.

"I don't know, Calum just said some friends of yours were visiting," I say with a shrug.

When they finally get up, I walk out of the room and back down stairs to find a very sleepy Ashton and Michael.

"Afternoon sleepy heads," I stir.

Bailey and Luke come downstairs, Bailey stomping with her arms crossed. She HATES being woken up.

"Calum, who's coming tonight?" Luke asks, scratching his head. Baikey yawns as I hand her a mug of extra strong coffee.

Cal just gives Luke and the boys a look.

"OHHH," they all say in harmony.

Calum just shakes his head with a smirk while Baikey and I just look at each other, baffled.


Daisys POV

Bailey and I race upstairs to get ready for the party. I apply light makeup and straighten my hair. I squeeze into some dark skinny jeans with Calum's (now my) Santa Cruz tank top with my camo green parka and dark ankle boots. Bailey decides on wearing her Blink-182 shirt with my skull cardigan and dark ripped skinny jeans and white Converse sneakers. When we are finally ready, Bai sprays some hairspray into her messily curled hair and skips downstairs, me following behind.

"So when these people come, you have to be calm. No screaming okay?" Ashton giggles.

"Promise!" I smile.

"Uhhhh, I'll try?" Bailey says sheepishly.

We hear the doorbell and Bailey and I are trying not to squeal. Michael opens the door and five familar faces appear in the doorway.

"Hi Harry! How are you?" I smile, trying not to scream in front of him. It doesn't get any easier the second time.

"Hey, Dais, yeah I'm good, you alright?" Harry replies hugging me.

I'm great, thanks," I grin. He steps aside and a short blonde boy is suddenly standing in front of me.

"Hey Niall, how are you? I'm Daisy," I smile.

"Hey, I'm buzzing, I've heard alot about you! How are ya?" Niall says in his deep Irish accent, hugging me.

"Yeah, I"m great!" I reply shakily. I feel as though I could pass out. Liam makes his way over to us.

"Daisy, is it?" Liam smiles.

"That's me! How are you?" I say, hugging him.

"I've heard alot about you! I'm great! You alright babe?" Liam asks.

"Awh, I'm good thank you!" I blush.

"Hey babe, you alright?" Zayn smiles.

"Hey, yeah I'm great! and you? I'm Daisy," I reply, opening my arms and hugging him.

"Yeah I'm good, nice to meet you."

"DAAAIIISSYYYY!" Louis yells. "I've heard a lot about this one! Come here, give me a cuddle, you!" Louis waves me over and wraps his arms around me.

"It's nice to meet you!" I smile up at him.

"You too love!" Louis smiles.

Bailey's POV

Tonight I've met all the members of One Direction and have taken countless selfies with them. I'm 16 and wouldn't have ever dreamed that I would be dating Luke Hemmings, let alone meet all these amazing people. This is all to crazy. I look across the room and I see Daisy taking selfies with Niall. It makes me laugh, watching her do a huge double chin and him do "the eyebrow thing". We've all had a great night and I've gotten Harry's and Liam's numbers, what more could a girl want? After a long night of blasting All Time Low and Mayday Parade the boys finally leave. I wind down in bed with my favourite person in the world. Luke. I snuggle up in his arms. Dais and I have been here for two weeks and have completely broken our parent's rule of "Daisy and Bailey must sleep in the same bed". I slowly drift off to sleep in Lukes arms.

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