Chapter 14; Is it a double date?

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Daisy's POV.

I go to get ready for the "something special" thing that Calum has planned. I put on a multicoloured dress that I got from Princess Polly. It's my favourite dress. I straighten my hair and I realise with a shock that I have no high heels, but Calum tells me his sister is the same size as me. I ask Mali if I could borrow a pair of her shoes and she kindly agrees. She leads me to her room to choose the shoes. I choose these nude coloured wedges. They fit like a glove.

"You look beautiful Dais," Mali smiles.

"Thank you," I reply, blushing.

"Calum will love it!" Mali assures me.

"Really? You think so?" I ask.

"I'm positive!" she smiles.

Mali also kindly lends me some of her jewellery and her clutch bag which I want to steal. It's gorgeous. We hear a knock on Mali's door. It's Calum.

"You read-, Woah, Dais, you look amazing." Calum stands there, just looking me up and down.

"Thank you babe," I laugh as I walk over to hug him which wasn't so hard now I have heels on.

"I can hug you better now!" I proudly announce.

"I still love it when you're short." He assures me.

Bailey's POV

Luke told me we are going somewhere special tonight with Daisy and Calum. He also told me to wear the best dress I have. I'm actually so glad I brought my mint green dress I got from my local boutique. I curl my hair, apply a little more makeup than I would usually wear and slip on my black wedges.

I walk out into the lounge room where the boys are still sitting, now up to Scream III. Luke almost falls off his seat when he spots me. Ashton wolf whistles which makes my face grow hot. Luke walks up to me.

"You're beautiful babe, you really are." Luke smiles.

"Thanks Lucas," I say, kissing him softly.

I sit on the lounge going through my Instagram watching the video Calum posted. It was actually so cute. Daisy looks embarrassed but it looks so cute. I take a selfie of me, Luke and Ash and post it with the caption "Out on the town in Sydney with my main man! And some gay third wheel drummer idk @luke_is_a_penguin @ashtonirwin"

Luke laughs and they both like it straight away. I turn around at the sound of footsteps and Daisy appears in her favourite dress which is actually amazing on her. She looks so beautiful. I wolf whistle making her laugh and she turns her head.

Joy, Calum's mum, comes around the corner.

"Couple photos, come on!" she says.

I get up and grab Lukes hand and we stand next to Daisy and Calum. Joy takes the photo on her phone. I hand Mali my phone to take photos.

"Okay, Cal and Dais, just you two!" Joy says proudly. I watch Daisy hand her phone to Mali, indicating her to take photos.

"Luke and Bailey now!" Mali says smiling with her perfectly straight teeth.

After we take what feels like a billion photos together we are finally ready to go.

Daisy's POV

After Bailey and Luke take their photos, we were ready to go. Luke and Lily hop into the backseat while I sit in the front seat with Calum, since he's driving.

The traffic is pretty bad, since it's peak hour.

"Where are we going?" I ask Calum.

"Surprise" Calum smirks.

We stop at a set of traffic lights and I hold out my phone to take a group photo.

"Group photo!" I say.

We all pose and I take the photo. It's actually really cute. I post it on twitter.

"@Calum5SOS @Luke5SOS @gryffindornarry Going to a surprise place with these lovelys <3"

"Man, I need to change my username," laughs Lily from the backseat.

It instantly gets a huge number of retweets and favourites. My follower count has gone through the roof since the twitcam.

We arrive at a cute little Italian resturant. A waitress comes over to show us our table. Bai and Luke sit on one side of the booth and Cal and I take the other.

"I love it, thank you." I kiss Calum's cheek.

"You're so welcome, beautiful" Calum replies.

Bailey's POV

I think the incident at the restaurant near my house was a one time thing, because Luke is being sweet and nice and... well, very Luke-ish. When the waitress comes to take our orders, I ask for a lemon squash with basil, which may sound weird but it's honestly one of the best things I've ever tasted, and a small margharita pizza, and Luke straight away says, "Make that a large, I want to share!" He takes my hand and rubs his thumb over mine.

"The six of us are spending the day shopping tomorrow," he announces. "I want to buy you something."

"Don't be dim, I have money. But you may have realised that shopping is my favourite pastime, so be prepared, because you will witness a professional at work."

"Righto," Calum laughs, and says to Daisy, "Are you a shopaholic too?" He sounds a little worried.

"Of course, but not as bad as her!" she laughs, pointing at me with a freshly manicured finger. "She's a shocker, I don't know how she ever manages to save any money. She has expensive taste, Hemmings, so I'm warning you now, don't take her anywhere near the high end stores. And for God's sake, if anywhere sells Louboutins, keep her as far away as possible!"

"Alright, let's stop the 'Pick on Bai Because She Likes To Buy Things' campaign, shall we? And for the record, I could never afford a pair of Loubies, so I would only ever stare longingly at them," I say as our food arrives. We spend the next half hour laughing and joking around and munching on pizza. After dinner, we argue over the bill, but of course the boys win and pay for all of us. The drive home is uneventful, but Luke and I briefly talk about tomorrow - after the shopping extravaganza, I'm going to his house for the night to meet his family, which makes me a little nervous. When we get back to the Hoods', I pull on Luke's hoodie and my pyjama shorts, and the four of us fit in with the other boys for a Big Bang Theory marathon. It's turning out to be a perfect week already.

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