Chapter 22; London

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Bailey's POV

I've been shut in my room for four hours now, and the entire contents of my wardrobe is either on the floor or my bed, or folded in what is probably the biggest suitcase anyone has ever seen. It's winter over there, so a navy coat I borrowed off my friend Isobel, my own brown coat, my maroon parka and all my jeans are stuffed in the bottom along with countless sweaters, hoodies and beanies. I don't want to fill this suitcase, because I'm hoping to get some serious shopping done in London, but I just can't decide what to take! Eventually, I narrow it down to 3 coats, 9 sweaters, 8 pairs of jeans, 7 hoodies, 12 pairs of shoes, 7 beanies, 2 pairs of gloves, 7 scarves and a whole lot of makeup and hair products. Yikes. That's not that much for two weeks, is it? Actually, apparently it is, because the next minute Daisy appears in my room and her mouth falls open.

"Did a bomb go off in here? How many pairs of jeans do you need, woman? These two are exactly the same, you spastic!"

"Hey, those ones are high-waisted!" I say defensively, hiding the final pair I was planning to put in there.

"Dude, I have three pairs in my bag. Five is your maximum," she says, removing my ripped jeans and the two pairs she thought were the same.

"Hey, I need at least one of them!" I whine, snatching the high-waisted pair away from her and folding them up again.

"Do you really need 3 pairs of ankle boots?" she says, pulling all my shoes out of a corner.

"Well, there's 3 different styles! Stiletto, wedge and flats. Hmm, maybe you're right, I don't think I need the stilettos."

We go back and forth between different items of clothing before we finally have it all sorted - tomorrow, I will wear my spray on black pants rolled up and oversized white T-shirt to the airport with my Nikes, and when we get to London I can roll my pants down, change into my ankle boots with a tiny wedge heel and put on the navy coat, black fingerless gloves, cream loop scarf and black beanie. In the bag, there are five pairs of jeans, 6 sweaters, 4 hoodies, 8 pairs of shoes, 5 beanies, 3 scarves and one pair of gloves, along with all my toiletries. That's an amazing effort for me, because I NEVER pack lightly for anything. Daisy helps me wheel my suitcase to the front door where hers already sits, because we have an early start tomorrow to get to the airport by 8am. Our flight leaves at 10 and gets into to Heathrow Airport at 6:30 the next morning Australian time. The boys and Liz are meeting us there. It's now 8pm and Dais and I settle down to watch a movie. We decide on Legally Blonde, but we don't watch much of it - we're eating chocolate and talking about the trip the whole time. At about 10, we eventually drop off, ready for the early start tomorrow.

Daisy's POV

I wake up long before the alarm goes off. It's finally here! Today we fly out to LONDON! I've never been more excited for anything, I've missed Calum so much lately. And I've never been overseas, so this is really huge for me. When Bai finally rolls over at 5:30am to switch off her alarm, we're both smiling at each other, wide-eyed.

"Guess what?" Bailey croaks, her throat still waking up.

"We're going to London today?" I say.

"Nope. Well, yeah, but that's not what I was gonna say. I went on Tumblr last night when I woke up in the middle of the night, and I found out that a few bands we like are in London as well. Like Arctic Monkeys. And All Time Low. AND ONE DIRECTION."

"No way!" I whisper, not wanting to wake up the whole house. "Do you think we might get to meet some of them?" I ask excitedly.

"Maybe, who knows what the boys have planned!" Bailey smiles, pushing the doona off her and getting up to have a shower. I make my way into the kitchen where Bailey's mum is already up and making breakfast.

"Morning, how did you girls sleep? Are you excited?" she smiles.

"More excited than I've ever been in my life!" I say happily as she puts a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me. "We slept pretty well, actually, we got an early night!"

"I doubt it, but good to hear either way," she laughs. Bailey emerges from the bathroom, already fully dressed but still with damp hair and no makeup.

"I'm having a dilemma," she frowns. "I'm torn between giving zero craps what I look like since we're getting on a 21 hour flight, and wanting to dress to impress when we land and see the boys."

"Zero craps given over here," I say, finishing my breakfast and thanking Bailey's mum over my shoulder as I make my way to the bathroom for a shower. I quickly cleanse my face and give myself a quick rinse before pulling on today's outfit, which has to be fit for Aussie summer weather but be easily changed over into a winter outfit for London. I decide on a black skater skirt and singlet top with black ballet flats - I can pull on black opaque tights under my skirt and pull a white sweater over the top of my singlet for a wintery monochrome look in the UK. It doesn't take long for me to quickly pull my hair into a ponytail, moisturise and brush my teeth before it's time to go. Bai and I lug our suitcases out to the car and into the boot and sit together in the backseat for the ride to the airport. I'm trembling with excitement. When we arrive, Bailey's mum hugs us both tight and says a teary goodbye before driving away, and Bailey and I make our way into the international terminal. It doesn't take us long to check in and make our way to duty free, where we do some quick shopping - we grab a few things from Victoria's Secret, some books and magazines for the flight and some OPI nail polish. We sit around for a while and grab a coffee from Starbucks each, flicking through magazines and talking for a while before it's time to board. We find our seats on the plane and both put a movie on as soon as we're in the air, but it doesn't take long for us to drop off to sleep. After what seems like an eternity sitting in my seat and alternating between sleeping, watching movies, listening to music and reading, we finally touch down in London. Bailey and I practically sprint off the plane and run to the baggage carousel, grab our bags as fast as humanly possible and run to the gate, pulling on our coats as we go - and there they are. I let go of my bag and run up to Cal and jump in the air and he swings me around in a full circle before kissing me softly and laughing, and placing me gently back on the ground.

"I missed you so much," he whispers, running his fingers through my hair.

"I think I missed you more, Hood," I grin at him, and kiss him on the cheek. I let go of his hand and run over to greet the other boys. Ashton gives me a giant bear hug and Michael joins in and we all topple over onto the ground. Laughing hysterically, all the boys help me up and fight over who gets to help me carry my bags. I actually have to clear my throat to get Luke's attention to say hi - he's staring at Bailey talking to Mike with a huge grin on his face. When he notices me, he picks me up off the ground and gives me a big hug.

"I'm so glad you guys are here," he says.

'Me too, Lukey," I smile. I briefly greet Liz and we make our way outside to go back to the house.

Bailey's POV

The minute I lay eyes on Luke, I can't help myself. I break into a full on sprint and let go of my suitcase. It topples to the ground behind me as I launch myself at Luke and hug him as tightly as I can. I never want to let go. He looks down and smiles at me and I stand up on my tippy toes to kiss him. He has to pull away from me eventually - I have no self control, I could stand there and kiss him forever. We chat briefly about nothing in particular - we'd both rather talk properly once we're back at the house and have a little privacy. The other boys greet me one by one, and Mike starts telling me everything they've gotten up to over the last month before I give Liz a big hug and we all make our way out to the car to go to the house.

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