Chapter 33; California

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Daisy's POV

It's the middle of the night and I'm tossing and turning in excitement. I take a deep breath and stare at my ceiling. My mind is buzzing. My life has drastically changed. Calum is a big part of my life now. If Bailey's friends hadn't booked 5 Seconds Of Summer for the Australia Day Party we would definitely wouldn't be in the position that I'm in now. As I roll over and check my phone for the time, I shield my eyes, the bright light from my phone making me squint. 3:33am. Go to sleep, I think, groaning as I roll over. The whirring thoughts begin to slow down and my mind clears as I finally start to fall asleep.


My alarm wails. I moan as I open my eyes and blink repeatedly until they focus. I rub my eyes for a minute and contemplate never leaving my bed, then reality hits. California. I leap out of bed and sprint to my shower, a sudden burst of excited energy coursing through my veins. Towelling my wet hair, I try to pick something comfortable to wear on the plane. Eventually, I decide on leggings, my ATL shirt and one of Calum's hoodies. I hear a light tap on the door - Calum's here to pick me up. I quickly dash into my mum's room to give her a huge hug, because I won't be seeing her for three weeks. After a teary goodbye, I help Calum lug my suitcase to the boot of the car and find everyone else already seat belted and ready to go, including Bailey, who is leaning on Luke's shoulder with her mouth wide open and eyes shut. He shrugs and looks sheepish, and I just laugh and stick my finger in her ear. She wakes with a start, whips around and before I can say anything, her eyes fly open and she bops me hard over the head with her water bottle. I just sit there in shock as she covers her mouth with her hands.

"Oh, my god, Daisy, I'm so sorry! I told you we should've gotten a night flight! I don't do mornings!" she yells at Luke, pouting.

"Yeah, but we want to land at night there so we can go straight to sleep and not get too jetlagged!' he retorts, trying not to laugh at her as she groans, leaning her head back against the seat and pressing a hand to her forehead.

"It should be illegal to make someone get up before 10am," she barely has time to groan before she slumps on Luke's shoulder again. I watch him adjust her head so she's more comfortable and smile to myself - the way he looks at her is so special, he absolutely adores her. He takes her hand in his and draws circles on the back of it with his thumb, and she snuggles down into his shoulder even more. I close my eyes and lean back on my seat, and stick my headphones in my ears.

Bailey's POV

We arrive at the airport around 9am, which I think should be against the law. Yawning, I sling my backpack over my shoulder and drag my gigantic pink suitcase behind me into the international terminal. We check our bags in and go through security, then we have an hour to kill in duty free before we have to get on our flight. We make our way to a little cafe and have some breakfast, and after my third coffee starts to kick in and I have a little energy, I decide to invest in a little retail therapy to perk myself up a bit before I have to get on the 14 hour flight to San Francisco. I'm not myself, so I only spend $150 - some food, drink, books and mags for the flight, a neck pillow, some shoes, a watch and a phone case. My black and white Nike Frees squeak on the airport floor as I walk back to the guys and Daisy all sitting around the same small table. I sit down in the seat next to Luke, pulling the sleeves of my black Victoria's Secret hoodie over my hands into sweater paws. He puts his arm around my shoulder and whispers in my ear.

"Excited?" he asks, smiling.

"Very. But also tired. I'm excited on the inside," I laugh, yawning. Over the loudspeaker, they call out our flight number, telling us its time to board. I shiver excitedly, take Luke's hand and the six of us walk to our gate, ready to board our (first class) seats to LA. We flash the security guards our passports and show them our tickets, then make our way through the tunnel onto the plane, crashing in the huge lounge-sized chairs, TV screens in front of us. Before long, the plane starts moving, and all of a sudden we're in the air. I lean back in my chair and play Easy A on my TV screen - it's gonna be a long ride.


3 movies, 2 playlists and 6 hours of sleep later, I wake to the seat belt sign being turned back on and Luke sleeping on my shoulder. I gently shake him awake, hand him a piece of chewing gum to stop his ears popping on the descent and pull my chair back into the upright position as I feel the plane starting to drop. I peer out my window and see all the city lights and i instantly perk up, tugging on Luke's shirt and making him look out the window too. He smiles.

"I love it here," he says quietly, grabbing my hand.

"Me too, it's good to be back," I grin, kissing him quickly. He laughs and for the rest of the way down, we stare out the window and talk about where we are going to spend the next three weeks.

Daisy's POV

I'm in the back seat of a cab with Calum, holding hands, and finally we pull up outside the apartment where we're staying. It's a two storey place with three bedrooms, so Bailey and I will share a room, but her and Luke will sleep in there and I'll sleep in Calum's room, and Michael called the third room, his argument being that Ashton is the shortest and he would fit on the couch best. Calum slots the key in the door and we go inside, and it's amazing. Huge, open loungeroom with two lounge chairs and a giant sofa, a beautiful kitchen and dining table, spiral stairs, the two of the bedrooms upstairs along with a beautiful balcony. There's a huge bathroom on each floor, which is great because I've seen the state of Bailey's bathroom at home and there's no way I'm sharing with her, it's disgusting.

"Whoa, this place is amazing!" I hear Ashton yell from downstairs, and Bai giggles in delight before stomping up the spiral stairs with her day bag. Luke trudges up behind her, struggling with her suitcase. We spend a while playing Rock Paper Scissors over who gets which bedroom and bathroom, before pulling on our pyjamas, watching a movie together and all crashing into our beds at 9pm.

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