Chapter 8; Movies

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Daisy's POV

It was 4:00 pm and Luke went with Bailey to her dance rehearsals. Mike and Ashton went back to their hotel. Calum and I were just walking around, side by side our hands were softly hitting each other as we walked. I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

"Have you had your first kiss yet?" Calum asked, I was a little taken back.

"Nah, not a serious one only ever in like truth or dare" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh, really?" Calum said wide eyed.

"Yeah" I blushed.

"But, you're hot! Who wouldn't be all over you!" Calum giggled.

"Well, I guess I'm not that good enough" I replied.

"Woahh, wait!" Calum walks infront of me and stops me by putting his hands on my shoulders. He looks directly into my eyes.

"Daisy, don't you ever say you're not good enough. Because you are. You're beautiful, funny, and you're not the stuck up type or the slutty type. I actually like the girls who don't go out on the weekends getting wasted and having sex with guys!, I like you, because you're not that type of girl. Don't ever say you're not good enough! When that first kiss comes, I promise you, that it will be special." Calum says not taking his glance from me.

"Thank you Cal" I hug him tightly.

We continue walking to the cinemas. It was 4:20 pm when we got there. Calum insisted on buying for me. I just stopped arguing with him, he would always win. We decided on the conjuring which is a scary movie. I'm actually dreading it so much. We walked over to the theatre and found seats in the back.

We talked for a while and the lights went down.

"I'll protect you!" Calum whispers.

During the scary parts I would just bury my face into his shirt. He found it cute. I was scared as hell!

After countless times of hiding into his chest the movie was finished.

"That was scary!" I told Calum

"It wasn't that bad!" Calum laughed.

We walked out and it was 6:30 pm. Calum's hotel wasn't that far away so we walked. I didn't mind, I had him. He wraps his arms me because he sences I was cold. We walk pass a park which I gave a quick glance to Calum.

"I'm going to beat you Hood." I wink.

"Oh hell no!" Calum laughs.

I started sprinting to the swings. I felt Calum grab my waist and throw me over his shoulders.

"CALUM, PUT ME DOWN!" I scream.

"No, Not until you tell me you love me!" Calum jokes.

"I love you!, Now put me down!" I smile.

He slowly puts me down. I was centimetres away from his lips. We stood for a second when I started running back to the swings. I reach the swings and sit down.

"HAHA, I win!" I shout.

No one answered.

"Calum?" I said getting scared.

"RAAHHHH" Calum jumps out.

"Oh my god!, don't do that!" I scream jumping out of my swing.

He was laughing so hard he was on the ground. I sat back down. He got up and stopped laughing.

"You done?" I asked.

"Yeah, It was funny!, you're face was priceless!" Calum giggles.

"I was shit scared!" I told him.

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